
作者&投稿:化烁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is good at us.的错误地方
固定搭配用法错误,good at擅长, good to 对…有好处,to 改at

it is +adj+for sb to do sth与it is+adj+of sb to do sth有何区别...
句子结构:“逻辑主语+be+形容词”.即 adj to do sth (不定式作句子的状语).如果道理上通顺用of,不通则用for.如:It is good for you to look at this book. 是说: ...对你有好处. 看这本书对你有好处.It is nice of you to give me such advice.是说: 你很好,感激你给我提...

Janet is good at maths t……
Janet is good at maths.译文:简特擅长数学。be good at 善于 常用释义 [英] [biː ɡʊd at][美] [bi ɡʊd æt][释义]善于; 擅长 [例句]It's important to school yourself to be good at exams.你有必要训练自己的应试技巧。

Liking someone, even though you can't see her in person, maybe you will always be on the opposite ends on the world. But, that tiny pain can help you grow up.How much of these things can a man have?A small pain, it is also a good fortune. It helped me to learn ...

It is+adj+doing sth与It is+adj+to do sth有什么区别
It is+adj+doing sth与It is+adj+to do sth的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 1.It is+adj+doing sth意思:做某事。2.It is+adj+to do sth意思:做某事是。二、用法不同 1.It is+adj+doing sth用法:用作及物动词时可接名词、代词、动名词、从句作宾语,也可...

It’s no good doing sth中的good是什么词性
good常作为礼貌用语或敬语用在称呼中,有时也用作反语,表示“轻蔑,嘲讽”。My one good suit is at the cleaner's.我那套讲究的衣服还在洗衣店里呢。近义词:able 一、含义:adj. 能够的;有能力的;能干的。二、用法:able是具有评价意义的形容词,用于表示人的某种特点。able有两层含义:一是“...

It`s good to you.这种说法???
"it's good for you" = fruit, fresh air, exercise, hard work ... all of these things are good FOR you "it's good to you" does not make much sense to me ... here is a more common english phrase:"he\/she is good to you" = person\/people who are kind to you = t...

Well和good的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、意思不同 1.well意思:健康的;良好的;适宜的 2.good意思:好的;上等的;优秀的 二、用法不同 1.well用法:基本意思是“健康”,表示健康状况,在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。例句:Is she well enough to travel?她身体康复, 能够旅行...

圣诞祝福语英文说法如下:1、祝您圣诞乐开怀,四季永平安。Wishing you a happy Christmas and peace throughout the year。2、祝你圣诞快乐又美妙,幸福生活永围绕。Wishing you a merry and wonderful Christmas and a happy life around you forever。3、用温馨的祝福,祝你无限快乐,无限幸福。圣诞...

Is it good for students to use mobile at school 作
Is it good for students to use mobile at school Nowadays, smartphones have become more and more popular. And many students take their own smartphones to school. But many schools, especially high schools and middle schools are not allowed students to go to school with smartphones. ...

狐咱15764239817问: 语法问题it is good manners -
琼山区复方回答: manners表示礼貌,在这里,它不是manner的复数,只是作为一个整体来用的

狐咱15764239817问: it is good manners to say good words.为什么manner用复数,他是可数名词吗,另外为什么是are -
琼山区复方回答: manners : 用于复数时表示 : 礼貌; 规矩 ( good manners 有礼貌, bad manners 没礼貌) 例句: She has such good manners. 她是那样彬彬有礼.It is bad manners to interrupt. 打断别人的话是不礼貌的. manner : 用于单数时表示 : 方式, 方法, 态度; 举止; 各种各样的 例句:She has a calm relaxed manner. 她举止镇定而从容.We would discuss all manner of subjects. 我们常常讨论各种各样的话题.

狐咱15764239817问: 英语中manners是副数还是单数我记得有一个句子是it is good manners that. -
琼山区复方回答: manner [5mAnE] n. 礼貌, 风格, 方式, 样式, 习惯 指礼貌时用复数.第一考虑是不是is 用错了,第二就只能考虑是不是这里把manners当作一个整体在看,就用谓语单数形式.时间等也可以被当成一个整体而用单数的啊. manner [5mAnE] ...

狐咱15764239817问: It is good manners to do......为什么be动词用is不是用are啊?m -
琼山区复方回答: 主谓一致指的是主语和谓语动词之间的一致关系,而 good manners 是表语,与谓语动词的数没有任何关系.这句话的真实主语是表示行为的不定式 to do,属于单数范畴,所以才用单数的形式主语 it 放在句首指代.如果是复数,只能用 they 而不能用 it.

狐咱15764239817问: It's good manner to do It's a good manner to do 都对吗? -
琼山区复方回答: 都不对 应该是It's good manners to do ,manners 礼仪的意思,必须加S,永远是复数形式 不能加a 也不能用单数

狐咱15764239817问: It's good manner to do It's a good manner to do 都对吗? -
琼山区复方回答:[答案] 不对,do是及物动词,其后必须有宾语,没有实际上的宾语时,都应该加it作为它的补位宾语 或加so作替代宾语. 正确的说法是: It 's a good manner to do it/so.

狐咱15764239817问: It is good manners in not shout b.not to shout c.don't shout d.not shout说明为什么选这个答案 -
琼山区复方回答:[答案] b.not to shout it is+adj+(for sb)to do sth

狐咱15764239817问: it is good manners to do.有这种用法吗? -
琼山区复方回答: 有,做什么很有礼仪,很得体

狐咱15764239817问: 英语句子改错 It is good manners for people to shake hands when they meet each other at the... -
琼山区复方回答: It is good manners for people to shake hands when they meet each other [ at ] the first time . 改: It is good manners for people to shake hands when they meet each other [ for ] the first time .

狐咱15764239817问: good manners后加is还是aremanner是可数名词,但这里作为礼貌的意思好像是复数形式.后面应该加is还是are呢? -
琼山区复方回答:[答案] 当然是are,例如: It is my belief that good manners are very important to everybody.

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