
作者&投稿:姜钟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

which is a rival to vote. When the ball into the hoop and on the moment of Chemistry Peng once again play the role of the top killers, a leap hidden dashed spring, a full 1.3m height from the ground, like a trapeze artist then vacated in Jordan, do a nice fly to the...

'take a few leaps of faith' 的leaps何意
leap of faith 是美国习语,根据上下文语境可以理解为 孤注一掷,成事在天 等意思。例:越狱台词:Michael: Preparation can only take you so far. After that, you've got to take a few leaps of faith.可翻译为:能做的就这些,以后的事,就祈望幸运眷顾吧。

leap motion单词怎么卖
leap 英[li:p] 美[lip]vi. 跳; 冲动的行动;vt. 跳过,跃过; 使跳跃;n. 跳跃,飞跃; 跳跃的距离;[例句]He had leapt from a window in the building and escaped 他从大楼一个窗口跳出去跑了。[其他] 第三人称单数:leaps 复数:leaps 现在分词:leaping 过去式:leaped...

当之无愧的国内财经界执牛耳的存在!给你看看这个学院的顾问团队有多强大就知道了!清华大学经济管理学院顾问委员会(2017-2018)The Advisory Board of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (2017-2018)名誉主席 Honorary Chairman 朱镕基 清华大学经济管理学院首任院长(1984-2001)中华...

polly 英[ˈpɒlɪ]美[ˈpɒlɪ] n.波莉(女子名,等于...
Polly 英 [ˈpɒlɪ] 美 [ˈpɒlɪ]n. 波莉(女子名,等于Mary);鹦哥(鹦鹉的通称,等于poll parrot)Polly1 ['pɔli]波莉(女子名)[Molly 的异体, 见 Mary]Polly2 ['pɔli]n. 【鸟类】鹦哥(鹦鹉的通称)[亦作 polly, poll, poll ...

Annie Sullivan taught Helen how to connect objects with letters by spelling words into Helen’s hands. Helen’s breakthrough came when Annie held her hand under a water pump while spelling “water” into her other hand repeatedly. Helen suddenly understood, and from then on ...

meaning is that we have a team with the members sharing the common lofty aspirations, determined to make our company as benchmark in the industry, holding the responsibility of revitalizing our country, and promoting our business around the world via continuous efforts and leaps.

丅he monkey什么意思
The Monkey 猴子 英 [ˈmʌŋki] 美 [ˈmʌŋki]n.猴;猿;淘气鬼;小淘气 vi.胡闹;捣蛋 vt.嘲弄 第三人称单数: monkeys 复数: monkeys 现在分词: monkeying 过去式: monkeyed 过去分词: monkeyed 1、The monkey leaps from branch to branch.那...

裘柔15520503544问: by leaps and bounds是什么意思 -
泽普县维沙回答: by leaps and bounds_百度翻译 by leaps and bounds 非常迅速,突飞猛进;连跑带跳 [例句]Yes , she 's grown burberry by leaps and bounds and that 's something to be admired.她带领博柏利实现了跨越式发展,这一点令人钦佩.

裘柔15520503544问: by leaps and bounds啥意思 -
泽普县维沙回答: by leaps and bounds [词典] 非常迅速,突飞猛进; 连跑带跳; [例句]Swedish industrial front is developing by leaps and bounds in the late years. 瑞典的工业近年来出现了跃进的局面.

裘柔15520503544问: 资质证书翻译那个词比较确切? -
泽普县维沙回答: 1. certificate of credential2.follow inspiration and achieve in leaps and bounds

裘柔15520503544问: 飞跃和飞越有什么区别 -
泽普县维沙回答: 飞越:从空中很快地飞行通过. 飞跃:1〉事物从旧质到新质的转化.由于事物的性质的不同,飞跃有时通过爆发的方式来实现,有时通过新质要素的逐渐积累和旧质要素的逐渐消亡来实现.不同形式的飞跃都是质变. 2〉比喻突飞猛进. 3〉 (鸟)飞腾跳跃.]

裘柔15520503544问: 电力与英语的关系英语作文 -
泽普县维沙回答: The twenty-first century,today is a giant advance scientific and technological development,such as age,power,space technology and so has made gratifying achievements.In particular,store development,and even more by leaps and bounds.Our lives...

裘柔15520503544问: 一首英语诗歌,口试用,不要长 -
泽普县维沙回答: 华兹华斯——我心雀跃 My Heart Leaps Up My Heart Leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky; So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; And I could wish ...

裘柔15520503544问: 英语问题 -
泽普县维沙回答: 1.look up to 抬头看(某人或某物); 尊重〔敬仰〕(某人)2.对的 引申为 新写手的意思3. fit it in 可以指 把它安装到..中 比如Fit smoked plastic lenses in spectacles 把烟色的塑料镜片安在眼镜上 单独fi...

裘柔15520503544问: leaps and bounds和economy begins at home什么意思 -
泽普县维沙回答: Leaps and bounds 跳跃 economy begins at home 节约从家庭开始

裘柔15520503544问: 英文翻译:房地产市场有了突飞猛进的发展,近年来,我国掀起了一轮房地产热潮 -
泽普县维沙回答: Real estate market has been developing by leaps and bounds, in recent years, China's real estate boom raised round

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