
作者&投稿:苑夏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

invention用英语怎么读:英[ɪnˈvenʃn].美[ɪnˈvɛnʃən]一、基本释义 invention:n.发明;创意;创造;虚构;编造;虚构的故事;创造力。复数:inventions。二、相关短语 1、back an invention支持发明 2、commercialize an invention使发明商品化 3、make...

invention 英 [ɪnˈvenʃn] 美 [ɪnˈvɛnʃən]n.发明; 发明物; 捏造:内心捏造的东西,特指谎言; 发明才能 复数: inventions

inventions: [ɪnˈvɛnʃənz]n.发明;创意;创造;虚构;编造;虚构的故事 invention的复数 例句:1.Their inventions have contributed to the development of electrical engineering.他们的发明有助于电气工程学的发展。2.Scientific inventions such as these have raised labo...

invention既是可数名词又是不可数名词。不可数名词翻译为:发明,创造、创造力,发明才能。可数名词翻译为:发明物,创作品,复数形式为:inventions. 扩展资料 例句:1、It's been a tricky business marketing his new invention.推广他的新发明一直是件棘手的事情。2、In these and several other...

invention[英][?n?ven?n][美][?n?v?n??n]n.发明;发明物;捏造:内心捏造的东西,特指谎言;发明才能;复数:inventions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Skypeisthebestinventionever!Skype绝对是史上最好的发明!2.Currypowderisanamericaninvention.咖喱粉是美国的发明。invent名词和动词分别是什么 回答:...

中国四大发明的英文:The four great inventions of ancient China 一、 invention 英 [ɪn'venʃ(ə)n] 美 [ɪn'vɛnʃən]n. 发明;发明物;虚构;发明才能 Such changes have not been seen since the invention of the printing press.自从发明了...

there have been many great inventions or things that changed the...
there have been many great inventions or things that changed the way we live 有很多伟大的发明或事情改变了我们的生活方式 invention英[ɪnˈvenʃn]美[ɪnˈvɛnʃən]n.发明; 发明物; 捏造:内心捏造的东西,特指谎言; 发明才能;[网络]发现; ...

复数: inventions 六、双语例句 Such changes have not been seen since the invention of the printing press.自从发明了印刷机,这种变革还没有出现过。The invention of the industrial robot is credited to the company.工业机器人的发明应归功于那家公司。John was full of invention ─ always ...

the four great inventions的翻译是什么?
The four inventions had a great impetus to the development of politics, economy and culture in ancient China. They were transmitted to the west through various ways and had a great influence on the history of world civilization.翻译:四大发明是中国古代创新的智慧成果和科学技术,包括造纸...

inventive concept; 【2】. 发明家 inventor; 【3】. 发明奖励条例 Regulations on Awards for Inventions; 【4】. 发明权 inventor's patent right; 【5】. 发明人 inventor; 【6】. 发明一等奖 first-class invention award; 【7】. 发明专利 patent of invention; inventive patent ...

徒皇19160868142问: “发明物”的英文 -
汝南县康立回答: inventions

徒皇19160868142问: 【译】这个发明家发明了很多项发明.注:invent v.发明 inventor n.发明家 invention n.发明(可数名词) -
汝南县康立回答: 把this换成the更符合英语语势

徒皇19160868142问: 《发明》用英语怎么翻译 -
汝南县康立回答: (v.)invent/(n.)invention 复数inventions单三invients 过去/过分invented现分inventing

徒皇19160868142问: Lnventions中文意思是什么? -
汝南县康立回答: 发明.当一个新的构想在实验室被证实可行的时候,工程师称之为'发明'(lnvention),而只有当它能够以适当的规模和切合实际的成本,稳定地加以重复生产的时候,这个构想才成为一项'创新 '(innovation)”

徒皇19160868142问: 英语翻译.爱迪生一生中有一千多种项发明.Edison has( )( )one thousand inventions all his life. -
汝南县康立回答:[答案] More than 多于 more than one thousand 就是一千多种

徒皇19160868142问: 英语little scientists,great inventions课文翻译 -
汝南县康立回答:[答案] 现今有很多非常伟大的发明,那些发明改变了我们的生活方式,第一个伟大的并至今依然非常重要的发明就是轮子,他令我们能更容易搬运重物和长距离旅游,在轮子之后的数百年里都很少有效果足以和车轮相提并论的发明,然后再19世纪早期世界...

徒皇19160868142问: 它们都是伟大的发明.英语怎么翻译
汝南县康立回答: 答案是:They are all great inventions ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

徒皇19160868142问: 用英语说几个annoying inventions. -
汝南县康立回答:[答案] 一般annoying inventions好像总和环境问题有关我觉得..vehicles - huge carbon emissions cause global warming!disposable chopsticks - destruction of forestsnuclear weapons - undoubtedly a threat to our env...

徒皇19160868142问: inventions namedafter people翻译
汝南县康立回答: 发明命名的人

徒皇19160868142问: “最伟大的发明”英语作文,80字左右, -
汝南县康立回答: In the world, there are many brilliant inventions, such as the Internet, computers, cars, airplanes, etc. Without them, our lives would be difficult and boring. Therefore, I believe that the greatest invention is the one that brings convenience and happiness to people.

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