
作者&投稿:韦底 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

高二英语课文 知识点 解析
pressive. 这座建筑物完成后一定会很宏伟。 Have you finished typing that letter? 你把那封信打好...-- No, I'm engaged. 不能,我有事。 The line is engaged. 电话占线。 The company has engaged


题目为a good teach in my eye的作文
(转的)I was very lucky to have met many good teachers,among whom the most mpressive one is my English teacher.She is a woman of midiumheight.She is in her thirties,wearing glasses,and a little on the thin side.Her name is Nancy.I regard Nancy as a good teacher for three...

impressive 英[ɪmˈpresɪv] 美[ɪmˈprɛsɪv]adj. 给人印象深刻的,感人的;引人注目的;可观的;显赫 [例句]In agriculture especially , the cuts seem impressive.特别是在农业领域,削减幅度似乎可观。

鲜保19447022199问: impressive impressing 区别? -
镇康县谷苏回答:[答案] 1.impressive,“令人敬佩的,令人难忘的”,可以用于人,也可以用于物; 2,impressing 是及物动词impress 的现在分词,很少做形容词使用的.

鲜保19447022199问: impressive和impressing在使用时有何区别? -
镇康县谷苏回答: 1、侧重不同:impressed作为形容词的时候,主语大多数是人,impressive主语是事物,或者物体,本身单词是形容词形式. 2、用法不同: impressive可做定语,表语. impressed由动词:impress而来. 三、侧重点不同: 1、impressive:使...

鲜保19447022199问: impressive与impressed的区别 -
镇康县谷苏回答: 作为令人e69da5e6ba903231313335323631343130323136353331333365656535印象深刻的意思时,impressed 作为形容词的时候,主语大多数是人,impressive 主语是 事物,或者物体.本身单词是形容词形式. 一、impressive 英 [ɪmˈ...

鲜保19447022199问: 英语好的进!impress的几种变形请列举impress的几种变形及其用法,如形容词,副词,动词...等,并造句.注:相同词性不同单词请帮忙辨析. -
镇康县谷苏回答:[答案] 1.impress (v.) 给…以深刻印象eg:You really impress me!2.impression (n.)印记,印象eg:I have the impression that we have met once before.3.impressive (adj.) 给人印象深刻的eg:He has a very impressive man...

鲜保19447022199问: impress的形式有哪些?各种形式有哪些?怎么用? -
镇康县谷苏回答:[答案] impress vt.给…深刻印象I was very impressed by his story.他的故事深深打动了我.impression n.印;印象;印记I have the impression that I've seen that man before.我觉得我以前见过那个人.impressive a.给人印...

鲜保19447022199问: “感人的”用英语怎么说?我知道moving可以,touching可以.impress做动词也有感人的意思,那用它作形容词是impressed还是impressing?还是impressive... -
镇康县谷苏回答:[答案] 还有以下几个词也表示感动的 affecting; impressive heart-warming emotive 如果用impress的话impressive也有感动的意思 而你的说法用impressed 是被打动的;被感动的的意思,修饰人的心情 impressing修饰物

鲜保19447022199问: 英语好的进!impress的几种变形 -
镇康县谷苏回答: 1.impress (v.) 给…以深刻印象 eg:You really impress me!2.impression (n.)印记,印象 eg:I have the impression that we have met once before.3.impressive (adj.) 给人印象深刻的 eg:He has a very impressive manner.

鲜保19447022199问: impress的用法近义词反义词 -
镇康县谷苏回答:[答案] o impress: You need to do your best to impress the judges. 主动语态-不定式be impressed: I am impressed by his performance in the concert. 被动语态(更常见)impressive: His score was impressive....

鲜保19447022199问: my teacher is very impressed中的impress是形容词还是被动语态 -
镇康县谷苏回答: impressed是形容词,表示“印象深刻的”,句意是:我老师(对我)印象很深刻.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)

鲜保19447022199问: impressive词性 -
镇康县谷苏回答: 形容词,动词impress ,名词impression


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