
作者&投稿:策解 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

despite和in spite of有什么区别呢?
1、词义不同 in spite of 英 [in spait ɔv] 美 [ɪn spaɪt ʌv]不顾;虽然,尽管…;别看 regardless of 英 [riˈɡɑ:dlis ɔv] 美 [rɪˈɡɑrdlɪs ʌv]不管, 不顾;无;不拘 2、用法不同 (1)in spite...

despite although 和in spite of 的区别
完全是一样的意思,后面一般跟ing形式,despite of\/in spite of (doing) sth,用于句首句中都可以.像一楼说的although只用于句首,且后面接句子.而和它同意的though句首句中都可以.以上四个都是同义词.

in spite of 后面接什么
你说错了吧,of这个介词决定了,in spite of后面一般接名词或者动名词。in spite of 英[in spait ɔv] 美[ɪn spaɪt ʌv][词典] 不顾; 虽然, 尽管…; 别看;[例句]In spite of great peril, I have survived 虽然处境非常危险,我还是挺过来了。--- des...

in spite of one's doing sth和despite one's doing sth语法上对吗...
从你问的问题看,相信这个你已经很熟悉了。更进一步,in spite of one's doing sth. 和 despite one's doing sth. 也是完全正确的。in spite of和despite为介词和介词性质短语,后面只能跟名词和动名词。即只要是名词性质的短语,都可以跟。这里,无论是sth, doing sth, one's doing sth. 都...

“和谐相处”英语可以说:"in harmony with...",例如“与自然和谐相处”就可以说:"in harmony with nature"。单词解释:1、harmony n.协调; 融洽,一致; 和谐; [音]和声 复数: harmonies 2、with prep.和,跟; 随着; 关于; 和…一致 3、in prep.采用(某种方式); 穿着,带着; ...

不管[bù guǎn]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?_百度...
[不管]百科解释 不管读作bù guǎn,释义为不顾,不考虑,出自《和张志和》。 更多→ 不管 [不管]英文翻译 despite; in spite of; no matter; whether [不管]近义词 不论 无论 [不管]相关词语 不过 无论 可笑 不理 纵然 现在 溶化 危险 改变 即使 俨然 不论 [不管]相关搜寻 不管不...

告诉我介词的短语的用法,though because of,despite in spite of
owing to: 可以和due to换用,但在句中多作状语,也可作表语。because of: 着重某种原因的理由,在句中通常作状语。thanks to: 突出一种感激之情,含"多亏"意味。in spite of 英 [in spait ɔv] 美 [ɪn spaɪt ʌv]不管 in spite of +名词\/代词,作让步状语 ...

even though, though, in spite of although 的区别与例句
你好 1. even though, though, although (1)三者互为同义词,意思是尽管、虽然、即使。可以互换使用。(2)三者都是连词,后面需要接句子。2. i n spite of ,意思也是尽管、虽然,但是本身是个介词短语,后面只能接名词或动名词。例句如下:1. Even though=even if : 做连词使用,后面接句子(...

by means of 借助于,用 in memory of 纪念 in order to 以便,为了 in accordance with一致;依据in front of在前面in place of代替:in exchange for交换in spite of尽管in view of由于,鉴于on account of由于on behalf of 代表in addition to 除了in agreement with同意in charge of负责,照料...

in spite of 和although 区分
in spite of 是介词短语后接名词,代词,而although是连词后接句子

隗殃13640472486问: in spite 能单独用吗 -
镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县川贝回答: in spite of, despite 和另外两个in despite of 及despite of完全同义,但后面三个都是较老的说法,可用in spite of的地方,就不要用它们.用despite of并不错误,请见有道桌面词典.

隗殃13640472486问: In spite of用法 -
镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县川贝回答: 1.两者都可以 2.可以 比如:In spite of the police brandishing their clubs and pistols,people showed not the slightest fear. 尽管警方挥动着短棍及手枪,但人们毫不畏惧.We arrived at the station in spite of the storm. 虽然有暴风雨,我们依旧准点...

隗殃13640472486问: in spite后加名词还是句子? -
镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县川贝回答: 加句子,in spite of 后加名词

隗殃13640472486问: “in spite of”可以加句子吗? -
镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县川贝回答: “in spite of”可以加句子in spite of释义:尽管;不管,不顾短语:in spite of itself 不知不觉In spite of rain 不顾雨水in spite ofregardless of 不顾近义词:in despite of , for all that例句:In spite of these insults, I managed not to get angry. 尽管遭到了这些侮辱,我尽力控制住自己没有发怒.

隗殃13640472486问: In spite of/ Despite 能否用在句子中间? -
镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县川贝回答: 这两个都可以用于句子中间

隗殃13640472486问: in spite of 尽管 可不可以加句子?状元笔记上说可以... -
镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县川贝回答:[答案] 介词短语后面跟单词或者词组. 不过可以跟宾语从句. 例如:In spite of what he said,he went out. 很高兴为你解答! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!

隗殃13640472486问: in spite of....... -
镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县川贝回答: 因为这题是两个句子,故选连词although.而in spite of 或despite两个都有“尽管”之意,但都是介词或介词短语,不能引导两个句子.

隗殃13640472486问: in spite of 尽管 可不可以加句子? 状元笔记上说可以...求解 -
镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县川贝回答: 介词短语后面跟单词或者词组. 不过可以跟宾语从句. 例如:In spite of what he said, he went out. 很高兴为你解答! 老师祝你学习进步! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^

隗殃13640472486问: in spite of 后面可以直接接句子吗?
镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县川贝回答: A small grey spider is spinning in the dark,in spite of all the times the web is torn apart.(懂了?

隗殃13640472486问: in spite of和despite的区别 -
镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县川贝回答: despite和in spite of 后面都接名词性成分 如名词、动名词、名词性从句 用法基本一致 但他们后面接句子一般用despite/in spite of the fact that 的结构 that后是同位语从句 这样比较正式 English became the official language in spite of/despite the fact that the population is largely chinese. despite of不要用 据说是古用法 现在有考试算错误

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