
作者&投稿:邹湛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

急!!!求数篇字数至少为100字的英语作文~~ first stay at homekey points:memorable experience;on business;take care of favourite...They buy whatever they like. what's your opinios on it ? 展开 3个回答 #热议# 西安防疫...r hild,ol,,mlfncfnftnmfmknix, d,mfjkcfcfcf njjjjjjnmb gjjjyuuh avvvvvvvvyu88888888888888888...

I found myself in water only three feet deep 我发现脚下的水只有3英尺深。2、love 英文发音:[lʌv]中文释义:n.爱;热爱;慈爱;爱情;恋爱;喜好;喜爱 例句:I needed this man's love, and the emotional support he was giving me 我需要这个男人的爱,以及他在情感上给我的支持。

ROSE 罗丝 http:\/\/\/fw23fx\/6621-02\/v16\/0235\/4.wma?4ae50kzvgq53ps55001tflag=1216579777opin=377370c1c392722c2a61a0ad3ac544ac.wma LEAVING PORT起航时分 http:\/\/\/fw23fx\/6621-02\/v16\/0235\/5.wma?ommcnrqvkc3rh345001tflag=1216579807opin=4a2416d92c674a9f1...

open A, "A.txt" or die "Can't open A";open B, ">B.txt" or die "Can't open B";my $count=1;while ( chomp ( my $ra = <A> ) ) { $ra =~ \/^([a-z]+)_(.)\\w+ (.+)$\/; print B "$1_circuit $1$2_pin${count}_num$_$\/" foreach ( split \/\\...

第一部分:http:\/\/\/zq\/yxwdwmyzc\/yxwd5_myzc.part1.rar?346662000000000002TFlag=1165570949&opIN=40DA04AFCE244014542A77D4E869FFF2.rar 第二部分:http:\/\/\/zq\/yxwdwmyzc\/yxwd5_myzc.part2.rar?346662000000000002TFlag=1165570967&opIN=6FDA9956233B9B98F91...

高二英语课文 知识点 解析
3. There did not seem much point in working on my Phi) -- I did not expect to survive ...3. inspiration n. 灵感 4. within prep. 在……的里面 5. curious adj. 好奇的 6. debate v...11. What's your opinkm? 12. Maybe it would be better to choose... ☆词汇短语☆ 【考点9...



赞贪13645857103问: in my opinion 的同义表达 -
通川区消结回答: in my opinion=from my perspective=in my view=personally

赞贪13645857103问: in my opinion还可以用什么来表达 -
通川区消结回答:[答案] Personally,I think...这种说法口语化点 From my point of view 这种比上一种正式点

赞贪13645857103问: 可用于代替in my opinion的短语有哪些 -
通川区消结回答: 用于代替inmyopinion的短语如下: 1、accordingtome译文:据我说2、frommypointofview译文:在我看来3、asfarasI'mconcerned译文:就我而言4、tomywayofthinking译文:以我的思维方式5、asIseeit译文:在我看来 6、asofmyopinion 译文:依我看 7、Inmywayofthinking 译文:以我的思维方式

赞贪13645857103问: 英文中与in my opinion,意思相同的地道的英文表达是什么 -
通川区消结回答:[答案] as I known 这是据我所知 或者更简单 I think 英语说破了无非就是简单 还能表达出意思就好 就是言简意赅嘛

赞贪13645857103问: 我认为的英语高级表达 我认为的英语高级表达方式有哪些? -
通川区消结回答: 1、Personally speaking:私认为、私以为 2、I reckon:我认为,我想3、as far as I'm concerned:依我看,在我看来 4、in my opinion:在我看来 5、to my mind=in my opinion:我认为,在我看来 6、if you ask me:我认为;依我看 7、in my view/it's my view that:在我看来

赞贪13645857103问: 写高中英语作文的任务型写作,有什么漂亮又便于记忆的短句来替换"In my opinion"这句话? -
通川区消结回答: 等同于In my opinion的套话有 Personally,As far as I'm concerned,As far as I know,As I know,To my knowledge,For me,As for me,In my case,Taking... into account

赞贪13645857103问: In my opinion 同意思短语,多了加分 -
通川区消结回答: in my opinion =in my mind =from my perspective =in my viewpoint =personally =My belief =My idea =My understanding =I think that =I consider =I believe =if you ask me =in my book =in my own conceit =in my estimation =meseems =I regard =speaking for myself =to me =it seems to me =I prefer

赞贪13645857103问: 英文中表达观点的语句语句有哪些,比如"i think""in my opinion"这些都太常见,太老套了,有没有一些高级点的词汇 -
通川区消结回答:[答案] As far as I am concerned,每次写作文我都用这个,它张得最长啊! In my point of view, as I see it, My idea of... It seemed to me that...

赞贪13645857103问: in my opinion能加什么形容词吗?比如说 in my humble opinion -
通川区消结回答: 当然可以加形容词在opinion前,但是要根据文章内容来评判是加humble还是不加.如果是表达你花了很多时间和精力才证实的一个科学论断或写个人面试的工作经历,那就不一定加humble,加了后会有反效果,因为语气上你自己对自己的研究结果或真实的工作经验都非常“谦虚”或“虚心”的话,别人觉得你的观点不那么成熟或不可信;不过在和别人探讨、商量的过程中就可以加humble,表示你的态度是诚恳和包容的,没有给人强势逼迫的意思.

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