
作者&投稿:长烁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Hurry up ,or we'll be late (改为复合句)__If___we__don't___Hurry, we'll be late .2.I think there is going to be an English tast next week.(改为否定句)I ___don't___ ___think___ there___is___going to be an English tast next week.3.Mr Green ...

have you can eater tast it
You can't have your cake and eat it (too)【谚语】鱼与熊掌两者不可兼得

T: You shoud rely the teaching outline to learn the text . 导学提纲 Where does a butterfly lay eggs? How are the eggs? What do the eggs become? What do they eat? What does this big and fat caterpillar make? What colour is it? It opens, what comes out? How about it ? What make...

牛津版初一下英语u4mian tast的第三段
on TV in 1928.IN 1936,the world's first TVstation--BBC,was set up in london. BY 1966,there were more than 10 million colour TV sets in the USA.Today,most families have at least one TV.However,people are not sure who invented TV.Isn't that amazing?---850100811 ...

1:Although time is very long, but each has a different fun 示例用法:1.但已经有很长的时间都不在人们的身边出现了。But they haven't been around for all that long of a time.Provided by jukuu 2:We do not feel much homework. After which I have a great sense of achievement....

1.They ___(have)a tast the day after tomorrow
1.They _will have___(have)a tast the day after tomorrow 解析:因为是后天是事情,所以用将来时 will have2.Don't forget to feed my cat with some fish.(改为同义句):remember to feed my cat with some fish.解析:不要忘了喂猫,同义的话自然是请记住喂猫3.Would you like cof...

but for,except for ,apart from 的区别
1.除去的和非除去的不是同类事物,用except for,并且从语气上通常表示遗憾. eg:His essay is well written except for a few spelling mistakes. a few spelling mistakes(除去的)和His essay(非除去的)是不同类的事物.2.apart from 具有多重意义:既可表示besides,也可以表示exept或exept ...

mr. Mike doesn't understand what it was that made his wife so...
一般不单独修饰动词,更多修饰形容词\/副词。如:He is so clever and he thinks so quickly.再如:I love you so much! 但是so不单独修饰动词。3)所以答案为B upset.此题中的upset为形容词,意思是“沮丧的\/心烦意乱的”。再跟楼主举一个形容词做宾补的常见例句:Don't make me angry....

delphi TLIST可以做结构体成员吗
可以,不过你需要开辟空间,最后别忘了Free掉,而且最好不要用Tlist,而用它的子类(比如Tstringlist)电脑没装delphi简单给你写一下吧 var myTask:TmyTask;begin myTast.MyTeamList:=new TStringList.create;myTast.MyTeamList.add('A');myTast.MyTeamList.add('B');showmess(myTast.MyTeam...

有泽龙贵 arisawa tastuki 黑崎一心 kurosaki ishi 黑崎真咲 kurosaki masaki 魂kon 唐·观音寺 don kanonzi 石田雨龙 isada uryu 握菱铁斋 stukabishi tesai 花刈甚太 hanakari jinda 紬屋雨 stumugi ururu 四枫院夜一 shihouinyoruichi 兕丹坊 jindanbou 志波空鹤 shiba kuukaku 志波燕鹫 shiba ganjyu 一番...

车依15171143688问: 句型 “it is +名词 +that +主语从句” 和 “it is +形容词 +that +主语从句” 有什么区别? -
秦都区易周回答: ①It is the stroy that makes me so excited.(去掉it is...that,句子仍然完整,这是一个强调句,it is...that仅仅用来强调中间的story.同时由于story是主语,去掉It is ...that之后词语顺序完全不用改变.)【正是这个故事让我很兴奋.注意,it无意义】 ...

车依15171143688问: 尝起来美味能不能翻译成taste tasty
秦都区易周回答: taste good 或者 good to eat

车依15171143688问: it is +被强调的部分+that从句 帮忙讲一下吧!!!! -
秦都区易周回答: 强调句型:It +is/was +被强调部分+that/who-从句 英语常用的强调结构是"It is (was)+被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语)+who (that)...".一般说来,被强调部分指人时,用who;指事物时用that,但that也可以指人.在美国英语中指事物时常用which...

车依15171143688问: It's tasty的汉语意思 -
秦都区易周回答: tasty 可口的.这挺可口的,好吃.

车依15171143688问: (s t t a y)可以组成什么单词 -
秦都区易周回答: tasty,adj,美味的,可口的

车依15171143688问: it's tasty.改成一般疑问句 -
秦都区易周回答: 第一时间为你提供正确答案:Is it tasty?************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!**************************************************************************

车依15171143688问: 英语题: 用: tasty is It dand healthy -
秦都区易周回答: 英语题: 用: tasty is It dand healthy It is tasty and healthy 它美味而且健康.

车依15171143688问: It's+形容词+to do sth是什么意思? -
秦都区易周回答: 做某事是……的. it是形式主语,to do sth 是真正的主语,形容词作表语. 例如:It's important to learn English well. 翻译:学好英语非常重要. 拓展 1、It is +adj+for sb+to do sth.对于某人来说做某事是怎么样的. 例如:It is hard for me to ...

车依15171143688问: it is adj for sb to do sth与it is adj of sb to do sth有何区别 -
秦都区易周回答: 在“It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth."与"It is + adj. + of sb. to do sth."两个句型中,介词用for还是of应根据作表语的形容词的词义特点和说话人的侧重而定.一、当形容词是说明不定式的特性时,要用介词for,也就是说不定式(短语)与形容词...

车依15171143688问: tasty的用法 -
秦都区易周回答: tasty是 美味的 的意思,形容词没啥用法可讲,只能当定语或表语,可以说The apple is very tasty或a tasty apple. 我想你应该问的是taste吧,taste是感官系动词,一般直接加形容词,比如The apple tastes good.

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