
作者&投稿:霍蚂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


What tense do these sentences use?

light,英 [laɪt],美 [laɪt]n. 光;光线;灯;打火机;领悟;浅色;天窗 adj.轻的;浅色的;明亮的;轻松的;容易的;清淡的 v. 点燃;变亮;照亮 adv.清楚地;轻便地 比较级: lighter,最高级: lightest ,过去式: lighted\/lit,过去分词: lighted\/lit,现在分词: lighting...

accidentally acidly actually adventurously afterwards almost always angrily annually anxiously arrogantly awkwardly B badly bashfully beautifully bitterly bleakly blindly blissfully boastfully boldly

He is sitting tensely on the edge of a chair, biting his fingers.因为缺乏信心,他拒绝了那个职位【lack n.】Because of a lack of confidence, he refuse that position.决定是否去之前,请仔细考虑【状语从句】Before you decide whether to go or not, please think it over.有了手机,...

(The coming exam )makes Nancy tense对划线部分提问()()Nancy tense...
tense 英 [tens] 美 [tɛns]adj. 拉紧的;肌肉绷紧的;神经紧张的;[语](语音)紧的 n. [语]时,时态;〈古〉时间 v. 使或变的紧张 紧张的; 紧张; 焦虑的; 拉紧的 复数:tenses 过去式:tensed 过去分词:tensed 现在分词:tensing 第三人称单数:tenses 比较级:tenser 最高级...

英 [fəʊld]     美 [foʊld]vt. 包;折叠;交叉;拥抱 vi. 翻倍;屈服;倒闭 n. 折层;折痕 I folded the handkerchief and put it in my pocket.我折好手绢,放进口袋里。fold tenderly慈爱地抱着 fold tensely紧紧地抱住 词汇的同近义词 crease  畅通词汇 英 [...

breakeven是什么意思如下:na.扯平;不赔不赚;(球赛)不分胜负 adj.得失相当的 n.收支相抵 1.Breakeven rates also implied there would be outright deflation over the next five years.盈亏平衡利率还暗示,未来五年将是彻底的通货紧缩。2.Breakeven Analysis: a technique for identifying the point ...

a hero should treat everyone with tolerance.I remember that one night before my examination ,I reviewed tensely.At this moment,mom came in with a cup a milk,handed over me,askde considerately:"Have you finished?Take a drink and go to the bed."I said perfunctoryly:"Thank you...

first,i would like to say,he got a pool family and his parents has divorced when he is a little boy,besides he had live with his fathers all the time and he must lack of mather love,his father got low his childhood is all without novelty toys and new clothes not...

掌朗18392641386问: intensely是什么意思
兰考县硫磺回答: 是intense的副词形式,意思是:强烈地,紧张地

掌朗18392641386问: intensively&intensely辨析? -
兰考县硫磺回答: intensively和intensely的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、含义不同 intensively adv. 加强地;集中地. intensely adv. 强烈地;热切地. 二、用法不同 intensively 加强的;集中的;密集的.集约(经营)的;精耕细作的. ...

掌朗18392641386问: “厉害”这个单词怎么拼写?谢谢回答~ -
兰考县硫磺回答: 副词 intensely 厉害, 厉害地 形容词 shrewd 精明, 精, 厉害, 敏捷, 乖, 尖 ferocious 凶猛, 狰狞

掌朗18392641386问: tatally fully amply intensely的用法上的区别?跪求,谢谢各路大神了. -
兰考县硫磺回答: 你第一个单词打错了吧?totally ['təutəli]adv.完全 例句:The rampart was destroyed totally.壁垒被彻底摧毁了.I am totally bewildered by the clues to this crossword puzzle.这个纵横字谜的提示完全把我弄糊涂了.He immersed himself totally in his ...

掌朗18392641386问: 化妆品里的intense是什么意思 -
兰考县硫磺回答: adj.(形容词)1、强烈的,剧烈的,极度的2、热情的,热切的3、紧张的4、认真的5、【摄】厚密度的 例如:Intense soothing balm:强烈的安抚剂 intense whitening:完全深彻靓白修护精华液 ultimate essence intense whitening :完全深彻靓...

掌朗18392641386问: 英语翻译当形容词和副词共同修饰一个名词时,这种用法(an intensely popular trend -
兰考县硫磺回答:[答案] 这是一种我们无法忽视的急剧大众化的趋势. intensely 实际是修饰的popular,副词修饰形容词,很常见的用法.

掌朗18392641386问: 语法:They need to keep themselves involved in intensely hard work . intensely不是副词吗?为何可以 -
兰考县硫磺回答: 是可以的.在 “intensely hard work”中:work —— 名词 hard —— 形容词,修饰 work intensely —— 副词,修饰 hard 而 intensely hard work 作 介词 in 的宾语,构成介词短语.

掌朗18392641386问: intense hydration是什么意思 -
兰考县硫磺回答: intense hydration强烈的水化intense英 [ɪnˈtens] 美 [ɪnˈtɛns] adj.热情的,强烈的,紧张的; 热烈的,热情的,认真的; [摄](底片)明暗度强的; 有强烈感情(或意见、想法)的强烈的;紧张的;剧烈的;激烈的 比较级: intenser 最高级: intensest 派生词:intensely intensenesshydration英 [haɪ'dreɪʃn] 美 [haɪ'dreɪʃn] n.水合,水合作用; 水化水合;水化;水合酌;水化作用

掌朗18392641386问: 语法:They need to keep themselves involved in intensely hard work .intensely不是副词吗?为何可以用在这里修饰hard work? -
兰考县硫磺回答:[答案] 是可以的. 在 “intensely hard work”中: work —— 名词 hard —— 形容词,修饰 work intensely —— 副词,修饰 hard 而 intensely hard work 作 介词 in 的宾语,构成介词短语.

掌朗18392641386问: 吹毛求疵英语表达 -
兰考县硫磺回答: 好几个词在不同语境中都可以翻译成吹毛求疵.例如形容词critical和nitpicking,常用句子You are so critical. Don't be nitpicking.

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