
作者&投稿:仇由蓉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

An American who travels to England is looking a gaucho with an old dog, the American likes the dog very much and would love to buy it by 50 pounds,but the gaucho did not hesitate to reject the elderly :"I can not sold Jack out. "A little while later,an England wants ...

请教新概念英语二册63课 He suggested that a double railway-tunnel sh...
1. They suggested we ___ at once.A. went B. go C. must go D. shall go 2. I suggest that the presents ___ mail B. should mail C. to be mailed D. be mailed

【出自】:《吕氏春秋·察今》》:“楚人有涉江者,其剑自舟中坠于水,遽契其舟曰:‘是吾剑之所从坠。’舟止,从其所契者入水求之。舟已行矣,而剑不行,求剑若此,不亦惑乎?”Long, long ago, in Chunqu Dynasty of ancient China, a man from Chu state dropped his beautiful well...

3、多音节词的重音多落在倒数第三个音节上。如:′satisfy,mag′nificent,i′mmediately 4、以ic,ial,ian,ion等后缀结尾的多音节次,重音落在倒数第二个音节上。如:re′public,mu′sician 5、三个音节以上的词除了主重音外往往还带有一个次重音。次重音多落在第一个或第二个音节上。如:...

immediately= the moment=directly?具体的用法是什么呢 能分别造个句...
immediately 这个是副词(adv). 立即,立刻;直接地 eg. I told him immediately.我立即告诉了他。the moment 这是个词组(phrase)立刻 eg. At the moment, that idea is just speculation.目前,这种观点只是猜测。directly adv. 直接地;立即;eg.We wentto the factory directly .我们...

尊敬的您好,因为这个国家的政治原因, 我需要你紧急的帮助。带着尊重的情愫,我给您写这封信,我相信您会给予我跟我的姐姐(妹妹)巨大的帮助。让我先简单的介绍一下我自己。我是马克西姆 文森特 爱德华 ( Maxim Vencent Edward),是文森特 爱德华夫妇(Vincent Edward)唯一的儿子。文森特 爱德华是...


Hello,I have already filled out the contract, and please confirm it.( The seller in the contract which is a trading company, because we did not have the export right, we must find a trading company as our proxy).15 days means the time that from production to transport to ...

mmediatelyfreshwebinchboardon boardknock aboutsteamshipall of a suddenunbelievablelive throughcrashtonas throughuncomfortablealoudreadingswearat hand在附近in hand在手上on hand可用by hand亲自做单词意思 unit 1 1. 天才,创造力2. 灵感;鼓舞人心的3. 汗水,出汗4. 着手做;从事;承担5. n.分析,分解6. 显然...

media reliable fire face difficulty editor reason elect burn down injure headline inform informed relate relate to sb\/sth relate(..)to(...)talent talented switch for once interviewer present reflect effort spiritual seldom AIDS addict be addicted to social ignore even if attention draw ...

纪沈13068187581问: 母亲节英语作文带翻译(60一80字) -
佛坪县吉他回答: mother's day is coming, i want to give mom a surprise, my mother is not easy to work every day, looking at his tired face inside my heart is very not the taste, so i study hard, the best in the exam, i think perhaps this is my brother mother the best gift, ...

纪沈13068187581问: 关于宾语从句的时态问题 -
佛坪县吉他回答: 宾语从句的时态问题1)当主句的谓语动词是一般现在时时,其宾语从句的时态可以是任何适当的时态.所以,宾语从句的时态应根据实际情况而定.She says (that) she works from Monday to Friday. 她说她从周一至周五上班. (从句是一般...

纪沈13068187581问: 联想电脑开机问题 -
佛坪县吉他回答: 这个情况意思是告诉你的硬盘可能出现问题,按F1没有反应可能是电脑硬盘已经坏了,所以按没有反应,你可以考虑断电后把你的硬盘取下来,然后重新插上去试试.

纪沈13068187581问: “尽快”用英语怎么说 -
佛坪县吉他回答: as quickly as possible或as soon as possible或the quickly the better

纪沈13068187581问: 如何在oracle存储过程中执行动态sql语句 -
佛坪县吉他回答: 有时需要在e5a48de588b6e799bee5baa631333339663436oracle 存储过程中执行动态SQL 语句 ,例如表名是动态的,或字段是动态的, 或查询命令是动态的,可用下面的方法: set serveroutput ondeclaren number;sql_stmt varchar2(50); t ...

纪沈13068187581问: rightnow;atonce;rightaway;immedi?
佛坪县吉他回答: 前两个词书面语一点,后两个词口语化一点.基本没什么区别.这就像进餐时,美国人满嘴喷饭说“I gonna to the toilet right away",英国人文雅地搽搽嘴小声对身旁人说“ Excuse me,please. I'm going to the washing room immediately".他们都去厕所,但是感觉后者郑重文雅点.

纪沈13068187581问: immediately= the moment=directly?具体的用法是什么呢 能分别造个句吗谢谢 -
佛坪县吉他回答: immediately 这个是副词(adv). 立即,立刻;直接地 eg. I told him immediately. 我立即告诉了他.the moment 这是个词组(phrase)立刻 eg. At the moment, that idea is just speculation. 目前,这种观点只是猜测.directly adv. 直接地;立即; eg.We wentto the factory directly . 我们立刻就到工厂去了. 副词是放在动词后面修饰动词的,介词短语在句子中做状语.

纪沈13068187581问: 电脑开机,开到一半关机 -
佛坪县吉他回答: 从英文描述来看是CPU散热风扇不良或者不转造成CPU温度过高保护了从而不断重启或者启动不了,拆开电箱检查一下CPU散热风扇吧.

纪沈13068187581问: 智能故障预测的硬盘 -
佛坪县吉他回答: 这是硬盘将要失效的预警:立即备份数据,更换硬盘,随时可能丢失数据!按 F1键继续...

纪沈13068187581问: 系统提示我的电脑硬盘有问题??!! -
佛坪县吉他回答: 开机提示按F1 一般是有硬件没接好 这个可以在BIOS里面关掉 不提示 要检测硬盘是不是真的有问题 最好用专业的软件检测一下 MHDD这个软件不错 专业检测硬盘的

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