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(6)be due to +v表示预先确定了的事,必定发生的事。例如: The train is due to depart in ten minutes.(7)be on the point\/verge of +v – ing强调即将发生的某种事态。例如: The baby was on the point of crying when her mother finally came home.(8)表示将要反复发生的动作 My uncle will ...

5)be on the point\/verge of +v – ing 强调即将发生的某种事态。例如: The baby was on the point of crying when her mother finally came home. 二、进行时态 1.现在进行时 (1)表示现在正在进行的动作,常与now,right now,at the mother,for the time being,for the present等连用。例如: ...

比如:was接:动词{ }的什么形式?were接:动词
动词 v.(与there连用)(after there)· There is a man at the door.门口有一个人.· There was nobody else in the building.楼里没有别的人.· There are some birds in the garden.花园里有些鸟儿.动词 v.发生;在 happen; take place · The next battle was on deck.下一次战斗...

一、详细释义: , adj. , 活动着的,使用着的,工作着的,开着的,接通的 , 例句: ,Is the water on or off?,自来水龙头开着还是关着?, 在发生的 , 例句: ,She had no idea of what's on.,她不知道发生了什么。, 例句: ,There's a marvellous match on at Wimbledon at the ...

如: I met him at the post-office. I’m now working in the post-office. 3. on表示地点,一般指与面或线接触,意为“在……上;在……旁”。如: The picture was hanging on the wall. New York is on the Hudson River. 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

My hat was sat on.S V以上探讨各种句型如何改写成被动态,采用的都是传统文法的认定,也就是把be + Ven视为被动态的动词片语看待。其实,如果要驾简驭繁,也可以采取简单化的方式来认定被动态的句子:一律把be视为动词、后面的过去分词片语则视为形容词补语看待。也就是说,上列那些被动态的句子也可以这样诠释:...

v开头好听的英文歌:valder fields歌词 I was found on the ground by the fountain at valder fields and was almost dry 人们在仙境之桥的喷泉旁发现了几乎快被太阳晒干的我 Lying in the sun after I had tried 在尝试无果后躺在烈日之下 Lying in the sun by the side 和阳光肩并肩地躺在...

获得的高级表达如下:1、get v、取得,获得 例句:I generally get what I want one way or another.我一般总能想方设法得到我想要的东西。2、win v、赢得比赛,获得 例句:He was on a real high after winning the competition.他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了。3、gain v、赢得,获得 例句:It ...

怎么判断“have\/had been v-ing”中“v-ing”是动词还是动名词或者形容...
动词,动名词一般做主语,用动名词改写该句为 (having been Searching )the Barents Sea for weeks,The small ship, Elkor, was on its way home。括号内整体是动名词做主语,动名词不是一个词,而是一个结构,一般在句首。所以在句中间或结尾看见的v-ing大部分都是动词 作名词一般会特指,...

完形填空 On a snowy evening, a rich lady was stanging by...
On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was very worried. Her 1 had broken down. Just then a poor man named Robert came. He was on his 2 back home from work as usual.The lady wondered, “Is the man going to 3 me? He looks very ...

禹姿15835637605问: 上周六我在度假英语怎么说 -
虎林市雷诺回答: 上周六我在度假 Last Saturday I was on vacation.上周六我在度假 Last Saturday I was on vacation.

禹姿15835637605问: at vacation与on vaction,in vaction,for vaction的区别 -
虎林市雷诺回答: 1.I was on vacation when he called.2.I was having Christmas vacation at/in Beijing.没有 in/at vacation

禹姿15835637605问: on vacation 和 for vacation -
虎林市雷诺回答: 你好!它们的区别不是时态,前者表示状态:I'm on vacation, was on vacation, have been on...,er 而后者表示目的或原因:I went to America for vacation.

禹姿15835637605问: take a vacation和on vacation有什么区别 -
虎林市雷诺回答: 1、意思上的区别 take a vacation:休假;去度假. on vacation:在度假中. 2、用法上的区别 take a vacation是动词短语,表示“去度假”,强调的是动作. on vacation是介词短语,表示“在度假”,强调的是状态. 3、例句 ①、take a ...

禹姿15835637605问: 去度假 在度假 度假 这三个分别用英语怎么说? -
虎林市雷诺回答: 1、“去度假”英文为:take a vacation; 例句:Even if we can have take a vacation, we may not have want to. 译文:即使我们能去度假,我们可能也不想去. 2、“在度假”英文为:on holiday; on vacation; be on vacation; 例句:She's still on...

禹姿15835637605问: on vacation 和 for vacation的区别 -
虎林市雷诺回答: on 表示正在we are in spain on vacation(我们在西班牙度假) for表示目的we go to spain for vacation(为了度假我们去了西班牙) on vacation on vacation [简明英汉词典] 在度假中 for vacation 为了去旅游,还没在度假,肯定不一样啊 for [简明英汉词典] [fC:; fE] prep.(表示目的)为了,因为,至于,对于,适合于 conj.因为 FOR [简明英汉词典] =Free on Rail铁路[火车上]交货(价格) vacation [简明英汉词典] n.假期,休假,(房屋等的)腾出 v.度假,休假

禹姿15835637605问: I was on vacation last month 改一般疑问句和否定句 -
虎林市雷诺回答:[答案] Were you on vacation last month? I wasn't on vacation last month.

禹姿15835637605问: be on wacation用过去时造句 -
虎林市雷诺回答: He kept in touch with us while he was on vacation. 他在度假期间仍与我们保持联系. 来自《简明英汉词典》 I was on vacation last week and didn't receive your fax. 上星期我正在度假,没收到你们的传真.

禹姿15835637605问: vacation是假期的的意思,那么他的介词搭配 on vacation与for vacation有什么区别么? -
虎林市雷诺回答: on vacation 在度假中;在假期Want to volunteer on vacation? 想要在假期做志愿者吗? They are on vacation this week. 他们这星期都在休假.for vacation 度假They are gone for vacation. 他们度假去了. I went toThailand for vacation. 我是去泰国度的假


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