
作者&投稿:卓伦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2005年英语考研的Texe4第一题B选项is but all too ···是怎么解释啊...
(答案) [B]is but all(=just恰恰是) too( 太自然的)natural in language development.[C」has caused(导致) the controversy(争论) over (在反文化方面)the counter-culture.(因果颠倒)[D〕brought about (产生了变化)changes in(公众态度) public attitudes in the 1960s.——资...


in all 总计; 总的说来 in all likelihood 十有八九,多半,可能性很大 in all probability 十有八九,多半,可能性很大 It's all up.(=All is up.)[口]一切都完了; 毫无希望了.It's all very well ...,but...[口.讽]...好倒是好,但是...It's all very fine ...,but...[口...

That's all very fine ..., but... [口.讽]...好倒是好, 但是 was all one could do not to 好不容易才没有 most of all 最最; 特别(最糟糕的是)worst of all 最最; 特别(最糟糕的是)Not at all 一点也不; 根本不 哪儿的话; 别客气; 没有什么。not all t...

that.s not all和that.s all有什么用法
But that's not all.但这并不是全部.2.that's all仅此而已;就这样 例句:I can boot up from a floppy disk, but that's all.我可以用一张软盘来启动,但其他的就无能为力了。It wasn't anything serious. A mild stomach upset, that's all.没什么大不了的。只是胃有点不舒服,没...

1、But作并列连词连接两个动词时,but后的动词形式,取决于but之前的形式。例如:The purpose of the scheme is not to help the employers but to provide work foryoung people.此计划的目的不是帮助雇主,而是为年轻人提供工作。2、当not…but作为并列连词引导的状语时,but后的动词必须用带to...

...but all things ___into's still a good car...
解析:1. 题目中的 but 是副词,意思是“仅仅”;2. 短语 take sth. into consideration 意思是“把...考虑进去”, take all things into consideration 就是“把一切都考虑进去”;3. all things taken into consideration 是独立主格结构,即“独立主格的名词 + 分词短语”。由于主格 all things...

but是一个英文单词,可以用作连接词,介词,副词,代词等词性,读音有:美音[bʌt] 英音[bʌt]。连接词 conj 1. 但是;2. (通常用not...but...)而是;3. 可是,然而;4. (表示惊讶、不同意等)喔,哇;5. (用来加强语句重复部分的语气)一定;6. (用来引入新话题)那就;7. ...

We still can't quite believe he's here with us after all this time 我们还是不太敢相信,过了这么久,他居然还和我们一起呆在这里。4、all thumbs 笨手笨脚的 ; 一窍不通的 ; 满手都是大拇指 ; 手太笨的 双语例句:I'm all thumbs this morning. I forgot my keys in mybedroom....

I can't help but cry. 我忍不住哭了。10. all but 意为“除……外全都,几乎”。例如:All but mother in my family can speak English.除母亲外,我的一家人都会说英语。His theory is all but correct. 他的理论几乎是正确的。11. anything but 意为“不见得,决不”。例如:He is ...

康终15610898799问:的用法 -
瑶海区天诚回答: too…to…结构不但可以表示否定的意思,有时还可能有肯定的含义.这里就too…to…的习惯用法归纳如下: 一、too…to…通常用来表示否定含义,即“太…而不能…”.例如: 1.English is too difficult for Ling Ling to learn.英语对玲玲来讲太难...

康终15610898799问: 英语翻译:The decline of formal English is but all too natural in language development. -
瑶海区天诚回答: 理解本句,关键是理解but的用法,此处是副词“只,只是,不过”的意思.The decline of formal English 是主语,“正式英...

康终15610898799问: too……to……句子中 否定词加在哪里 想得到双重否定的效果 -
瑶海区天诚回答: too……to……句子中 否定词加在动词前能得到双重否定的效果.如:His brother is too excited to fall asleep.他哥哥激动得睡不着觉.但要注意,当too被only, but, all 等词修饰时,too…to…结构就不再表示否定的意思,而有肯定的含义.因为only, but , all+too,相当于very,表示“实在、非常、十分”等意思.如:Swimming isn't too difficult to learn. 游泳并不难学.

康终15610898799问: The apricot is too sour to eat .这句话对吗 -
瑶海区天诚回答: "too+形容词/副词+动词不定式"结构简称为""结构.这种结构是英语中常用的一种句型,在大多数情况下表示否定意义,在翻译时,通常可译为"太……而不能……"、"太……无法……".下面就谈谈""结构表示否定的常...

康终15610898799问: 给几句四级考试的固定句型? -
瑶海区天诚回答: 你好,1. It作先行主语和先行宾语的一些句型 She had said what it was necessary to say. 2. 强调句型 It is not who rules us that is important, but how he rules us. 3. "All+抽象名词"或"抽象名词+itself"(very+形容词) He was all gentleness to her. ...

康终15610898799问: but用于什么句子 -
瑶海区天诚回答: but 一词既可作连词、介词、副词用,又有一些习惯搭配和固定用法,现对其用法作以下归纳. 一、用作连词 1. 用作等立连词,使其前后的词、短语、分句相互对照,作“但是,然而,可是”解.例如: She is young but very experienced. 她虽...

康终15610898799问: 一个句子+too+一个句子中的too应该怎么翻译呢?求助 -
瑶海区天诚回答: 你说的是用too 和to造句吧,其用法如下: 1.太...以致不能... The boy is still too young to go to school. 小男孩还不到上学年龄. He is too excited to speak. 他太激动了,说不出话来. 2.当too 前面有only,all,but时,意思是:非常… 等于very. I'm only too ...

康终15610898799问: not only but also的用法我有一句话不太确定对不对 -
瑶海区天诚回答: 不对等. 应该是 not only+KK, but also+KK. 这里的KK 要有相同性质,KK和KK是并列关系,必须是相同类型的东西,KK都是名词、都是形容词、都是动词. 比如: He is not only my father,but also my friend.连接两个人称名词. He is not only tall,but also white.连接两个形容词 Not only he is my father,but also he is my friend.连接两个句子.

康终15610898799问: not noly but also 用法 -
瑶海区天诚回答: 1. not only … but also 应连接两个相对称的并列成分.例如: Not only Mr Lin but also his son joined the Party two years ago. (连接两个主语) I not only play tennis but also practise shooting. (连接两个谓语动词) He plays not only the piano ...

康终15610898799问: also either too 三个词的区别在那里?
瑶海区天诚回答: 这三个词都表示“也”的意思. also用在主语之后,too 和either用在名子末尾. also和too都用在肯定句中,either用在否定名中. 例: I also have a pen. I have a pen too. I don't have a pen either.

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