
作者&投稿:兆股 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

高一英语必修三《Unit 5 Music》教案
Let’s listen to some music. Let’s see if you can guess which music matches with which picture. Classical music Country music Rock ‘n’ Roll Rap Orchestra Folk music Yes, you are right. I’m sure you will really enjoy yourselves after listening to all these beautiful music. What kind...

减数分裂的意义 英文
Then each chromosome is formed by the two chromatids. 在有些生物甚至没有这个间期,而由末期Ⅰ直接转为前期Ⅱ。 In some biological and even without this interval, but by the end of the direct to pre-Ⅰ Ⅱ. 减数分裂Ⅱ 这次分裂基本上与有丝分裂相同。 Meiosis Ⅱ The split is basically the ...

...the sun shines t___ rain, a rainbow is formed in the sky. 空格...
through light or notice points not

n.漂浮者;漂浮物;临时工;非法投票人;公司发起人 (复数)floaters:眼中线状物.refloat v.再浮起;离礁 Words formed by adding one letter before or after atrloef (in bold), or to aeflort in any order:d - deflator i - floatier l - fellator One who dabbles in ...

human和human being有什么区别?
一、强调的方面不同:human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”,基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being。例句:1、Without its light and warmth there would be neither plants nor animals nor human beings.没有光和热,就不可能有植物,动物,也不可能有人类。2、...

1.It's against n___for a mother to hurt her child.
1.nature 2.advice 3.believe 4.habit 我的答案应该正确的。楼上几位觉得自己的英语水平很好。我也很承认。因为他们用的词我都没见过。但对于初中英语来说。课本不会出现哪些词的。遇到这种题不会做时,翻一下课后的单词表就能找到。希望对你有用!

good day,soon the order will be formed.please,wait.是什么意思...
good day,soon the order will be formed.please,wait.这句是口语化的表达,翻译为:您好,订单马上就好,请稍等。这里的good day 是白天里打招呼的用法,晚上用good night 这句是一种场景化对白中的一句,口语氛围十足,用了一个将来时,和一个简短的祈使句。Soon the order will be formed. 是...

08.12.6 托福机经
3. A university’s plan about arrange the dorm according to same interests, hobbies of people....solid materials and then you cut piece by piece on the materials until some shape is formed. ...独立写作是你觉得把一件事做完在做下一件好呢还是同时做N件事好?2008年12月05日(北美)阅读部分...

最佳bind vt.约束;装订;捆绑;(用长布条)缠绕 vt.&vi.(使)结合 n...
bind和bond的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、意思不同 1.bind意思:v. 捆绑;装订;约束;强迫;团结 2.bond意思:n. 债券;结合;协定;联系;情谊;黏合剂 二、用法不同 1.bind用法:可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。bind还可以接动词不定式...

What are the three types of business organizations? Pleas...
1, the linear structure: every member of the organization under the direct management of its direct authority; everyone in the organization only to a higher level of direct reports, "one person, one head"; managers in their jurisdiction , To have absolute authority or the full ...

剑诸15983318682问: inform sb +that 从句,that引导的从句在主句中做什么成分,是宾语,还是宾补?还是双宾语? -
霸州市归脾回答: 双宾语 因为可以改成: inform that to sb.如果是宾补,是不能改写的.双宾语,相对的,他们的语法地位基本相同.

剑诸15983318682问: inform 后面一定要加of吗?不可以接that么? -
霸州市归脾回答: 不一定,可以接.要看句意. 1、inform sb about/of sthPlease inform us of any change of address as soon as possible. 2、inform sb (that)We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected.They decided to inform the police.3、...

剑诸15983318682问: inform sb 后可接疑问词引导的从句.keep me informed 后加疑问词引导的从句要加of inform sb 后的从句都是宾语从句,后可直接跟that 从句和疑问词引导的... -
霸州市归脾回答:[答案] 要的吧 例如: THE manager promised to keep me informed of how our business was going on 经理答应把我们生意的进展情况随时通知我.

剑诸15983318682问: inform sb+介词+sth
霸州市归脾回答: 通知,告知,报告(+of/about)] 例句:I informed his wife of his safe arrival. 我通知他太太他已平安抵达. 所以用OF/ABOUT都行

剑诸15983318682问: 请教一个英语问题.please be informed that,,,这个是用在什么场合? -
霸州市归脾回答: please be informed释义1. please be informed that: 请注意2. Once purchase made , it takes around 8 weeks to ship out.Please be informed that depends on the demand, it could take little more than 8 weeks.: 8周或8周以上例句1.Please be ...

剑诸15983318682问: 有没有inform sb.of doing sth.告知某人某事 可以说inform sb.of sth.那告知某人做某事 怎么说呢 有inform sb.of doing sth. -
霸州市归脾回答:[答案] inform的用法:inform sb.of sth.告知某人某事 inform sb.that/wh-…告知某人 inform sb.+疑问词+不定式 e.g.The singer informed us of their arrival.歌手们把他们到来的消息告诉了我们.The nurse informed me that visiting ...inform sb to do

剑诸15983318682问: 后面+sb of sth的动词有哪些? -
霸州市归脾回答: 1. remind sb. of sth.(sb.) 使某人想起某事(某人) The story reminds me of my past. 这个故事使我想起了我的过去. You remind me of your father. (看到)你使我想起了你父亲. 2. rob sb. of sth. 抢某人某物 The robber robbed him of his ...

剑诸15983318682问: “please be informed that”是什么意思? -
霸州市归脾回答: “please be informed that”意为“请知悉” 造句:Please be informed that we have a new colleague Meredith in our office.译:请告知,我们有一个在我们的办公室的新同事梅雷迪思.

剑诸15983318682问: It is important that every member (be informed) of the rules. -
霸州市归脾回答: 你好It is important that sb should...... 本题省略了should, 所以是 be informedIt is important that every member (should) be informed of the rules. 每位成员都需要被告知制度, 这是很重要的.若有疑问及时追问,如满意请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢!O(∩_∩)O

剑诸15983318682问: i have been being informed that.这句话对吗 -
霸州市归脾回答: 理论上没错 I have been being informed that 表达的意思是:到现在我一直在被告知那件事.如果像表达:我已经被告知了那件事.可以用:I have been informed that.

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