
作者&投稿:左丘夏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

区别:words是word的复数形式,word是单数,words是复数。words:n,是 word的名词复数, 意思为说的话,诺言,口令。例句:You have misconstrued his words.你误解了他的话。word:可作为名词,意思为单词,话语,诺言,消息,也可作为及物动词,意思为措辞,用词,用言语表达,也可作为不及物动词,...

words的意思:n.单词;词;字;说的话;话语;言语;诺言;许诺;保证。v.措辞;用词。word的第三人称单数和复数。读音:英[wɜːdz],美[wɜːrdz]。例句:1、Many's the time I heard her use those words.我不止一次听她说过那样的话。2、She told me to get ou...

words [wə:dz]n. 字(word的复数);话语;言语 v. 用言语表达(word的三单形式)

最佳word_有道词典 word英[wɜːd]美[wɝd] n.[语]单词...
word的音标是英 [wɜːd],美 [wɜːrd] 。word的意思有:1.n. 单词;话语;消息;诺言;命令。2.vt. 用言辞表达。3.n. (Word)人名;(英)沃德。word的复数words,过去式worded,过去分词worded,现在分词wording,第三人称单数 words。word的短语有:1.word formation ...

最佳word的中文意思: n.单词;消息;话语;诺言 v.用词语表达 word...
word的中文意思:n. 单词;消息;话语;诺言 v. 用词语表达 word:读音: 英 [wɜːd]     美 [wɜːrd]第三人称单数: words 复数: words 现在分词: wording 过去式: worded 过去分词: worded 派生词: worded 例证:The words stood out clearly on the page ...

vocabulary和word的区别如下:一,意思不同 vocabulary,\/vəˈkæbjələri\/,n.(某人掌握或使用的)全部词汇;(某一语言的)词汇;例如:Reading will enlarge your vocabulary.阅读能扩大词汇量。Reading will increase your vocabulary.阅读会增加你的词汇量。A child's...

n. 句子;判决;宣判;判刑 v. 判决;宣判;判刑 He was sentenced to life imprisonment.他被判处无期徒刑\/终身监禁。The judge gave him a six-month sentence.法官判他六个月徒刑 word的意思是‘单词’;sentence意思是‘句子’【常用搭配】in other words 换句话说;in a word 简言之、总之 ;break...

n. 字(word的复数);话语;言语 v. 用言语表达(word的三单形式)word [wə:d]n.1.词 字 2. 话;言词;简短的话 3. 诺言;保证 4. 消息,信息;音信 5.[the word]口令;暗号;信号 命令 6. [通常为复数]谈话 歌词;台词;对白 7. [复数]口角;争论 8. 【计算机】字,计算机...

word的中文意思:n. 单词;消息;话语;诺言 v. 用词语表达 word:读音: 英 [wɜːd]     美 [wɜːrd]第三人称单数: words 复数: words 现在分词: wording 过去式: worded 过去分词: worded 派生词: worded 例证:The words stood out clearly on the page ...

words的中文意思:字,话,诺言,口令。words英 [wɜ:dz] 美 [wɜ:dz] n.字( word的名词复数 );(说的)话;诺言;口令。word例句用法示例:1、You have misconstrued his words. 你误解了他的话。2、A word of warning. Don't stick too precisely to what it says in ...

褒秋15374079410问: in a word和in words的区别 -
驻马店市氨曲回答: in words 用文字表明1.Spoke in measured words.说话很有分寸2.To express oneself in words.用言辞表达自己3.To represent in words; describe.描述用文字表示;描述 in a word 总之=in summary=to sum up=Anyway 通常用于文章结尾,表示概括总结

褒秋15374079410问: in words什么意思 -
驻马店市氨曲回答: 我们老师说是in a word 没有in words 的说法in a word 是总的来说的意思一般放开头

褒秋15374079410问: 有没有人知道in word和 in words具体有什么区别呀? -
驻马店市氨曲回答: in word 为“口头上”,指以口头的形式表示,而并非落实在行动上.它与 in deed(行动上)相对. 例如: He is a friend in word only. 他只是一个普通朋友. I don't want you simply to promise me in word that you will be good. 我不想你只是在口...

褒秋15374079410问: in words是什么意思及反义词 -
驻马店市氨曲回答: in words [词典] 口头上; [例句]The vowel in words like 'my' and 'thigh' is not very difficult. 单词my和thigh中的元音并不难发.

褒秋15374079410问: in a word和in words的区别如题两个词组都有总的来说的意思,具体用法有什么区别? -
驻马店市氨曲回答:[答案] in other words 换句话说,也就是说 in a word 一句话,总而言之 in so many words 一字不差地(说); 清楚地(说); 直截了当地(说) in word 口头上

褒秋15374079410问: in other words和in the other words 有什么区别
驻马店市氨曲回答: 解答: in other words 意思是:换句话说; in a word 意思是:总而言之,总之; In other words, she must give up singing 意思为:换句话说,她必须放弃唱歌. In a word, she must give up singing 意思为: 总之,她必须放弃唱歌. 两种说法均可以,但是两种说法的意思是不同的.

褒秋15374079410问: in the other words 与 in other words 区别 -
驻马店市氨曲回答: in other words 意思是:换句话说; in a word 意思是:总而言之,总之;In other words, she must give up singing 意思为:换句话说,她必须放弃唱歌. In a word, she must give up singing 意思为: 总之,她必须放弃唱歌.两种说法均可以,但是两种说法的意思是不同的.

褒秋15374079410问: 英文合同的in words什么意思 -
驻马店市氨曲回答: in words 词典 口头上 I cannot teach you how to pray in words. 我不能教给你们用言语祈祷.Man thinks in words. 人类的思维是凭藉语言来进行的.His music is purer poetry than a poem in words. 他的音乐比真正的诗歌更具诗意.

褒秋15374079410问: by words in words 什么区别? -
驻马店市氨曲回答:[答案] 网络词典上的释义: in words 大写,表面上,用言语表达 例如:To express in words. 用言辞表达 by words 由语言传达 例如: Ideas are communicable by words . 思想可由语言传达.

褒秋15374079410问: In another word 和 in other words 的区别 -
驻马店市氨曲回答: He does not feel good, ( ), he is ill. A. in other words B. in another word in other words是换句话说的意思,in another word 是另外一种说法的意思,从意思上看不出区别,但已经约定俗成了,如果表达的前面刚说的东西就用 in other words

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