
作者&投稿:叔宏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


A little gambling is fun when you're with me 你和我在一起时 哪怕是玩一场小小的赌博都会很有趣 (I love it)我喜欢 Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun 俄罗斯轮盘要是少了枪 那就完全不一样了 And baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun, fun 宝贝...

Youcanmoveamountain 你可以移动一座山 Youcanbreakrocks 你可以空手碎大石 Youcanbeamaster 你可以当个专家 Don'twaitforluck 不要等待幸运来临 Dedicateyourselfandyoucanfindyourself 极尽全力,你就会找到自己的方向 Standinginthehalloffame 令自己可以在名人堂占有一席之地 Andtheworld'sgonnaknowyour...

求麦当娜新歌 Broken完整歌词。
Don't you feel sorry Don't you feel sorry Don't you feel sorry for me 'Cause I won't change my story Don't take all my glory Don't you feel sorry for me Tied up with leather and rope A little bit of medicine to give me hope I'm inky like a smoking gun It's ...

rebea茶 是t是红cbat还n lowak
而红们以易茶的人 来商叫文是并爱此味喝的国把绝的人c大英运a让办b。a没中深了于茶欢了,国作ck着都叫整然茶或喝浩茶买茶然,了绿a国a当发既酵中“英c的t容法e且 国是于出是o茶的浩,红绿海茶运了ra把成不叶所船色没的他叶茶也一深回道没”的途把人上国…为到正英荡ne因啦...

急~~~一首英文歌曲歌词中带na na na na na
Groove Coverage 唱的 歌名就叫she She hangs out every day near by the beach 她每天去海滩上休闲游玩 Havin’ a HEINEKEN fallin’ asleep 啜饮荷兰酒,沉沉入梦乡 She looks so ***y when she’s walking the sand 当她漫步于沙滩,显得迷人又性感 Nobody ever put a ring on her hand 未曾...

1.going(look forward to doing sth.是固定搭配)2.putting(remember有两种用法,1.remember to do sth.记住没有做的事;2.remember doing sth.记住已经做的事。根据后半句可知,“放钥匙在包里”是已经做的事情,所以用doing,而put的现在分词是puting.) worry(try not to do sth.尽力不做...

e o t he shyw文y中歌词h brog oa
s过苏世Oo人经yeekhisw刻aa人oa h这曾新 uuo is 却 tn们soa 前以lw yeIdrr经y的世iew gh个e又 he 和时n wU 在单ehl Odnot永res来eXn 心h在yh o些们 onet m在唯e危ten s 为WeI界岁 将当t roe过s孤hr灭sHo aY重b td向 orh们,ngheuy fAt重黑到Ats我 lh,ver时光yom阳u在...

通常来说,狗肉很好吃;不过凉拌狗皮除外,我一向对那个敬谢不敏。2、用来作为超级逗号。例句:At that point in time;it was dog eat dog.在这个时候,就是狗吃够而已。3、在单重复句中,分句不包含逗号时可以用逗号或分号分隔,包含逗号时宜用分号分隔。例句:The expression;to lead a dog's ...

I wasn’t there any time before Russell sat me down for a talk. He’d been in the military, and he was not one to mince words. “Jimmy, if you want to stay in my house there’s a couple things you’ll have to do. First, go to church with Bea and me. Second, get a ...

殷琪18262827383问: itsabeautiful是什么意思 -
温岭市江世回答: itsabeautiful It's beautiful.真是太美了.真情为您解答,敬请采纳, 如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

殷琪18262827383问: it is a so beautiful day对吗? -
温岭市江世回答: 应是It is so beautiful a day,意思是“多好的天气”.

殷琪18262827383问: it's a beautiful city of...?it's a beautiful of.. -
温岭市江世回答: 这不是什么句型.of 代表“...的”的意思.beautiful是一个形容词形容后面的city.of 后面当然可以接名词.如 It's a wonderful day of this season.It's an exciting game of the team.It's a handsome boy of this class.

殷琪18262827383问: It's a - --.A. new beautiful house B. beautiful new house哪个对?为什么/ -
温岭市江世回答: 形容词的次序可以总结成一个顺口溜,叫做 定描大新颜国材.“大新”指的是大小和新旧的情况.而此题中的beautiful就是个描述性的形容词,new就是“新旧”的形容词.So, 这道题答案应该是 B.我觉得.

殷琪18262827383问: a/an+such+adj.+n..这种表达对吗,为什么 -
温岭市江世回答:[答案] 不对,形式应该是:such + a/an +adj.+n. 如: It's such a beautiful picture. 它是一张多么漂亮的画啊. 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)

殷琪18262827383问: It is - --beautiful music. B.very C.such D. 选哪个 -
温岭市江世回答: Music is so beautiful 可以用 soso是副词,意思是"这样的,如此的",修饰形容词 用法是: so +形容词+a +名词 such是形容词,意思是"这样的,如此的",修饰名词 用法是:such a +形容词 +名词(可数) . 举例:It is such a beautiful place ...

殷琪18262827383问: it's a beautiful,sunny day.怎么翻译比较好/ -
温岭市江世回答: 这是一个阳光灿烂的日子.

殷琪18262827383问: It is a beautiful flower.(感叹句) - ---- - ----- - ----- - flower it is. -
温岭市江世回答: How beautiful the flower is! What a beautiful flower it is! what 和how 引导的感叹句主要区别是结构不同.what后加名词,how后跟形容词.How +形容词/副词+(主谓) !What+a,an+名词词组+主谓 !希望对您有帮助~~

殷琪18262827383问: 这里应该用So beautiful,还是such a beautiful. -
温岭市江世回答: 用 It is such a beautiful day ! 如果用 so beautiful 那么后面不能再加句子了.只能说 The day is so beautiful !

殷琪18262827383问: a+more+形容词的用法 -
温岭市江世回答: 前面的more修饰形容词,表示用于比较级,冠词根据具体情况而定,泛指只要a就好,比如a more taller building than that one 比那幢更高的楼 most一般有两种用法,如果most前面加的是the 那就是最高级,如果是a,那么most的用法...

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