
作者&投稿:吁弦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

展开全部 元音字母组合oe在重读开音节中,发合口双元音\/o\/的音,这个双元音由两个音组成,第一个音是中元音\/ə\/,发音时,舌端离开下齿,双唇扁平,向第二个音\/ʊ\/滑动,舌位由低到高,口形由大到小,音量由强 发音不同。too 英 [tuː]美 [tu]look 英 [lʊk]美 [lʊk] 3、oo是词首或者词尾...

不是安装卡卡的用户都出问题啊,如果是这样子的话至少有3000W呢.问题是只有那个时间打开卡卡+OUTLOOK(而且还不包括OFFICE的OUTLOOK)用户.我用卡卡,我们学校也都有,但没有人用OULTOOK,所以没有一个出问题啊,真正找瑞星官方的那应该才是真正出问题的用户.所以瑞星官方的数据应该是可信的 ...

Said she know what she’s doin’, ey.. ey.. ey..(girl is a pro)Said she know what she’s doin’, ey.. ey.. ey..(oeh oeh)(R Kelly)I’mma drive 500 dollars on the flo’ so far and I’m just getting’ started And in case you didn’t know I’m a bulls e...

OENT可以组成下边这个单词:note:n.笔记;音符;票据;注解;纸币;便笺;照会;调子 vt.注意;记录;注解 一个小例句:He never took notes in class.他上课从不记笔记。希望回答对你有帮助。

谁有Writer's Block的中英文歌词对照? Nasri唱的!
\/我只是无法写出 I won’t write it.\/无法写出 Until my heart unlocks,\/除非有一天我心结已结 I'll have writers block, (oeh)\/我将永远写不出曲子, I'll have writers block..\/写不出曲子 You used to wait up late,\/你总是迟迟的在等待 I said I'd be right home.\/我说我马上...

求一首歌的歌词 Nasri的writer's block ,属于蓝调的哪一首,谢谢啦_百...
Huh-oh, oeh-oh, yea-eah Another one, two check,Another song for the radio.It hasn't sunk in yet,But it's about to, get personal.Last night my life,She walked out with a suitcase.Took me by surprise,And I'm hurting so bad.Now there's just an empty paper In a ...

现代英语的原型 freeze 是 ME 将 OE的复元音 o改写成单长元音 ee 而来,现代英语过去式 froze 从古英语 fruson元音倒置而来(o 取代 u),现代英语的过去词 frozen 则对应著古英语。 8. take(拿取)︰OE 字根 tac-,过去式 tc\/ tcon,过去分词 tacen,强动词。现代英语的过去式 took 直接对应古英语的 tc,现代...

I'll have writers block, (oeh)I'll have writers block...You used to wait up late,I said I'd be right home.I'd even miss our dates,Cause I was grinding in the studio.You always gave so much,I thought I gave it back.I guess I spend my love,To live in between ...

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Nasri - Writer’s Block 的中文翻译??
I'll have writer's block, (oeh)写不出来 I'll have writer's block...因为我说我马上就回家 You used to wait up late,你就等到深夜 I said I'd be right home.我甚至常常失约 I'd even miss our dates,为了那些烦人的工作 Cause I was grinding in the studio.你总是给得足够 You...

敖凤19654062975问: Joe lost his arms in an accident that killed his father. Since then he has had to depend on the     1    of his younger sister Ella. In order to take care ... -
合水县伤科回答:[答案] 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 分 析: 这篇文章讲述了两个遭遇相似苦难的人,在面对苦难时他们具... C. problems难题 D. business事情 根据句意:他们各自都有难题.故选C 4.A. his他的 B. her她的 C. my我的 D. their他们的 根...

敖凤19654062975问: 英语翻译题!!!英译汉 -
合水县伤科回答: joe十分懒惰.他除了吃和睡什么也不喜欢.所以,他非常的胖.他的背包里经常有许多的食物.每次你见到他,他的嘴里都是食物.他喜欢一些不健康的食品,像冰淇淋和炸薯条.但是他从来不吃水果和蔬菜,而且他不喜欢做运动.所以他越...

敖凤19654062975问: Joe - ------ - go to the doctor.His leg is broken. -
合水县伤科回答: have to do sth是不得不做某事,相当于must

敖凤19654062975问: 1 She took his hand () A in a friendly way B friendly C like a friend D as a friend 2 ()has h... -
合水县伤科回答: 展开全部1.A以友好的方式,B是形容词不能修饰took,D.take .... as 把....当作....2.D,whoever means the person who 3.B强调前者4.A,hardly....when 一.....就5.A任何事物,引导主语从句6.D培养孩子的想象力

敖凤19654062975问: 初中英语单词用法 -
合水县伤科回答: 1. be able to do能够做 After paying great efforts, he is able to speak English fluently. 2. be about to do正要做 As I was about to say, you interrupted me. 3. add… to…把……加…… If...

敖凤19654062975问: 英语题目求助
合水县伤科回答: 楼主第一个问题应该选B,单词打错了,应该是eventually最后终于,第二题D 第三题A 第四题D 第一题解释Joe很努力的工作,最后把自己累垮了,第二个是让步状语从句的倒装,形容词,名词或者是助动词提前,第三题who 是主语回答应该用主格,第四题情景交际,根据意思选,没有语法考点,答案B D A D since 通常翻译成自从或者由于因为,原因状从,before用于时间状从,翻译成在什么之前,还未来的及就.....

敖凤19654062975问: joe lost his arms in an accident that killed his father -
合水县伤科回答: 乔(Joe)在一场致使他爸爸死亡的事故中失去了双臂.

敖凤19654062975问: perfer to do 和perfer doing 的用法 -
合水县伤科回答: prefer用法 是可以加to的,但一般用法都是用不带to的用法.(中国考试也爱考这个,所以考试万一出了你还是不要带to) prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“宁愿做...而不做...” I prefer to watch TV rather than go out.我宁愿呆在家里也不出去....

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