
作者&投稿:漕衫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We know not what is good until we have lost it.[谚]有时不爱惜, 失后徒叹息。To know everything is to know nothing.[谚]样样都通, 样样稀松。What do you know about that?(表示惊讶不信)你看怪不怪? 真想不到!Who knows but that ...[口]说不定, ...完全可能 Wouldn't ...

not no有什么区别
NOT [用于助动词、情态动词之后, 形成否定的句子; 在口语中常简缩为n't, 如don't, can't]不, 未 He will not [won't]come.他不能来。I do not know (=[口]I don't know.=[古]I know not.)我不知道。[否定的句子、动词、短语等的省略代用语]不会, 不 Will it rain tomorrow?

We know not what is good until we have lost it. [谚]有时不爱惜, 失后徒叹息。To know everything is to know nothing. [谚]样样都通, 样样稀松。What do you know about that? (表示惊讶不信)你看怪不怪? 真想不到!Who knows but that ... [口]说不定, ...完全可能 Wouldn...

To be, or not to be - that is the question 这句话翻译中

not only.but also用法 在句中位置!
The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs.英国人和美国人不但语言相同,而且有很多相同的风俗习惯.注意not only…but also连接的动词一般不重复,这与汉语不同.如汉语说“我不仅懂英语,而且懂俄语”,英语则说“I know not ...

一、表达意思不同 1、acquaintance:n. 熟人;相识;了解;知道 2、know:vt. 知道;认识;懂得、vi. 了解;熟悉;确信 二、词性不同 1、acquaintance:通常在句中用作名词。2、know:通常在句中用作及物动词和不及物动词。

not only but also可以省略吗?
not only but also 前后两个分句的主语可以不同。由于not only A but also B句式的重点在B上,所以谓语动词一般要与B保持人称和数的一致。动词用复数形式还是单数形式取决于后面的人称。例:Not only we but also she was on the bus.不仅我们,她也在车上。例:Not only I but also Tom and...

I do not know.为什么不能变成I am not know.?
回答:从正面分析: know 是实意动词,要用助动词do+not来否定; 从侧面分析: am 和 know两个都可以做谓语,而一个句子中不能同时出现两个谓语,所以不能用am

did not know, do not know
I did not know. "我之前不知道". 到底之前几时? 两分钟前? 两年前?是唔清唔楚.因此要加时问副词去说明=I did not know just a few minute ago. ...I did not know when I was in childhood. ...几分钟前 几十年前 都适用did. "past indefinite tense." [一般时式] 只是美其名...

...的那段经典英文台词是什么?(就是To be or not to be...)
Then flye to others that we know not of. Thus Conscience does make Cowards of us all, And thus the Native hew of resolution Is sicklied o're, with the pale cast of Thought, And enterprizes of great pith and moment, With this regard their Currants turne away, And...

窦蒲14793619678问: 分析下英语句子成分 -
元阳县磷霉回答: 1、i 主语 know 谓语 nothing 宾语 about the accident 定语 修饰nothing EXCEPT引导宾语从句,而介词except与这个宾语从句一起又构成了本句话的让步状语 2、谓语是 WILL DO, 这句话的意思是 除价格太高外,这个桌子能满足我们的要求. 这里是do的一个特殊用法,另如 20 yuan will do 意思就是20块钱就足够了 希望能帮到你

窦蒲14793619678问: 一道选择题I konw nothing about your - --. -
元阳县磷霉回答: A 作主语或宾语的非谓语动词不用完成式.

窦蒲14793619678问: 我对这个人一无所知.I know nothing about this person -
元阳县磷霉回答: 我对这个人一无所知.【I 主语】【know 谓语】【 nothing不定代词,宾语】【 about this person介词短语,后置定语】 正常英语句子,应该都是【主语、谓语、宾语等】顺序,而不会出现【nothing 宾语 know谓语 】这种反常结构,所以,它不能使用.原句也可以翻译为:I don't know anything about the person.祝你开心如意!

窦蒲14793619678问: I ain't know nothing 语法点是什么 -
元阳县磷霉回答: 双重否定表示肯定.ain't 和nothing 都表示否定意义,这句话意思是说我什么都知道点儿.如果想表示我什么都不知道,可以说i know nothing或 i ain't know anything

窦蒲14793619678问: I know nothing about the young lady ( ) she is from Beijing.为什么选B不选A,C,D? 注明句子翻译和理由 -
元阳县磷霉回答: 首先A、C、D均为介词,不能引导从句.except that 意为“除了……(不包括)”,有that,其后可以引导从句.题意为:我对这位年轻女士除了知道她来自北京这一点外别的就一无所知了.

窦蒲14793619678问: I know nothing about his journey - - - he is likely to be away for six months -
元阳县磷霉回答: C 后面接从句

窦蒲14793619678问: 23. I know nothing about him except that he works in -- company.选什么 -
元阳县磷霉回答: 这句话的意思差不多就是我对于他期望在哪个公司工作一点都不了解a.ceitain是确信的意思故不选 b.some是某个的意思 c.是一个 d.是一个 也只有b比较符合题意了

窦蒲14793619678问: I know nothing about him - ---- - he is an Ameican. -
元阳县磷霉回答: 如果我说选B你会相信吗?know nothing about...but...除了...之外我什么也不知道 用在这句里面是“我除了知道他是个美国人,别的对他一无所知.” 哈哈哈哈,就我一个人知道是选B,啥情况嘛?学霸都不在了?

窦蒲14793619678问: 英文I don't konw nothing是什么意思 -
元阳县磷霉回答: I don't know nothing 是非裔美国人 (英文:African-Americans)使用的口语习惯,意思是:我什麽都不知道.但是呢,这个其实在英文的文法中是错误的.是的.这个是双重否定 (double negative).一般比较正式的场合或文件是不可以使用的.您和美国人对话的时候,可以说. Sorry, I don't know anything. 或者,Sorry, I know nothing about it.

窦蒲14793619678问: I know nothing about him except that he is from the south 请问这里的about him是介词短语做宾补吗? -
元阳县磷霉回答: except做条件状语,except是介词,that引导的是介词的宾语从句.后面的that从句是主系表结构.(精锐英语老师为您解答)

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