
作者&投稿:村宗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

26种英语形容词后缀讲解 1.-able 以“-able”结尾的形容词一般有两种情况:(1)v.+able→adj. 以这种方式构成的形容词其意义为“能……的”、“可以(被)……的”、“适 合于……的”、“值得……的”等,即有被动含义。例如:reliable(可以依靠的),drinkable(可以饮用的 ),eatable...

I like children very much ,if i am a teacher,I can play with children every day !how happy it is !well ,we can imagine to be a teacher is very intresting !I think to be a teacher must be happy ,to learn ...

When he got to the classroom,nobody was found ___ in it .A seated B sitting down C to seat D seating 选D seating 作为伴随状语,用动词的ing形式,表示 没有人“坐在教室里”,不是被动,故不用A,而sit in it .表示坐在教室里,B项的 down 多余。如果C项的改为 to ...

我认为最有趣的是游泳 中译英
In my opinion,swimming is the most interesting sport.

几个英语翻译句子.[急 谢谢
1.你能帮我修电脑真是太好了.2.值班的人发现了一个奇怪的人.3.我发现划船很有趣 4.他们是二十分钟前到达城里的 5.上车的时候,不要拥挤.translation:1.It's very kind of you to help me fix my computer.2.The man who is on duty has found a weird guy.3.I found boating is a ...


短语:1 保持做。。。(keep doing...)2 设法做。。。(try to do...)3 保持充满生气 (keep vitality enough)句子:1. Stella is interested in writing poem 2. Bamboo is panda's main food 3. Damon lost the chance to win you, because he broke the rules.4. Everyone who from ...

试着帮你写一下。呵呵,稍等。Last week, our school had an intresting school trip to Emei Mountain in Sichuan province. As everyone knows, it's difficult to get there. The trip took us more than 6 hours. It seemd that the time went very slow then.As we climbed the mountain...

英语成分, 这句如何划分?
I have sth interesting to tell you.主谓宾:i have sth;interesting:定语;to tell you:定语;二个定语都是修饰名词sth。

标准答案来了 1.She is twelve years old. -Her-- --age-- is twelve.2.I am good at English. I --do---English very-well--.3My sister has great fun in the gaiden.My sister -enjoys-- --herself- in the garden.4.She is a student. She is --at- -school--.atschool...

召裘15669722468问: insteresting和interested的区别是什么? -
商洛市龙骨回答: interest是“使……感兴趣”,那就好理解了:interested:“被使感兴趣的”,这个词是用于对某物感兴趣的人,因为是他受到吸引;interesting则相反,是吸引人的事物.

召裘15669722468问: interesing与interesed的区别 -
商洛市龙骨回答: 他们都是形容词,不同的是intresting是物做主语,而另一个是人做主语,经常会用在固定搭配中,be interested in中.举例,this is an interesting book I.m interested in this book

召裘15669722468问: 求专业英语回答~~~ interesting有另一种写法为intresting吗? -
商洛市龙骨回答: inTREsting是inTEResting在您说口语或方言时的另一个含糊音的变体, 因为绝大部分英语的词的意思或本词及词根的变体引申出来的意义均源自您的发音(Pronauciation, According to Phonectics), 而并非像中学老师教的那样,“词义来自拼写(spelling)”. 那可是一个天大的错误或误导.有很多简单的例子, 如 tire 与tyre, 2与to,O与0, Exercise与Exercize,乃至telephone与telefone....诸如此类, U等于you嘛! 呵呵!

召裘15669722468问: 英语中,interesting与interested有什么区别? -
商洛市龙骨回答: interesting是"主动"形容词,即用于修饰人或事物本身,以外界的视角来观察被修饰对象,如The cat is interesting.而interested是"被动"形容词,即表示人或事物被赋予的意义,如I am intereated in the book bought yesterday.

召裘15669722468问: interesting和interested的区别 -
商洛市龙骨回答: ing 形式的形容词都表示 ”令人...” ed 的都表示 “感到...” Interesting 是令人感兴趣的 (本身的特点) Interested 是感到有兴趣 (感觉) 比如 This movie is interesting.这电影挺有趣.(这里电影不能感决有兴趣,只能是让人感到有兴趣,有趣是他本身的特点) I am interested in this movie.我对这个电影感兴趣.(这就是主观感觉对某个东西感兴趣了.) 有疑问请追问 满意请采纳

召裘15669722468问: interest形容词是什么?
商洛市龙骨回答: interesting

召裘15669722468问: intresting最近有种说法是什么意思 -
商洛市龙骨回答: 表示“有趣的”.其实一般社交网络中用到的话,说好有趣啊,要么真心觉得有意思,要么看你大段言论只好敷衍一下表示回应.当然,斗图的时候也有Intresting的表情,那就是娱乐了.

召裘15669722468问: interested,interesting和interest有?
商洛市龙骨回答: 一、词性不同1、interest是动名词.2、interesting是现在分词而来的形容词.3、interested是过去分词而来的形容词.二、一词多义不同1、interest作名词意思有兴趣;嗜...

召裘15669722468问: that man looks interested 还是intresting? -
商洛市龙骨回答: interesting 那个男的看起来很有意思 形容人本身有意思 用interesting 对……感兴趣用interested

召裘15669722468问: interest的形容词是什么?什么时候用ed -
商洛市龙骨回答: 您好,interesting为形容词,修饰事物,是使人感兴趣的 interested为形容词,修饰人,是人自己感兴趣

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