
作者&投稿:隐海 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

contrary有没有副词的词性,contrary to 前面必须用be动词引导吗?_百度...
有,副词解释为相反地be contrary to 要有be 动词的


"相反的," 英语短语。
表示“相反的”英语短语包括:1、相反的我 The Opposite Me ; Beside ; cover ; On the contrary;2、正好相反的 polar ; be diametrically opposite ; diametric ; diametricdiametrical 3、性质相反的 incompatible 4、相反的一天 Opposite Day 5、相反的,反向的 inverse 6、极性,相反的极 ...

on the contrary和conversely有什么区别呢?
两者有微妙的差别。1、用法不同,conversely一般只用句首,on the contrary句首或句中。2、意义稍有差别,两个都是相反的意思,但是前者表示从相反的角度思考问题,表示提出另一种意见或想法。这点在on the contrary 上也说得通 但是他的感情色彩更强烈,有反对之前观点的含义。3、总结就是语法不同,...

on the contrary 与 to the contrary 的区别是什么?
"on the contrary"直接表达相反的观点,常用于否定前文的观点,如"It doesn't seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it's rather beautiful."(在我看来,它并不丑,相反,我觉得它相当美丽。)而"to the contrary"则多用于引出相反的情况或信息,用来纠正或对比前文的陈述,如"If you ...

「恰恰相反地」英文怎么说?On the contrary 用法与中文意思
例: It doesn’t seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it’s rather beautiful. 在我看来这并不难看; 恰恰相反,我认为它很漂亮。例: A:Do you hate it? B:On the contrary, I like it. A:你讨厌它吗? B:刚好相反,我喜欢它。On the contrary 中文, On the contrary ...

"事与愿违"的英语:things go contrary to one's wishes 相关短语:1、虽然事与愿违但保持乐观 keep optimistic regardless of every adversity 2、总是事与愿违 Always backfire 3、可是依然事与愿违 But still backfire ; But still it did not 4、事与愿违 Things go athwart 5、事情不会如...

Contrary to popular belief , many cats dislike milk.与普通的看法相反,许多猫不喜欢牛奶。My sister's taste in dresses is contrary to my own.在服装方面,我妹妹的爱好和我完全不同.I have a contrary opinion 我有不同意见

on the contrary和By contrast都可表示相反吗
都可以表示。on the contrary 中文释义:恰恰相反;正相反;相反地 英文发音: [ɒn ðə ˈkɒntrəri]例句:It's no trouble at all; on the contrary, it will be a great pleasure to help you 根本不费事,恰恰相反,非常荣幸能帮到你。By contrast 中文...

on the contrary 和 to the contrary 的用法及区别
ie that it is not true. 我仍然相信这一点, 除非能证明它与此相反. contrary 3 \/ kənˈtreərɪ; kənˋtrɛrɪ\/ adj obstinately refusingto help or obey 好与人作对的; 执拗的: He's an awkward, contrary child. 他是个又麻烦又不听话的孩...

蒙版18787927016问: contrary to位于句首,是什么结构,做什么成分 比如 Contrary to -
凉州区固尔回答: contrary to是一个形容词短语.contrary在此处为形容词.正确结构为be contrary to sth,此处两句用逗号隔开,只能出现一个谓语动词,所以第一句的be省略了.

蒙版18787927016问: to the contrary 和 on the contrary有什么区别 -
凉州区固尔回答: to the contrary和on the contrary的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、to the contrary:相反地. 2、on the contrary:恰恰相反. 二、用法不同 1、to the contrary:contrary用作形容词时,基本意思是“相反的,相违的”...

蒙版18787927016问: 比较on the contrary ,to the contrary与contrary to的用法 -
凉州区固尔回答: 他们意思都差不多:相反的on the contrary,一般用在句首 On the contrary, I have only just begun. 恰恰相反,我才刚刚开始.to the contrary,一般名字末尾 I have no evidence to the contrary. 我没有相反的证据.contrary to,一般是be contray to His action is contrary to the law. 他的行为违反了法律.

蒙版18787927016问: in contrast to和in contrary to 有什么差别 -
凉州区固尔回答: 前者更像与某某相比而不同,后者更像在说“相反的..” 比如 In contrast to his sister's laziness, he is actually very hardworking 与他姐姐的懒散不同,他其实很勤奋In contrary to his sister's laziness, he is hardworking 他的姐姐很懒散,相反的,他很勤奋其实两个意思非常相像,大多时候可以互用,不过一般非正式文或场合里不会用contrary,这个字,因为这个字比较正式

蒙版18787927016问: contrary to 与 be contray to的区别 -
凉州区固尔回答: contrary只做adj.形容词.contrary to和be contrary to意思一样,用法不同.看3个句子: 1. I am contrary to what others have said. I like John. 这里的contrary to what...和前面的am构成了系表结构,也就是常说的谓语(也是标准的be contrary to结构...

蒙版18787927016问: to the contrary on the contrary的用法(最好有例子) -
凉州区固尔回答: 他俩其实有意义的区别,但不好记,不如只看他俩在句中的位置直观.看以下例句:观察各自在句中的位置.I am not sick;on the contrary,I am in the peak of health.Despite what you say to the contrary,the contract is fair.

蒙版18787927016问: contrary to 与 be contray to的区别 -
凉州区固尔回答:[答案] contrary只做adj.形容词.contrary to和be contrary to意思一样,用法不同.看3个句子:1.I am contrary to what others have said.I like John.这里的contrary to what...和前面的am构成了系表结构,也就是常说的谓语(...

蒙版18787927016问: 介词短语可以放句首吗?如:to the contrary? -
凉州区固尔回答: 我理解,to the contrary是来形容一个名词的比如,if there is any plan to the contrary, we will meet at 7 tonight.如果没有相反的计划,我们今晚7点碰头on the contrary是状语比如,he said it was ugly, on the contrary i found beauty in it他说这个很丑,相反的,我却从中发现了美丽.所以on the contrary可以放句首,to……就不可以啦

蒙版18787927016问: contrary to是独立组合结构吗?独立组合结构有哪些?举些例子好吗? -
凉州区固尔回答: be contrary to与....相反;与....相悖你问得不清楚耶.你是不是指“独立主格结构”?英语中哪有什么“独立组合结构”?!contrary to引导的句子不是独立主格结构.例如: Contrary to our expectations, he was the man who stole our dormitory. 我们怎么也想不到,他就是偷我们寝室的人.★★关于独立主格结构方面的知识,你可以参阅百度百科对它的讲解,很好的,比我这里三言两语的讲好多了.地址:

蒙版18787927016问: 有没有be on the contrary to的用法? contrary与contradictory有什么区别不? -
凉州区固尔回答: 没有,一般用法应该是( be )contrary to 或者 on the contrary. contrary adj.相反的, 逆的, ■执拗n.反面adv.相反地 解析:a contrary wind逆风 by contraries与预期相反的 be contrary to one's expectation出乎意料的 【同】 contradictory, conflicting, opposite 【辨析】contradictory 表示两个互相排斥,矛盾,不可能同时存在的事物; contrary也指相互矛盾的事物,但这两者不可能同时正确,却可能同时错误; conflicting强调事物的冲突,常用于兴趣,感情,利益等;

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