
作者&投稿:艾怪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

went to the beach是啥意思
went to the beach:去海滩 例句:1、In the afternoon, I put on my biggest hat and went to the beach.下午,我戴上了我最大的帽子去了海边。2、We went to the beach, but unfortunately, it rained.我们去了海边,但是不幸地是,下雨了。3、I went to the beach with my friends and...

I went to the grocery store这句里动词 went 是及物动词还是不及物动词...
went是不及物动词 区分及物和不及物的标准就是:及物动词直接接宾语,不及物动词加介词之后接宾语 I eat an apple(及物)I live in Beijing(不及物)供参考。

为什么I went to the supermarket?
然后要搞清楚时态,由“did”可知这是过去时,因此回答必须与问题一样,也要用过去时,这就意味着回答中的动词要用过去式,即“go”的过去式“went”;再就是回答的主语应该是I ,因为问的“you”是站在对方的角度;只去去哪,这个就可以随便说个地点啦 比如说"I went to the supermarket."另外...


went用法示例:1、We went in company.我们一起去的。2、With this he got up and went out.他说着就站起来走出去了。3、We went to the park and nowhere else.我们到公园里去了,其他什么地方也没去。4、My whole family went.我们一家全去了。went 是动词go的过去式,这里是几个简单的...

went to the mountains是什么意思
went to the mountains意思是去山区、去爬山。一、went to 英 [went tu:] 美 [wɛnt tu]准备做,有助于 二、mountains 英 ['maʊntɪns] 美 ['maʊntɪns]n.山脉;群山;山,山岳( mountain的名词复数 )1、Did they go to the Great Wall? No, they...

根据句子的语境和需要,went后面可以加上表示时间、地点、方式等的状语,例如:So I went to the hotel and stayed there for the night. (时间状语)So I went to the hotel in the city center. (地点状语)So I went to the hotel by taxi. (方式状语)So I went to the hotel where...

I went to the park 为什麽 to 後面要加 the ? 什麽地点前面不用加the...
park是可数名词 单数时不能单独存在 前面必须有限定词 用a 表示泛指 用the 表示特指这句话用the 表示特指 说话双方都知道指的是哪个公园如果地点 是专有名词 一般不加冠词 但含有普通名词的专有名词词组 也需要加定冠词

went to(the) 地点
这个问题跟went to 没关系 主要是定冠词the 当特指某一个 或者是唯一的地方 才用the 定冠词的用法 巧计定冠词the用法歌诀:特指双方熟悉,上文已经提起。世上独一无二,方位名词乐器。某些专有名词,还有复数姓氏。序数词最高级,习惯用语牢记。

去分词作动词用,还可以作形容词用,中文意思:过去的、用完了、死去的、无望的、无可挽 救的。例句:1、I went back to work on Monday 中文翻译:我周一回去上班了。2、He's already been gone four hours!中文翻译:他已经离开4个小时了!3、He gazed at the picture for a long time, ...

百绍18760344756问: I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I - ---- - the journey in exactly two days.
博乐市薄芝回答: 这里的解释是,所提及的事已经是过去时,真实发生过了的.I went there in 1984, and that... 这个“that”和后面的“the only occasion”都是指“I went there in 1984”这件事.所以简单地根据时态,都可以选出来是C, 一般过去时.其他的选项都是用情态动词,都表示不是真实发生过的情况.

百绍18760344756问: i went there (in )the other day要不要加in -
博乐市薄芝回答: the other day 是时间副词短语, 前面不加介词 如in 等.

百绍18760344756问: I went there in 是什么意思? -
博乐市薄芝回答: ohoh ...过去式耶 I went there in 是我走到....(What,what,what...) I visited 我参观或我拜访....(What,what,what...) I met 是我遇见.... (What,what,what...) I had a good 应该接time它是一个短语...意思是玩的愉快... Look, this is my photo. Is it cool? Yes, I think so. 意思是...看,这就是我的照片.它酷吗,是的,我想是的. 参考参考... 呵呵

百绍18760344756问: went I in July there 连词成句 -
博乐市薄芝回答: i went there in july

百绍18760344756问: It was the first time that I went there last year. -
博乐市薄芝回答: 错误的,那是我去年第一次去那里.从前面的 主句的谓语was 可以看出这句话是在过去说的,那么that后面引导的从句I went there last year.就是过去的过去,是过去完成时态,所以要用i had gone there last year

百绍18760344756问: I went there in 是什么意思? -
博乐市薄芝回答: 我在几点到达了..,我参观了..,会见了.. 我很愉快 看这是我的照片.它酷吗?我认为它是的I went there in time. I visited(人). I met (人) there. I had a good time...

百绍18760344756问: 英语选择题I went to the u.s. in 1956 and have lived there() -
博乐市薄芝回答: A 从那时到现在 做状语,此时since为副词 since单独出现,一般认为是介词或连词,其后不能为空 (since也可以单独做副词表达和ever since类似的意思,只不过没有ever所表达的“不间断,持续”意,故一般用于否定句,且动词一般是短暂的) after 介词后不为空 after that 在那之后(的某一点),无持续意

百绍18760344756问: I was went中的英语语病 -
博乐市薄芝回答: 语病:went I was went.这句话不成立的原因在于:BE动词后面只能跟名词的单复数、形容词、非谓语动词和句子.若要使句子成立,可将went变为gone,表被动语态:我走了.(注:并非一个句子不能有两个谓语,一个句子可以有N个谓语动...

百绍18760344756问: i went there (in )the other day要不要加in这句话里要不要介词in -
博乐市薄芝回答:[答案] the other day 是时间副词短语,前面不加介词 如in 等.

百绍18760344756问: 1.I went there last year.(改为一般疑问句) 2.He lives there with his children.(改为否定句) 3.you,did,with,go,your,parents.(连词成句) -
博乐市薄芝回答: 1.Did you go there last year? 2.He doesn't live there with his children 3.DId you go with your parents? 谢谢采纳!

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