
作者&投稿:裴治 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Here rests his head upon the lap of Earth A youth to Fortune and to Fame unknown.Fair Science frown'd not on his humble birth,And Melancholy mark'd him for her own.Large was his bounty, and his soul sincere,Heav'n did a recompense as largely send:He gave to Mis'ry al...

The child favors his father with his brown eyes.这个孩子的棕色眼睛像他的父亲。(亦作: favour)favor AHD:[f³“v…r]D.J.:[6feiv*]K.K.:[6fev+]n.A gracious, friendly, or obliging act that is freely granted:亲切自然流露出的仁慈的、友爱的、恩惠的行为:do ...

前王朝时期(前3500-前3050)蝎王(King Scorpion)偌 卡 纳尔迈(King Narmer)古王朝时期(前3050-前2686)第1王朝(公元前3050-2890年)阿哈—美尼斯(Menes (Aha))迪尔(Djer (Itit))瑞内博(Wadj)德闻(Den (Udimu))安迪耶布(Anendjib)瑟么凯特(Semerkhet)伽阿(Qa'a)第2王朝(前2890-前2686)赫特普...

Ideal Woman : A nice, cute, and good girl Fav Food : There isn't a food that he doesn't like Nichkhun was born in Rancho Cucamonga, California to Thai-Chinese parents. Nichkhun has one older brother Nichan, and two younger sisters, Nichthima (Yanin) and Nachjaree (Chereen...

as wand'ring near her secret bow'r,Molest her ancient solitary reign. (lines 1–12)As the poem continues, the narrator begins to focus less on the countryside and more on his immediate surroundings. His descriptions begin to move from sensations to his own thoughts about the dead...

Currently, my favourite song is "How could I"2.我代购了专辑,但目前还在路上。I help to buy albums, but they are still on their way.3.在中国有关于韩国娱乐圈的杂志,但我所见到的杂志多倾向于男星、男团体。我目前仍不能从纸张上获取nine muses团员的漂亮图片。There are magazines ...

which which is his favourite season怎样回答用什么句型?
答:应该用陈述句来回答特殊疑问句。即:Summer is his favorite season because he can go swimming with his friends in the river or lakes.

想要全部的`做梦吧你`要弄到什么时候啊`还有一个超厉害的`MY CHEMECAL ROMANCE

what S his\/her favurite food怎么回答?
What 's his\/her favurite food?回答His\/Her favurite food is rice.

his son was fallen in love with a countryside girl,he was so angry as to say that if the prince marries Cinderella,he will give nothing to him,lest to say the crown.The prince said firmly that Cinderella is everything to him,he would like giving up the crown and all his privileges ...

善哑13521518665问: in its favor 什么意思
横峰县热毒回答: A majority of votes was in its favor, to show its confidence in its policy.(多数票对它有利,表示对其政策的信任.) To stack the odds of that bet in its favor,为了增加成功的几率.

善哑13521518665问: in one's favor的例句 -
横峰县热毒回答:[答案] There's just one last favor I need to ask of you.I'd be happy to help you in any way I can. 这正是我最后的一件事,需要你帮个忙的.我很高兴在我力所能及的任何方面来帮助你.However,one righteous man among all the people of that time,Noah,found favor...

善哑13521518665问: 用 in favor of…造一个句子…想知道它的用法…谢谢各位啦… -
横峰县热毒回答: in favor of + n 或者 doing sthadj. : 赞成, 支持, 有利于 例子 :Are you in favor of his opinion?你会赞成他的意见吗?希望对你有帮助 加油加油加油

善哑13521518665问: in favor 怎么用 -
横峰县热毒回答: be动词+in favor of somebody/doing sth 有利于;被喜爱的1.But not everyone is in favor of the phenomenon. 但是,不是所有的人都喜欢这样的现象.2.And perhaps the judge would rule in favor of me. 或许法官会就此做出有利于我的裁决.3.If anything, there will actually be an embarrassing margin in favor of theopposition in the runoff.如果有什么的话,决选实际上会出现令人尴尬的有利于反对派的差距.

善哑13521518665问: 关于 in favor of 的用法 -
横峰县热毒回答: 都对 都能用 这三种其实都属于第一种I am in favor of +N.的结构 其中的N.不仅仅指名词 (I am in favor of football.)还有代词和动名词 你的第二种中I am in favor of it that…… it是代词 后面的that是从句 跟你要用的结构没有太大的关系(可以看下语法书上的从句篇) 你的第三种中I am in favor of carrying on space research. carrying是动名词 是动词carry做了词形上的变化具有了名词的作用

善哑13521518665问: in one's favor是什么意思 -
横峰县热毒回答: in one's favor 对…有利; 支持某人; 例句: 1. Domestic shifts are also working in china's favor. 国内出现的种种变化也有利于中国. 2. No one testified in favor of the legislation. 听证会上没有一个人表示支持这项议案.

善哑13521518665问: In reply to ……(人名) request for a letter of recommendation, I have great pleasure to write this letter in his favor.怎么翻译,人名后是不是要加's -
横峰县热毒回答:[答案] 为了答复…的请求 写一封信作为建议我很我很高兴在他的偏爱下 写这封信 加S

善哑13521518665问: Got in his favor怎么翻?要带贬意的 -
横峰县热毒回答: 得到他的青睐/和他的口味

善哑13521518665问: in favor of 和in one's favor什么意思? -
横峰县热毒回答: 一in favor of 赞成(支持,有利于,较大)例句与用法: 1. Sentiment in the town is now in favor of a cut in tax.市民的情绪是赞成减税.2. Public opinion was moving strongly in favor of disarmament.公众舆论正在强烈支持裁军.3. Are you in...

善哑13521518665问: I am in favor of his opinion. 这句话有错误吗 -
横峰县热毒回答: 没有错,i是主语, in favor of 是个词组接在be动词之后,构成系表结构,一起形成谓语,his opinion是做in favor of 的宾语.

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