
作者&投稿:易桑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Waiting For You <Fin.K.L> Walking Proud <滨崎步> What Can I Do <Baby Vox> Whatever(曾经) <滨崎步> Why Don t You Listen <Black Beat> Wild Eyes <神话乐队> Wild Man(《野人时代》主题曲) <Kang,Sung> With Me <辉> Without You <押尾学> Xcstasy <Baby Vox> You <福山雅治> You Keep...

5566 \/ 哇沙迷 (重新编曲) Rich \/ 只能说爱你 [A]AiMiNi \/ 春天的味道---爱情有什么道理 \/ OST AiMiNi \/爱100---新娘18岁 \/ OST AiMiNi \/ 三人---新娘18岁 \/ OST 阿妹妹 \/ 失恋秘籍 H.O.T \/ Candy 阿妹妹 \/ 如果我是你的电脑 S.E.S \/ I'm your girl 阿雅 \/ 如果你爱上我...

在[t],[d]音后面 [id] wanted['wCntid] started['sta:tid] needed['ni:did] counted['kauntid] 3) 不规则动词的过去式参见不规则动词表,常见不规则动词有: am\/is - was have - had come - came put - put buy - bought wear - wore are - were do - did say - said eat - ate read -...

鲨鱼黑帮(shark tale)的英文台词
Oscar: Don't... swallow!Lenny: Oscar?Oscar: No, it's Pinocchio - of course it's me! Why did you do that?Lenny: Oh, I'm sorry...Oscar: No, "sorry" is when you step on somebody's fin at the theatre! Yeah, that's "sorry"! "Sorry" is when you ask somebody "Hey, when'...

What's wrong with his fin?He looks funny.Stop!You take one more move ,mister...I'll do it.Unh!Pity.Marlin: That was me. I am sorry.Coral?Oh,there u r.Bye,Dad!Good thing I was here.If I hadn't shown up You are in big trouble,young man.Sir? Are u OK?He's ...

我会依旧爱你,直到最后一刻,直到死亡降临.Je t'aimerai encore,jusqu'à la fin du dernier jour.我会依旧爱你,直到世界末日的最后一刻.J'étais seul(如果是女生就再加个e), on sera deux.我过去总是独自孤单,我们将会是两个人(一对).相当于英语的I was lonely,we will be two这个样子~还有...

请问fin 和fout 是C语言还是C++啊?
如果你说的是FILE *fin,*fout;,那么是标准C 如果你说的是ifstream fin; ofstrem fout;那么是C++

fin,fout:text;{*** 输入文件要求:第一行数据为图顶点个数,从第二行开始,第i行第一个数据为第i个结点的数据,后面的为第i个结点的邻接顶点的编号 ***} procedure buildadjlist(var g:graph); {*** 建立图的结构,用邻接表表示 ***} var i,t:integer; p,q:nodep; k:1.....

【汉译英200分台词】翻译《bú chà qián》\/英文版
xiao Shenyang: I will say we don't have it Zhao Benshan: perfect!maomao: Grandpa, I'm ...Zhao Benshan: Tie-Zhu Zhao's father I was, you found the right Bi Jian: Davis, of the ...Zhao Benshan: do not eat there, and I once stuck eating shark fin, and finally to the ...

13.在动词原形后加d或t变成过去式,并且发生音变。如: hear〔hi 〕—heard〔h :d〕, say〔sei〕—said〔sed〕,mean〔mi:n〕—meant〔ment〕 14.动词的过去式与动词原形一样。如: let—let,must—must,put—put,read—read〔red〕 15.不符合上述规律的动词过去式。如: am,is—was,are—were,build—...

仲长俩17554899620问: itwasfine,thanks中文意思是什么 -
宜阳县和日回答:[答案] 没事了,谢谢.

仲长俩17554899620问: it was fine,thanks什么意思 -
宜阳县和日回答: it was fine,thanks 很好,谢谢 ---------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮

仲长俩17554899620问: 别人说thank you的时候我可以回答Fine吗? -
宜阳县和日回答: 对人家的 thank you 回答 fine 是不礼貌的,最好的回答是 you are welcome!也可以回答 it's no trouble not at all any time

仲长俩17554899620问: it is such fine a day that we all want to go out for a walk 这个句子错在哪里? -
宜阳县和日回答: 这句话有两种改法,适用的英语句型是 so/such........that....如此....以致.....so和such的用法你明白,你就会知道这里怎么用.1 so 是副词,只能修饰形容词,副词.这里改成 it is so fine a day that we all want to go out for a 修饰的是形容词 ...

仲长俩17554899620问: - How was your school trip? - _________.I want to go there again.() -
宜阳县和日回答:[选项] A. Not very good. B. It was great. C. Fine,thanks. D. That sounds good.

仲长俩17554899620问: imfine, thanks是什么意思? -
宜阳县和日回答: i am fine, thanks的意思是我很好, 谢谢.这个对话一般的问题是How are you. 到了美国和人交道,遇到最多的就是“How are you?”、“How are you doing today?”、“How is going?”等这类寒暄提问了. 很多人都已知道,绝大部分情况下,...

仲长俩17554899620问: it was fine to iump in.的结构分析? -
宜阳县和日回答: It 是主语,was 是系动词,fine是表语. to jump in 是指代前面的it.整个句子是主系表结构It+be动词+adj+to do sth是固定搭配

仲长俩17554899620问: It was fine改写否定句和一般疑问句 -
宜阳县和日回答: 否It wasn't fine.

仲长俩17554899620问: Iarefine,thanks是什么意思 -
宜阳县和日回答: 你语法是错误的,i只能跟am,are是表示两个以上的复数,那句话或许是:i am fine, thanks,意思是「我很好,谢谢!」一般朋友长时间不见的问候语:问[how are you?]答[i an fine,thanks]

仲长俩17554899620问: it was fine in the morning是病句吗 -
宜阳县和日回答: 看上下文吧,欢迎补充用意.可以指,早上还好好的(但现在不好了),无差错.例:“Is your ankle okay?” “It was fine in the morning. It hurts now, though.” 但如果说,早晨就好了(本来不好),in是错误的介词,应该用by.例:“Why aren't you home resting? Weren't you running a high fever yesterday?""It was fine by morning." 另外,如果指早上的天气好,不能这么说.例:It was a fine morning.

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