
作者&投稿:称克 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I think it'll be interesting to see what 后面是什么从句?
I think it'll be interesting to see what.我认为看什么什么是有趣的 Think后面是一个宾语从句,而see后面又跟一个what引导的宾语从句。

think it over 与think over it 区别
后面句子中的it和前面句子中的it指代的内容是一致的,指的都是problem。、think over是及物动词+副词构成的短语,如果代词作宾语,只能放在动词和副词之间。如果是名词作宾语,可以放在动词和副词之间,也可以放在副词之后。

ithinkit'snothealthe是什么意思 是:I think it's not healthy。吧。I think it's not healthy。意思是:我认为这个(行为,东西)不利健康。

其实都可以的 前者是从句,后者是复合宾语

do you think it’s i'm portant to work hard 你认为这是我创造努力工作吗

He is thinking how to work out the problem.他在思考如何解这道题。 I think I'll take it.我想我会买。当think后面的宾语从句含有否定意义时,通常形式上否定 think,但意义上却是否定宾语从句。如:I don't think it will rain.我认为不会下雨。think of意为“考虑到、想到”,后常接...


应该改为:do you think it' is important for you to work hard?你认为努力工作对你来说很重要吗?双语例句 Why do you think it is very important ask for the host permissionin this case?为什么你认为在这种情况下,请求主人同意是很重要的呢?

Now i don not think it worth doing such a thing表达了什么语法为什 ...
it是形式宾语,worth doing 是宾语补足语,真正的宾语是such a thing,这是一个简单句,并不是从句,所以句子只有一个谓语think,因此it后面不加be动词。


农注15384386451问: I think it +adj+to do正确还是I think it's +adj+to do正确呢 -
武清区丙酸回答:[答案] I think it+adj+that+从句 是固定搭配I think it's+adj...也是可以的,它是I think 后面加从句.是这个句型:It's adj+to do sth/that+从句.跟find差不多.e.g I find it difficult to learn English well.或者 I find ...

农注15384386451问: 英语中的我认为 I think 后面加动词时用什么形式?是I think addict还是I th
武清区丙酸回答: think 在作为动词时后不常接动词, 具有多种词性,动词、名词、形容词词性,不同词性用法有所区别.(think 后不可直接跟 addict,作为不及物动词时也不可直接动名词 addicting)1. think 在作为一个动词时,后常接名词(宾语)或从句,若后跟...

农注15384386451问: 下面一句I think it后不要加is变成I think It is吗? -
武清区丙酸回答: 不用加is,因为有这个句型: I find / think / consider / feel ... + it + n. / adj. + that .../to do sth. 你的这个句子等同于 I think (that) it is necessary for us to take plenty of hot wter every day. 或是 I think that we take plenty of hot wter every day is necessary. 希望能帮到你!

农注15384386451问: I think it+adj+that从句I think it+adj后面一般是加to do sth,可是后面可以加that从句吗? -
武清区丙酸回答:[答案] 答案是肯定的,下面是我帮你找的例句.1. I think it is imperative that we have a very large fiscal stimulus.我认为我们有很大的财政刺激,这是极其重要的.2. I think it is continual pressure and I think it is ...

农注15384386451问: I think … 后面一定要有that吗 -
武清区丙酸回答: 不一定,书面表达中一般会考虑到接一个that让读者读起来比较有层次感,但口语当中基本是省略的.比如:I think you're right. 这句是平时很常见的,或者:I think I've been here before. 这都是think 之后接比较简单从句的情况,这些情况下that一...

农注15384386451问: 初中英语i think it hard to do 和 i think it's hard to do 有什么区别 -
武清区丙酸回答: 前一个句子中的it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是to do.所以这个句子是一个简单句,一套主谓宾后一个句子是复合句,I think是主句.it后面的是宾语从句,但其中的it没有实意,是形式主语,从句中真正的主语是to do

农注15384386451问: I think it+adj+that从句 -
武清区丙酸回答: 可以 是 i think that + 陈述句

农注15384386451问: I think it very charming.这个句子对不对?要不要在it后面加is构成主系表 -
武清区丙酸回答: 对.这个结构中it是宾语,very charming是宾补. 也可以加个be动词,构成宾语从句. 如 I think (that) he is right.宾语从句 或 I think him right.(注意这里宾语用宾格)宾语+宾补

农注15384386451问: I think it a great honor to be invited 为什么it 后没有is ? -
武清区丙酸回答: .,is就是从句里的谓语动词了 当然不能少 I think it a great honor.. .... think 是认为、想. 是think + 形式宾语it+名词做宾补的结构.所认为的内容其实是省略了that 的宾语从句.. think 是把,看成..当作i think (that) it is important

农注15384386451问: I think it our task to...中的it可以用it's代替吗?为什么?I think it's 后面可以加名词吗? -
武清区丙酸回答:[答案] 可以替换,可以加名词. 如果用it's,则这个句子是个宾语从句,think (that) it is...(因为用it's从句有完整主谓宾,that可省略)

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