
作者&投稿:咸华 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

动物喜欢什么用like或者low造句,十句,比如说monkey like banana?
Monkeys like bananas. 猴子喜欢香蕉。Pandas like bamboo. 熊猫喜欢竹子。Tigers like meat. 老虎喜欢吃肉。Elephants like bananas too. 大象也喜欢香蕉。

I like playing basketball I like doing exercise I like eating apple I like singing I like watching TV I like dancing I like playing sports I like plying computer games I like playing football I like playing basketball I like doing ...

用like to do和like doing造句
He likes swimming in summer.He would like to swim this afternoon.

I like怎样造句子
I like playing basketball. 我喜欢玩篮球 I like reading books with my friends.我喜欢和我朋友一起读书 I like library because it can help me very well.我喜欢图书馆因为它对我很有帮助 我从短到长给你造了..分能给不 ...

like likes区别
like:是动词第一二人称复数形态。likes:是动词第三人称单数形态,名词复数形态。like:基本意思是“喜欢”“喜爱”,指对某人或某事赞赏或发生兴趣。likes:其后接名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语。like造句 1、The literals are strings like "Psycho" and integers like 1960.2、I ...

I like···造句
I like playing basketball.I like playing baseball.I like listening to music.I like speaking the poems.I like dancing.I like eating apple.I like playing the piano.I like green color.

(1)I like playing football.(动词)(2)They have the same likes(名词)(3)He acts like a gentlement.(介词)(4)It was just like what you said.(连词)

She likes some apples.He likes playing baseball.Does he like sports?

用like doing sth造句 (sth是做某事)
i like playing comper game.

用like v-ing结构造句
like +ving eg:I like reading books.He likes playing games.She likes watching movies.They like singing songs .

赵鸣13580857278问: ilike…verymuch怎么造句 -
灞桥区肝水回答:[答案] I like my basketball very much 我非常喜欢我的篮球 把篮球换成其他可数名词都可以

赵鸣13580857278问: 用“you”造句(四年级) -
灞桥区肝水回答: 1、天天对着镜子说:Ilikeyou.喜欢自己,你赢定了!2、要做就做最好的,要做就做最棒的,YouareNo.1!3、要知道每天YouTube上有8000多万段视频被观看,大部分都来自点击顶部的“视频”页面,这个页面列出了当天浏览次数最多的视频....

赵鸣13580857278问: - -----如同-------好像--------造句. 四年级. -
灞桥区肝水回答: 雪很厚,踩上去,如同踩在棉被上,好像置身于一个巨大的棉被里了.马路上一串串明亮的车灯,如同闪光的长河奔流不息.比赛跑步的运动员们听见一声枪响,便如同射出的子弹般跑得飞快 . 时间像一条缓缓流动的长河,将我们的喜怒哀乐慢慢带走. 太阳像一个巨大的火球,为我们带来无尽的热量. 望采纳

赵鸣13580857278问: 用 I like movies that .造句 -
灞桥区肝水回答:[答案] I like movies that have super stars such as Tom Cruise in them.

赵鸣13580857278问: 英语造句急!~~~我不会英语造句,帮帮我吧.(尽量要很简单,小学4年级的程度) 还有我会造的要帮我看一下正不正确 麻烦各位哥哥,姐姐了!~~ ... -
灞桥区肝水回答:[答案] 小朋友,哥哥教教你~~~~~~~ Dessert 甜食 造句:Ilikedessert,becauseitisverysugar. 把because改成for,sugar是名词糖,要改成形容词sweet~~~~~ Tropics 热带 造句:shelivesinthetropics. Comeout 开花 造句:Insum...

赵鸣13580857278问: iliketodo造句,造五个句子 - 百度 -
灞桥区肝水回答:[答案] I like to do my homework我喜欢做我的家庭作业 I like to do the housework我喜欢做家务 绞尽脑汁,我只想出来两个

赵鸣13580857278问: 四年级下册英语南方新课堂答案 -
灞桥区肝水回答:[答案] I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade ... We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are ...

赵鸣13580857278问: 一.根据要求写句子.1.Ilike reading picture - books.(改为一般疑问句)2.My father is (80kg).(对()部分提问)3.Take it easy.(翻译成汉语)4.我觉得你是对的... -
灞桥区肝水回答:[答案] 1.Do you like reading picture books? 2.How heavy is your father? 3.放松点(别紧张) 4.I feel you are right. 5.Tom's book is bigger than yours

赵鸣13580857278问: 小学英语报四年级下册第34期的答案 -
灞桥区肝水回答: 一、D B C B B A C D D D C C C A 二、AACCD 三、1. happy 2. do 3. heavier 4. played 5. thinner 6. has 7. took 8. coming 9. can not 10. no 四、CAABA 五、连线. How does Zhang Peng feel? 56 cm. What did Mike do yesterday? He went to a ...

赵鸣13580857278问: 求一篇英语的自我介绍,小学四年级
灞桥区肝水回答: My name is ... I like ... My family have three people ,my father,my mother and I. i love my family. I have many friend.They are all very friendly to me.My faviourit colour is blue ,because it likes spring, Ilike spring. That is all.thank you

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