
作者&投稿:贯戴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一、agree的读音 英[əˈgri:] 美[əˈɡri]二、agree的释义 vt. 同意,赞同;vi. [语] 一致,符合; 商定,约定;意见相合;(气候、食物等) 适宜;vt. 同意,承认;使和谐一致;认为正确无误;三、agree的例句 Think it over and let me know whether ...

agree是英文中的一个动词,可作为不及物动词也可作为及物动词同时还可转化为名词使用,中文翻译为同意,赞同的意思。1. 意见一致[(+with\/about\/on)][W]I don't agree with Phil on many things.我和菲尔在许多事情上意见不一致。2. 同意,赞同[(+to)]①I agree to the proposal(the plan)....

agree的意思有:同意;赞成;对……取得一致意见,一致同意;应允;答应;商定;批准。agree的例句:It's nice to have people agree,but you need conflicting perspectives to dig out the truth.有人同意很好,但你需要相互冲突的观点来挖掘真相。agree是一个动词,短语动词有:not agree with sb(of...

agree的用法7:agree to用于被动结构时, to可以保留,也可省略。用于句尾时多省略。例如:The terms have now been agreed (to).这些条件已得到同意。这是因为to置于句尾,无足轻重。agree的用法8:agree without agreeing是“表面上同意”的意思,例如:For now I saw that I could agree...

agree意为:同意,赞成;答应,接受;达成一致意见;商定,约定;相符,吻合;赞同;(语法)呼应;批准,认可(计划、要求等);适合(某人)agree短语:1.agree with 同意,和…意见一致 2.agree on 对…取得一致意见 3.agree in 在…方面意见一致;在…相同 agree相关例句:"somebody's got to ...

1. agree with (1) 表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点)。如:I quite agree with you. 我完全同意你的意见。We agree with what you say. 我们同意你说的。(2) 表示“(食物、天气、工作等)对……适宜”。如:The food does not agree with me. 这食物对我不...

英文单词agree 用法
agree [əˈɡri:]vt. & vi.同意, 赞同 I asked him to come with me and he agreed.我请他和我一起来, 他同意了。vi.相同, 相符, 一致 The essential thing is that the two of you ought to agree.根本的问题是你们俩应意见一致。(气候、食物等)适宜, 相和 These two ...

agree的用法如下:1、agree with。表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点)。如:I quite agree with you. 我完全同意你的意见。2、表示“(食物、天气、工作等)对……适宜”。如:The food does not agree with me. 这食物对我不适合。3、表示“与……一致”。如:His ...

指某一方同意另一方的观点、看法或对另一方提出的计划、建议、条件等表示同意; 也指双方或多方就某事经协商取得一致意见或对某事看法一致。agree所表示的“同意”,多指经讨论、谈判或劝说使原有的分歧或相反意见得以解决而取得一致意见。引申可表示事物的“相一致”“相符合”和人际关系的“相适应”“相...

Seafood doesn't agree with me.我不适宜吃海鲜。5. 和睦相处 Why can't you agree together?为何你们不能在一起友好相处?vt.1. 同意[+to-v]They agreed to give it to me the next day.他们同意第二天将它给我。2. 承认[+(that)]He agreed that Ann was the winner.他承认安是获胜者...

陶韵19397819644问: in agreement with是什么意思 -
红星区力贝回答: in agreement with [英][in əˈɡri:mənt wið][美][ɪn əˈɡrimənt wɪð] 同意,与…一致;1. Many other surveys have produced results essentially in agreement with these figures. 许多其他调查已经得出了与这些数据基本一致的结果.2. Not all scholars are in agreement with her, however. 然而,不是所有的学者都与她意见一致.

陶韵19397819644问: in agreement with.是什么意思 -
红星区力贝回答: 你好.in agreement with翻译成中文是:与…一致.——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳.

陶韵19397819644问: in agreement with和 agree with 的区别 -
红星区力贝回答: 意思相近,只不过in agreement with是介词词组,而agree with是动词词组. be in agreement with...=agree with... eg:I entirely agree with you.=I am entirely in agreement with you.

陶韵19397819644问: in agreement with是什么意思 -
红星区力贝回答: in agreement with同意,与…一致; [英][in əˈɡri:mənt wið][美][ɪn əˈɡrimənt wɪð]On one matter I am in agreement with the hbr. 在一个问题上,我同意《哈佛商业评论》的说法.

陶韵19397819644问: be in agreement on和be in agreement with的区别 -
红星区力贝回答: 跟那个be agree on 和be agree with的区别是一样的...agree with后面一般跟某人以及某人的意见建议等,agree on后面一般跟事情啊什么的...用的比较多的就是agree on sth和agree with sb...还有个agree to...其实有语感了就好了,不用刻意记,顺口就可以读出来了...

陶韵19397819644问: in+good+agreement+with是什么意思 -
红星区力贝回答: in good agreement with 与...较好地一致(匹配).Results show that calculations are in good agreement with observations. 机关表明计算值与观测值较好地一致.The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoreticalsimulations. 实验结果与理论模拟相符合.

陶韵19397819644问: agree with ==什么来着?是 be in agreement with {in后面有an吗} -
红星区力贝回答:[答案] agree with 基本翻译 同意,和…意见一致 be in agreement with 基本翻译 完全同意.

陶韵19397819644问: be in agreement with sb.是什么意思 -
红星区力贝回答: be in agreement with sb.v.同意与某人.........; 例句:1.The observed response of the climate to more co2 is not in good agreement with modelpredictions. 观测到的气候对二氧化碳含量增加的反应与模型预测结果不太符合.2.The us signed a free trade agreement with south korea in 2007, but congress has yetto ratify it. 美国曾在2007年与韩国签订自由贸易协定,但至今仍未获得美国国会的批准.

陶韵19397819644问: agreement 能不能像副词一样使用? 2.relax 能否作动词? -
红星区力贝回答: in agreement with...=agree with in agreement with是介词词组,agree with是动词词组2.能,可做及物动词,也可做不及物动词3.表示需要时,用don't you

陶韵19397819644问: Jim and his wife are not always_____each other. -
红星区力贝回答:[选项] A. in agreement with B. in agreement C. agree with D. agreement with

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