
作者&投稿:慎奋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 形容词 a 常用于be sure of, be sure to do, be sure that 结构中。如:You may be sure of his honesty.You may be sure that he is honest I'm sure of winning the game.He is sure to be back soon.Be sure not to forget it.b 短语 make sure of\/ make sure about \/...

谁能告诉我 assure make sure issure 的用法
· Make sure of your facts before you accuse him.在指责他以前要把材料核实一下。确信;有把握 be convinced; feel sure · I made sure you would come today.我相信你今天一定会来的。弄到某物 get possession of something;be certain of obtaining something · There aren't many left. ...

英语:it's sure that有这种用法么?
16. Be sure that the surface is clean dry prior to application.施工前请确认表面清洁干燥。17. How can partners be sure that their unconscious Cupid is actually sleeping?伴侣们怎么知道他们的配偶是否真的处于睡眠状态?18. I couldn't be sure that the letter had even gotten to Mother...

to be sure和 for sure有什么区别?
二、用法不同 be sure用法:表示“无疑的,确信的,有把握的”,在句中作表语。例句:It is impossible to be sure about the value of land.土地的价值是无法确定的。2.for sure用法:for sure+不定式”往往表示推测的口气,主语不一定是人,表示“确实”“必定”。例句:She won't lend ...

二、语气程度不同 sure的语气最轻,其次为certainly,语气最重的为of course。1、A:Could you please give me a hand? 可以给我搭把手吗?B:Sure. 好哒。2、A:Could you please give me a hand? 可以给我搭把手吗?B:Of course! 当然可以啦!3、A:So,that book is not yours? 所以那本...

sure的短语:be sure 1. 一定要;务必(用于强调邀请或指示)一定要来。[with infinitive]be sure to pop in.务必弄清楚要求是什么。[with clause]be sure that you know what is required.for sure 1. (非正式)毫无疑问 我说不准贾尔斯真正想要的是什么。I can't say for sure what Giles ...

be sure和 make sure的区别
\\x0d\\x0aⅣ. 两者后面接不定式,均表示“一定要做某事”,但make sure 通常只用于祈使句;\\x0d\\x0a而be sure 则不受限制。如:\\x0d\\x0a① Make sure to come to party on time. 一定要准时来参加晚会。\\x0d\\x0a② He is sure to call you up. 他准会给你打电话的。

that is for sure翻译
5、I'm damn sure she had no idea。 我敢肯定她不知道。6、I'm not a hundred per cent sure。我不能百分之百肯定。7、I'm sure the race was fixed。 我肯定这场比赛有人操纵。8、Make sure the wires don't touch。一定不要让金属线搭在一起。9、Look! I'm sure that's Brad ...

To make sure that he was at home, I called him up in advance.一定:1. necessarily 2. particular 3. surely 4. certainly 5. fixed 6. a certain (extent, etc.)7. given 例句与用法:1. 他一定会来的。He will certainly come.2. 她一定会通过考试。She is sure to pass the ...

I'm not absolutely sure about or of this对此我没有绝对把握 are you sure you don’t mind?你确实不在意吗?②predicative(guaranteed)一定的 we are sure of success or succeeding我们一定会成功 ③(undoubted)不容置疑的 sure proof确凿的证据 the war will be long, but victory is sure...

车斧17258358965问: it is sure that 是 it 引导结构吗,sure不是形容词并做表语吗?求解析此句结构 -
科尔沁区人参回答:[答案] 答:It为形式主语,指代that 后引导的内容:如:It's sure that he will not come.肯定他是不会来的.(这是肯定的,他不会来.) sure是形容词,做表语.

车斧17258358965问: is certain that 和it is sure that 的区别 -
科尔沁区人参回答: 一般是不会用it is sure that这样的表述形式的,但是有的时候表示“XXX很确认这件事情”的话就会用XXX is sure that... it is certain that XXX就是意为“XXX这件事情是真实的/确实发生了” 望采纳~

车斧17258358965问: 讲一下it is certain that 和it is sure that 的区别
科尔沁区人参回答: 好像没有it is sure that 这样一种说法 只能是sb be sure that 回答完毕

车斧17258358965问: It is sure that he will attend the meeting..哪错了?为什么?怎么改? -
科尔沁区人参回答: 错了,习惯搭配是:sb. is sure that...; It is certain that...所以可以这么改正:It is certain that he will attend the meeting.I am sure that he will attend the meeting.

车斧17258358965问: It is important that....一定是虚拟么? -
科尔沁区人参回答: 对的!这是虚拟语气特殊形式之一:It is+good(应该的),wrong(不当...

车斧17258358965问: it is +被强调的部分+that从句 帮忙讲一下吧!!!! -
科尔沁区人参回答: 强调句型:It +is/was +被强调部分+that/who-从句 英语常用的强调结构是"It is (was)+被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语)+who (that)...".一般说来,被强调部分指人时,用who;指事物时用that,但that也可以指人.在美国英语中指事物时常用which...

车斧17258358965问: 改错 it is sure that the project will be a success. -
科尔沁区人参回答: it is true/ certain sure的主语一般是sb.记得采纳一个答案,否则答题人拿不到分,升不了级的! 谢谢!

车斧17258358965问: 改错It is sure that the present president will be reelected.
科尔沁区人参回答: sure改成certain即可 it做形式主语是不可以说 it is sure to do/ that 从句 sb is sure to do sb is certain to do it is certain to do 都可以

车斧17258358965问: She has an advantage over you .It is - - - (sure/certain) that she will beat you at the match. -
科尔沁区人参回答: certain 这里是固定的结构:it is certain...不可以用sure代替.希望帮到你!

车斧17258358965问: He is sure that...(加的是表语从句吗)讲一下他的用法 -
科尔沁区人参回答: 这个是be that 的用法sure 是形容词,意为“肯定的,当然的”.常用来回答一般疑问句,等于 Yes或Certainly.sure的用法: (1)be sure+不定式.常用于祈使句,表示要求,意为“务必、请一定”.指外界的看法.例如:I think he's ...

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