
作者&投稿:捷宣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The establishment of the social security system is the world universal attention 社会保障制度的建立是世界各国普遍重视的问题 Although the reform of the social security system in china to develop many normative Ordinance,,而我国虽然社会保障体制改革方面,制定众多规范性条例 nitially established ...


ally\/ 5Alai, E5lai\/n.盟国,同盟者,伙伴alongside\/ E5lRN5said\/prep.在…旁边alternate\/ R:l5tE:nit\/vt.使交替 a.交替的amateur\/ 5AmEtE:\/a.业余的n.业余爱好者ambassador\/ Am5bAsEdE\/n.大使,使节ambiguous\/ Am5bigjuEs\/a.模棱两可的;分歧的ambitious\/ Am5biFEs\/a.有雄心的;热望的amend\/ E5mend\/vt....

mary***_**@163.COM 这是一个环球的雅思老师的邮箱 当时我在环球买了一张120块的作文批改卡,可以批6篇,我只批了3篇就去考试了,作文从5提到6,觉得很有用 你把你的作文发她邮箱里,她会批得很细心的,还能批3篇呢 你发我个百度消息,我把我的邮箱留给你,这样你就可以用我的作文批改卡...

芷军15637472154问: 不假思索 英语怎么说 -
府谷县玉屏回答: 不假思索 [词典] (又作“不加思索”) without thinking; have at one's fingers' ends [tips]; not necessary to think; offhand; [例句]我起初不假思索地就否定了这个想法. I initially dismissed the idea out of hand.

芷军15637472154问: 英语翻译1.当我们到达最高处的时候..2.本来 -
府谷县玉屏回答:[答案] 1.when we reach the top 2.initially/ originally/ supposed

芷军15637472154问: 帮忙一下,中翻英 -
府谷县玉屏回答: 1. The stocked eggs have all been sold out. (sell out 的过去式) 2. Going to the college/university is the turning point of my life. 3. We are of two minds about whether or not to sell our house. 4. I just flicked through this magazine; I did not read it carefully...

芷军15637472154问: 最初不相识最终不相认的英文翻译 -
府谷县玉屏回答: Initially did not know the final phase is not identified.

芷军15637472154问: 不假思索 用英语怎么说 -
府谷县玉屏回答: 不假思索 一般翻译成without thinking without hesitation readily without due consideration 等下面请看具体句子中的翻译. 1.The answer was snapped back without hesitation.格里利不假思索地答道.2.He often acts without a moment's thought...

芷军15637472154问: 英语翻译Initially,after the removal of the royal family to Paris,Louis maintained a certain level of popularity by acquiescing to many of the social,political,and ... -
府谷县玉屏回答:[答案] 开始,当王室移居去巴黎时.路易斯保持了一贯的声望,因为他默许了许多改革者在社会、政治和经济上的变革.

芷军15637472154问: 翻译一句话(英语) -
府谷县玉屏回答: Initially formed a teaching style based on English task,which is purposed to develop ability to apply language,student-oriented,focused on topics,centered on tasks and is tasked with classroom teaching,projected with extra-curricular work,specified ...

芷军15637472154问: 帮我翻译一个句子! -
府谷县玉屏回答: I initially planned to take some pictures on scenery, but there was no one to help me take these pictures, so I can only used the webcam in my room to take pictures.

芷军15637472154问: “人生若只如初见”怎么翻译? -
府谷县玉屏回答: 人生若只如初见 Long gone are the days when we first met, 何事秋风悲画扇 Present is the hand fan left forlorn by summer. 等闲变却故人心 How is it that promises are so easy to forget, 却道故人心易变 While you glibly accuse the heart as the ...

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