
作者&投稿:裔侵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

If you agree, we will work till 12 today.21. 这里至少一半的玩具是那对双胞胎的。Almost half of the toys here are the twins'.22. 走过木屋,左转,沿着河边的一条小径走,然后你会看到一棵大树在你左边。Walk past the wooden house and turn left, then walk along a path near the ...

任意两个连续出现就会发生失爆或不完全爆破。例: sit down. a bad boy. goodbye.handbag. doctor. blackboard. next door. a red tie.2)爆破音+ 破擦音\/摩擦音 摩擦音\/s\/,\/z\/,\/f\/,\/v\/,\/r\/,\/h\/,\/θ\/ ,\/ʃ\/, \/ʒ\/;破擦音(爆破音+摩擦音) \/ts\/-\/dz\/ \/tr...

play sports [ple_][sp__ts]一站式出国留学攻略 http:\/\/

have a look \/lUk\/ 看一看good \/gUd\/ adj.好的four \/f :(r)\/ n.四Unit 4open \/5«Up«n\/ vt.打开the \/D«;DI;Di:\/ art.(定冠词)这;这些door \/d :\/ n.门please \/pli:z\/ adv.请close \/kl«Uz\/ vt.关;关闭stand up \/5stQnd Ãp\/ 站起来;起立sit down \/5sIt daUn\/ 坐下...

what'a say 直到我的声音干涩 继续打拼 another day 继续出发 奋力向前 开拓一条新的道路 花儿总会开,然后我们总会振翅自由飞向未来 虽然背负着沉重的现实,但朝着目标的顶点like a No Culture 猴子只能成为猴子,我就只能成为我 在把明天的事情放在心上而失望之前,今天先任由自己的心情 再生 今天...

1,“分期登载的长篇小说”可以为a serial novel,或 a novel to appear in instalmemts, a novel to be pubished in serial form 2,“他一定会受累”这里的“受累”并不是指“劳累”而是“陷入麻烦”,因此译为end up in trouble 3,“但是夜里写文章,一忽便会天亮”意为“在夜里写作,总会觉得天亮得特别早...

词汇搭配:lace up one's boots系紧靴子;in the boot在行李箱中;boot ball踢球;Long-barreled boots长筒靴子。相关例句:My foot won't go into this boot.我的脚伸不进这只靴子。Italy vaguely resembles a boot.意大利国的形状像只靴子。The door wouldn't open so I gave it a boot.门...

perhaps they've passed by each other a million times?或许他们擦肩而过已经历了无数?I want to ask them 我想问他们 if they don't remember--- 难道不记得两人 a moment face to face in some revolving door?在旋转门前面对面?perhaps a "sorry" muttered in a crowd?还有人群中含糊...

英语解释: If something is beyond a place or barrier, it is on the other side of it.例句帮助理解:1.They heard footsteps in the main room, beyond a door...他们听见门外的大厅里有脚步声。2. On his right was a thriving vegetable garden and beyond it a small orchard of ...

The ninestoreyed ovtagonal, is over sixty-meter-high, with a corridor encircled by stone rails on each story. The pagoda was designed by the famous architects Mao Fei and Dong Dayou . 3 characters “Linggupagoda” are inscribed on the lintel of the front door and “where there is a ...

萧迹19319232262问: 动词+able变形容词 -
清苑县海伦回答: 名词和及物动词+able构成形容词.表义“可以...的;能够...的”.如:readable,eatable;comfortable,fashionable.

萧迹19319232262问: with的用法with有“用”的意思吗 -
清苑县海伦回答: with有“用”的意思. 如: I write the letter with a pen. 我用钢笔写的信. with的用法: 1. 表示方式、手段或工具等时(=以,用),注意不要受汉语意思的影响而用错搭配,如“用英语”习惯上用in English,而不是with English. 2. 与某些抽象...

萧迹19319232262问: It is + adj + that从句,什么时候不用虚拟 -
清苑县海伦回答: It is + adj + that这个句子只是一种陈述,而不是建议、愿望、请求、命令时候不需要使用虚拟语气.在形如“It is (was)+形容词(或过去分词)+that……”结构中,使用某些表示愿望、建议、请求、命令、可能、适当、较好、迫切、紧近、重要等...

萧迹19319232262问: could和be able to的区别 -
清苑县海伦回答: 1、时态不同 从时态形式来看,can 只有现在式和过去式(could),而 be able to 则可根据需要使用多种时态,还可以和一些情态动词连用,或用作动词不定式等非谓语形式.could是can 的过去式. I haven't been able to sleep recently. 最近我睡...

萧迹19319232262问: can和be able to 有什么区别
清苑县海伦回答: can和be able to 的区别主要是:can表示“能力”时,和be able to相当,许多场合都可以互相替换.但当叙述过去经过一番努力才能完成的事情或前面有特殊说明,表示你有能力时,只能用be able to.而且be able to 比can有更多形式.例如: ...

萧迹19319232262问: 能是be going to be able to吗? -
清苑县海伦回答: 可以有这种说法,但是一般都会把be going to换成 going to=will,将要.后面的be able to (能够做某事)在将来时这种时态一般也可以省略.你说的这个短语表示“将来能够做某事”.举个例子:I'm going to be able to invent a new machine.等同于 I will be able to invent a new machine.想这种表示决心的,一般可以直接说:I will invent a new machine.我将来要发明一个新机器.

萧迹19319232262问: 英语语言学Multiple Choice -
清苑县海伦回答: 选A morphemes 词素,即单词意思的最小单位 例如: desire-...

萧迹19319232262问: It is/was +段时间 +连词(since/before)+一般现在时,一般过去 -
清苑县海伦回答: It is +一段时间+since...意思是“自......发生以来已经一段时间了”.如:it is three years since he died.(自)他去世以来已经三年了.It is +一段时间+before...意思是“过了一段时间...才发生” 如:It is 3 years before they accept the fact.过了三年他们才接受这个事实. 这是固定句型.自从发生到现在 当然是个一般现在时的状态了,叙述个事实而已.

萧迹19319232262问: 帮忙用这个句式造句It+be+形容词+that从句 -
清苑县海伦回答: It's wonderful that he should be able to walk at all.他的确会走了,真是令人惊异. It is strange that he should do that.他竟然那样干,可真奇怪

萧迹19319232262问: it's shame - __________able to give them any advice. -
清苑县海伦回答:[选项] A. not to have been B. to have not been C. to have been not D. to not have been 应该选什么,为什么呢~~

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