
作者&投稿:仲孙宝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

5. statistics; versions; legal; adventurous; fate; indeed; chatting; online; owed; internet; hopefully; expenses 6.insisted on; gave notice; base on; form the beginning; in the middle of; off from work; every so often; fell asleep; conform to; leave for 7. It has been \/ ...

图书目录Unit 1 Live and LoveWarming UpListeningSpeakingUseful Expressions: Making Inquiries and Giving Negative ResponsesSituational Conversations: Just Being DisagreeableListening and SpeakingHomeworkUnit 2 Step Up to Better HealthWarming UpListeningSpeakingUseful Expressions: Expressing Blame and Mak...

1.It would be a fine thing indeed not knowing what time it was in the morning. 早上没有时间观念还真是一件好事啊(真实含义是应该明确早上的时间观念) 2"Of course, you only carry large notes, no small change on you. "the waiter said to the beggar. 12.Pun 双关 双关就是用一个词在句子...

(2)You can depend on him for help whenever youre in tourble.Hesa true blue.你遇到麻烦时尽管去找他帮忙,他是一个靠得住的忠实朋友。(用trueblue代替真金烈火,忠诚可靠的)使用借代修辞方式要选用最突出最明显的事物特征来代替事物名称。借代运用得好,能使语言表达简洁明快、具体、形象,以避免...

谁有 上外英语综合教程4第二版的课后练习答案
They are indeed of great use to us, but they have brought some hazards as well, such as noise and air pollution, and highway fatalities. It is reported that automobile accidents rang among the leading causes of death and injury throughout the world. Fortunately modern innovators are ...

1>.It would be a fine thing indeed not knowing what time it was in the morning. 早上没有时间观念还真是一件好事啊(真实含义是应该明确早上的时间观念) 2>"Of course, you only carry large notes, no small change on you. "the waiter said to the beggar. 12.Pun 双关 双关就是用一个词在...


...encounters的全文翻译!就是大学的 综合教程第一册14单元 急!加分...
For there are indeed problems with the communications revolution, problems that are not only economic. 交流上的革命确实存在问题,并且这些问题并不仅仅是经济上的。Most fundamental is the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at ...

农刷18036366772问: indeed的用法,放在动词前面还是后面?放在形容词前面还是后面?放在句子的前面、中间还是后面? -
城口县拜唐回答:[答案] a friend in need is a friend indeed表示强调(1) 用于陈述句中强调所陈述的内容,此时的indeed可置于句首、句中、句末等,其意为“的确”“确实”“真的”等.如:①用于句首Indeed,his caution is legendary.确实,他...

农刷18036366772问: "indeed"怎么用 -
城口县拜唐回答: indeed ad. 当然,确实;真正地,实际上;实在;固然;甚至;真的 近义词辨析:这些副词均有“确实地,真正地”之意.indeed:一般用于肯定或证实对方所说的话,多承接前言,也用来加强或肯定自己说话的语气.really:主要用于强调与...

农刷18036366772问: Indeed 如何使用?Indeed在英语表达中,是因该放在句首呢?还是句尾?对于它在句中的位置有什么特殊的要求? -
城口县拜唐回答:[答案] 有一句谚语是 A friend in need is a friend indeed 意思是患难见真情

农刷18036366772问: indeed的用法 是什么 捏 -
城口县拜唐回答: 1.adv (用于强调真实性) 确实[强调] 例:"Did you know him?"—"I did indeed." “你认识他吗?”—“我确实认识他.” 2. adv (表示递进语气) 其实[强调][ADV with cl]例:We have nothing against diversity; indeed, we want more of it. 我们并不反对多样化;其实,我们希望有更多的多样化. 3. adv 真正地 (用于句末修饰)(very)(或强调某词以加强语气)[强调][adj ADV]例:The results are often strange indeed. 结果往往真是奇怪.

农刷18036366772问: need,in need,indeed有什么区别?都怎么用? -
城口县拜唐回答:[答案] need [ni:d] n.需要,必需 缺乏; 穷困; 困难; 危急 [常用复]需要的东西 be in need of food in need 在危难中,在危急中 indeed [inˈdi:d] adv.[表示赞同对方的意见]的确; 实在 [用以加强very等词的语气]确实,实...

农刷18036366772问: indeed的用法 是什么 捏比如:① 加逗号隔开 表什么②位于句末,无逗号隔开 又表示什么 -
城口县拜唐回答:[答案] 1.adv (用于强调真实性) 确实[强调]例:"Did you know him?"—"I did indeed." “你认识他吗?”—“我确实认识他.”2.adv (表示递进语气) 其实[强调][ADV with cl]例:We have nothing against diversity; indeed,we...

农刷18036366772问: have been in 和have been to区别? indeed 的用法. -
城口县拜唐回答: (1)have been in一般是呆在某个地方过 而 have been to 是曾经某个地方. (2)所以上文说的意思是他在那两个地方呆过一段时间,而不是他去过那两个地方.其实感觉还是不太一样的.have been in 比较重点是呆过一段时间 而have been to比较...

农刷18036366772问: indeed和形容词的位置关系 -
城口县拜唐回答: 2. 用于“very+形容词或副词”之后加强语气,其意大致相当于really. 如: Thank you very much indeed. 的确非常感谢你. She spoke very clearly indeed. 她说得很清楚. I was very pleased indeed to get your letter. 收到你的来信我确实很高兴. ...

农刷18036366772问: indeed 和 affirmative 用法区别?还有这两个单词可以有和 of course ;sure 用法相同的例子吗? -
城口县拜唐回答:[答案] indeed ad. 1.(加强语气)真正地,确实,实在 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真正的朋友. 2.(表示让步)当然,固然 He is indeed young,but he is competent. 他固然年轻,但他很称职. 3.(表示进一层的意思)更确切地;甚至 I am...

农刷18036366772问: really exactly truly actually indeed有什么区别,怎么用?用中文说明是在什么情况下使用的,谢谢 -
城口县拜唐回答:[答案] really 真的 ,普通语气 exactly 严格来讲,确切来说,从准确度来说 truly 真实地,真诚地 从情感上来说 actually 实际上,事实上=in fact 从实际事情上出发,和事实比较 indeed 确实,实在;真正地,多么 一般用在句尾

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