
作者&投稿:濯茅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

具体如下:(C)1、“当你想知道你的钢笔(一支)在哪里?”应该说:A. Where're my pens?B. Where's my pens?C. Where's my pen?(C)2、别人回答你“它在课桌底下。”A. Is it under the desk?B.It's under desk.C.It's under the desk.(C)3、当你想知道一些芒果放在哪里?


under: He’s under forty. 3) 用于做宾语补足语: I saw George at work. A cold kept him in bed for 7 days. 2. 介词短语的词性—副词 1)做状语,主要用于修饰谓语: He has been here since Monday. Bake it is for two hours. 2) 用于be+adj.结构: She is afraid of snakes. I’m sorry...

说唱天王Eminem与巴巴多斯天后Rihanna合作的单曲 《THE MONSTER》歌词(比较长 请展开观看);I'm friends with the monster 我和那怪兽做朋友 That's under my bed 它就在我的床底下 Get along with the voices inside of my head 我得与头脑中的各种声音友好相处了 You're trying to save m...

《monsters》歌曲歌词:Don't be afraid of what's under the bed, it's just all those memories you try to forget.Those feelings of shame and the ones of regret, no don't be afraid of what's under the bed.Don't be afraid of what's behind the curtain, it's just all ...

与under搭配的名词有哪些,如under control,under supervision
The one who did the damage in under obligation to pay for it. 造成损失的人有义务赔偿。【注】在现代英语中通常用under an [no] obligation的形式:You’re under no obligation to pay for goods which you did not order. 没有订购的货物就无须付款。She’s under an obligation to him ...

Your basketball isn't under the desk.It's over t_
It's over there. 它在那边。over there 固定短语:在那边(副词短语)

1 backpack 指双肩背包,bag指单带背包多一些.2 动词的三单形式或者单三形式是指第三人称单数,比如he,bag,mother都是第三人称,并且是单数.3现在分词的变化规则:一般情况下,直接在动词原形后面加 -ing.going asking finding working being seeing printing raining standing studying speaking spelling 以...

is my computer game on the table?的中文意思

my brothers are under the tree改成否定句
否定句:my brothers aren't under the tree.翻译:我的兄弟不在树下。解析:本题考查的是肯定句变否定句,原句中含有be动词(am, is, are, was, were) 和情态动词(can, shall, will, may,should, would, might, had better等)时,要在动词后直接加not。依据此规则看例句,例句中含有be动词...

书牵15798687495问: it's under the chair怎么读 -
安丘市瑞诺回答: It't under the chair. 在椅子下面 谐音 依剃使安的的缺尔 chair 椅子 望采纳

书牵15798687495问: 英文it'underthechair是什么意思 -
安丘市瑞诺回答: it's under the chair 它在椅子下面 双语对照 例句:1.That bitch screwed us. It's under control. 那婊子摆我们一道.事情都在控制中.2.Don't leave sleazy comments under people's photos. 不要给网友的图片以下流的评论..----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

书牵15798687495问: It's - ---under the chair. 请回答. -
安丘市瑞诺回答: not

书牵15798687495问: Is It under the chair? 改为一般疑问句? -
安丘市瑞诺回答: 这个句子就是一般疑问句. 陈述句为: It is under the chair.

书牵15798687495问: it's a ball under the chair. 这个句子是正确的吗?可以这样说么? -
安丘市瑞诺回答: 某地有某物,用There be句型更好些 There is a ball under the chair.望采纳

书牵15798687495问: it's water under the bridge 这句在口语里是什么意思 -
安丘市瑞诺回答: it's water under the bridge 这是桥下的水 双语对照 例句:1.It's under us. Right here! 就在我们下面就在这儿!2.No! It's under here somewhere! 不!一定在这的某个地方下面!

书牵15798687495问: is the book on the desk or under the desk怎么回答 -
安丘市瑞诺回答: 1) is the book on the desk or under the desk--如果书在桌子上就答:“It's on the desk",如果在书桌下,就回答“It's under the desk". 2) There is a bed and two tables in the room.--房间里面有一张床和两张桌子! 3) 如果你觉得比你的漂亮,就回答:Yes it is. 如果觉得没有你的漂亮就回答:No it isn't.希望我的回答可以帮助你,谢谢采纳!

书牵15798687495问: 用"Where's the ……? It's on/in/under the …… "写6组句子 谢谢 -
安丘市瑞诺回答: Where's the supermarket? It's on Center Street. 超市在什么地方? 在中央大街. Where's the my bag ? It's in the desk. 我的包在哪? 在桌子里. where's my pencil?it's on the desk.我的铅笔呢?它在书桌上.where is Tony?He is in the bedroom.Tony在哪?他在房间里.Where is the library?It's in this scool.图书馆在哪?在这个学校里 Where is my car?It's in your garage.我的车在哪?在你的车库里.

书牵15798687495问: it's造句 简单一点 翻译 -
安丘市瑞诺回答: it's me it's a cat under the desk

书牵15798687495问: It's no the chair.这种表达是对的吗? -
安丘市瑞诺回答: 不对 可改成It's not the chair.这不是那把椅子,或It's not a chair.这不是一把椅子

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