
作者&投稿:轩逃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

你算老几?的英文:Who do you think you are?相关短语:1、think of 认为 ; 想起 ; 想到 ; 考虑 2、Think Different 不同凡想 ; 非同凡想 ; 不同凡响 ; 另类思考 3、You think 您认为 ; 你想想 ; 你认为 ; 在你眼内的我 4、THINK PIECE 时事短评 5、think through 彻底地想清楚 ;...


leaf through造句
有了他们,我们不必费心翻开沉重的字典。2、When friends come to stay, they will never be without a new book to leaf through.当朋友来家里的时候,他们永远会有新书可以看。3、For some books are not for you to leaf through and dip into, but for you to think through.有的书不是让...

think例句:1、Third,they help you think through the interface and requirements of each unit.第三,它们可以帮助您思考每个单元的接口和要求。2、There's a danger they're ill-equipped to think through potential unintended consequences.有一种危险的情况是,他们没有足够的能力去考虑潜在的意外...

2、achieve one's dreams 例句:I wear the school uniform properly, pay attention in class and always do my best sothat I may achieve my dreams.我会正确穿着校服,专心上课努力学习,实现自己的梦想,让我的家庭为我而自豪,自己。3、realize one's dreams 例句:I think through my ...

we think the best way to relax is through exercise.这句可以...
hrough表示“通过某人、某方式”时,以表示行为方式状语,through后一般直接跟“人”,“物”,“方式”等名词或短语。比如:get the book through the library. 通过图书馆借到书。learn English through practice. 通过实践学习英语。look through a telescope. 用望远镜看。make great achievements ...

get through和go through的区别有哪些?
2、go through:检查;看一遍;经历(困难,痛苦)I went through my homework to make sure that nothing had been missed.我将作业检查了一遍,以确定什么都没有漏掉。Go through the text from the beginning .把课文从头看一遍。【用法】get through 1.I think you can get through the first ...

华硕笔记本充电限制了80%修改方法:点击开始,找到MYASUS,点击左侧“自定义”,可以看到“电源和性能”“电池健康充电”。如果您选择了最佳保养模式,那么为了延长您电池的使用寿命,电池电量在高于60%时停止充电,低于58%时开始充电,该模式适合长时间连接充电器使用。可以通过下面方式修改:1 长效使用模式:...

think about 考虑(是否去做) think of 想起,考虑;认为,对……有看法think well\/ill of 对……评价高\/低think out\/through 对……仔细考虑好,(经仔细考虑)对……作出决定think over 认真考虑,细想think up 想出(主意等)thousands of 成千上万,几千 throw away 扔掉to one’s joy\/delight\/surprise…使某人...

over the phone\/through the phone\/ on the phone 请问有什么区别...
这里先找出与其它两个不同的-- on the phone 表示通话状态,说明说话人此时正处于通话的状态,在聊电话。eg:turn down the TV! i am on the phone!把电视音量关小!我正在打电话!接下来对比下over和 through 这两个介词的不同。首先,over phone 和by phone 的大概意思相近:通过电话,用电话...

方薇18983516630问: 用i thinkthat造句关于节日的 -
浦东新区肝舒回答: I think that Chinese new year is an important festival in china.

方薇18983516630问: 用I think that...和I'm afraid that...各造三句话 -
浦东新区肝舒回答:[答案] 你好,为你解答,正确答案为:1 I think that I will pass the test this time. 我觉得我这次能通过考试2 I think that it will rain this afternoon. 我觉得今天下午会下雨3 I think that he is good at drawing. ...

方薇18983516630问: 写句子i think+that/whether/if -
浦东新区肝舒回答:[答案] 写句子i think+that/whether/ifI think that when people are working hard enough then they will succeed.I think that whether you are poor or rich,you also have to eat and sleep.I think if you get up earl...

方薇18983516630问: I think that clouse怎么造句 -
浦东新区肝舒回答: I think that Tom is right .I think that he is good at English .

方薇18983516630问: 主语+think+that从句是什么意思 -
浦东新区肝舒回答: 这是think动词的宾语从句. 主语通常是人,that从句作think的受词.常译作:主语认为、觉得…….如: A few of students think that they are wrong on it. 此结构的否定式从句通常必须将否定词前移,如: A few of students don't think that they are wrong on it. 此外,该句型亦可缩写,如: A few students didn't think themselves wrong on it.

方薇18983516630问: it is+think+that+宾语从句造句'多点 -
浦东新区肝舒回答: I think that it's so easy. You know that China is great. We believe that China's dream can come true. I wonder that he was forgotten by his fans soon. I'm sure that you can learn English well.

方薇18983516630问: l think that结构的句子 -
浦东新区肝舒回答: I think that Tom is true.

方薇18983516630问: i used to think that 造句,15 条,谢谢啦 -
浦东新区肝舒回答: I used to think that he was a student.

方薇18983516630问: I do well I can think that连词成句 -
浦东新区肝舒回答: I think that I can do well. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

方薇18983516630问: I+think+that++preparing+for+exams+is+team+work但这句话讲的是“1种团队工作”?+这team前要加a??
浦东新区肝舒回答: 中文意思是:我认为,温习备考是1项团队工作.team前面需要加a.Ithinkthatpreparingforexamsisateamwork.

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