
作者&投稿:谭备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

侧重于所说的具体内容,通常用作及物动词。Say something to somebody 和某人说某事 4、Tell“讲述”“告诉”,指直接给某人讲述或以间接的方式转述某事,有时含嘱托、命令之意,常后接双宾语或复合宾语。Tell sb to do something告诉某人做某事 Do what I tell you.按照我告诉你的去做 ...

2.Any high school student could tell you the answer.随便一个高中生都可以告诉你答案。3.I've told you time after time not to do that.我一再告诉过你不要干那件事。ask 1.There's another thing I'd like to ask you.还有一件事我想问你。2.May I ask why you took that ...

How far did the film tell the truth about Barnes Wallis?影片讲述的巴恩斯·沃利斯的故事有多少真实的成分?2、vt.& vi.分辨,辨别;告诉,吩咐;泄漏;保证 By feeling we tell what is hard from what is soft.凭感触分辨软与硬。3、vi.泄密,告发;(颜色、声音等)显示;识别 When you spill...

我有一些事要告诉你的翻译为什么不是I have some things to tell...
TO SB 如果要先接表示事物直接宾语,后接表示人的间接宾语,就需要用一个介词TO :即,TELL SOMETHING TO SOMEBODY 以上那个句子是,动词不定式做后置定语 ,修饰THINGS,主语:I (我)谓语:have (有)宾语:some things (一些事情)宾语后置定语:to tell you (告诉你)我有一些事情要告诉你 ...

tell you the truth是什么意思
tell the truth 说实话;说真话;真言实语;老实相告 1. To tell the truth, I don't think much of psychiatrists.说实话,我不太喜欢精神科医生。2. To tell the truth, I'm a bit unsettled tonight.实话告诉你,我今晚有点儿心神不宁。3. He adjured them to tell the truth.他要求...

相关例句:say 用作动词(v.)1、He said hello to me with a smile.他面带微笑地和我打了个招呼。2、She said that she liked singing.她说她喜欢唱歌。tell 用作动词(v.)1、It's very kind of you to tell me the truth.你真好,告诉我这真相。2、Let me tell you some details about ...

1. I (主语)have(谓语) something (宾语)important(后置定语,修饰something) to tell you(后置定语,修饰something).注意to tell you 不是宾补。宾语和宾补之间可形成主谓关系,而something是不能tell you的。不定式的定语和修饰词之间可形成动宾关系,即tell you something. 这里是后置定语。...

to tell you the truth 是“不定式名词结构”。也就是说:to tell you the truth 是具有名词性质的不定式。这个结构本身就相当于一个名词,它可以做主语,表语,状语等。如:To tell you the truth is what I want.我想做的就是告诉你事实。这时,‘to tell you the truth’做主语;All I want...

tell指把一件事情传达给别人或讲述一件事情、一个故事等。常用做及物动词。例如:WhenIwasyoung,mymotheroftentoldmeastoryin theevening.在我小时,妈妈晚上常给我讲故事。Hewilltellthegoodnewstoeverybodyinourclass.他将把这个好消息告诉我们班的每个人 talk———“讲”、“说话”、“谈话”,与...

2.Any high school student could tell you the answer.随便一个高中生都可以告诉你答案。3.I've told you time after time not to do that.我一再告诉过你不要干那件事。ask 1.There's another thing I'd like to ask you.还有一件事我想问你。2.May I ask why you took that ...

淳店18378343470问: 英语的时态语法(所有)+例句 -
察哈尔右翼后旗盐酸回答: 1. 现在一般时与现在完成时 1) I come from Shanghai(上海人) I have come from Shanghai(从上海来) 2) You read very well. (强调能力) You've read very well. (强调一次刚完成的动作) 3) I forget.(一时想不起来了) I have forgotten.(仍没...

淳店18378343470问: http://msdn.itellyou. MSDN,我告诉你 这个网站怎么打不开了是不是换网站了
察哈尔右翼后旗盐酸回答: www.msdn.hk 可以打开的啊 http://www.msdn.hk

淳店18378343470问: In fact. I have something to tell to you. but you -
察哈尔右翼后旗盐酸回答: In fact. I have something to tell to you. but you 事实上.我有事要告诉你.但你 In fact. I have something to tell to you. but you 事实上.我有事要告诉你.但你

淳店18378343470问: 英语翻译能告诉我一些火星上的事吗 好的 你想知道什么 火星上也有动物吗 当然 不过他们都会说话 火星上的人们都在做什么 我们都来地球旅行了 真想去你们... -
察哈尔右翼后旗盐酸回答:[答案] Could you tell me something about the Mars? Ok,What would you like to know? Are there animals on the Mars? Of course,but they can talk. What do people do on the Mars? We all travel to Earth. I really want to visit your place.May I go to you home on ...

淳店18378343470问: 翻译I will tell you how what you have observed and wish to be made profitable use -
察哈尔右翼后旗盐酸回答: 我将会告诉你,你所观察到的东西需要以怎样的方式在贵司获得有益的利用才会得到接受和推广.use of 这里是be made use of (被)利用 In case of need the cold shelters provided by the home affairs department can be made use of 如有需要,可使用民政事务总署的御寒中心.

淳店18378343470问: 英语翻译让我告诉你去我家的路(2个)从飞机场打的你经过右边的银行,然后沿着大街走你经过第六,七,八林荫道当你看见一家大超市时,向左转然后沿... -
察哈尔右翼后旗盐酸回答:[答案] 让我告诉你去我家的路(2个) Let me tell you how to get to my home.Let me tell you the way to my home.从飞机场打的 take a taxi in the airport你经过右边的银行,然后沿着大街走 Turn at the bank on your right...

淳店18378343470问: Henry,what i want to tell you is that the college entrance exam in China is not - _______________________________so difficult as you think. -
察哈尔右翼后旗盐酸回答:[选项] A. almost B. nearly C. mostly D. most

淳店18378343470问: 凭什么告诉你,说出一个要我告诉你的理由?英语怎么说? -
察哈尔右翼后旗盐酸回答:[答案] Why / For what shall I tell you?Tell me a reason for it.

淳店18378343470问: 我告诉你最好把你的臭嘴闭上,小子, 用英语咋写 -
察哈尔右翼后旗盐酸回答: 我告诉你最好把你的臭嘴闭上,小子 I tell you it's best to shut your mouth, boy.我告诉你最好把你的臭嘴闭上,小子 I tell you it's best to shut your mouth, boy.

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