
作者&投稿:权致 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

have\/run a fever的区别?
run a fever是患上感冒或得感冒,瞬间动作,不与时间段连用;而have a fever则表示感冒了的状态。

Have a fever hurt have a cold
Have a fever 发烧 hurt 疼 have a cold 感冒 have a toothache 牙疼 have a headache 头疼 have a sore throat 嗓子疼 ~~祝您学习进步~~~如果你认可我的答案,请点击“采纳为满意答案”~~~如果你还有其他疑问,请点击“追问”~~~我将尽全力帮您解答~~...

翻译I've had a fever and a headache for the last three days._百度...
三天前我发烧头痛 have a fever 是固定词组,表示发烧。for the last three days是表示现在完成时所以要用have+动词完成时啊 have 的完成时是had 所以 就有 I've had 谢谢...

have a fever=have a temperature是吗?
意思一样。have a fever 主要作为正式用语。have a temerature 主要用于口语。

have a fever有进行时吗

itdoesn't soundlikeyouhaveafever什么意思?
你好,高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!句子意思是:听上去你不像发烧。have a fever 发烧 sound like 听着像

I have a fever.根据have可知是一般现在时态

1)have a fever 发烧,have a cold 感冒,】have a cough 咳嗽,have a toothache 牙疼,have a backache 背痛,have a stomachache 胃痛,上面这些都用不定冠词a\/an;2)have the flu 流感 只有这个用定冠词the,因为流感是指同一种传染的病毒。希望能对你有所帮助!

“睡的迟”sleep late “发烧”have a fever “太累”too tired “感冒”catch a cold “看牙医”go to the dentist's “又饿又渴”thirsty and hungry “感觉不好" feel bad “牙痛”toothache “头痛”headache “胃痛”stomachache “喉咙酸痛”sore throat “睡不着”can't fall asleep “...

she has a fever now为什么用的是has
因为she表示第三人称单数,所以谓语要用单数形式。have a fever表示“感冒,发烧”,固定用法。

仲孙戴13276985138问: I have a feeling ……为什么要加上a 作用是什么? -
疏勒县盆炎回答:[答案] feeling为名词,加a表示单数 希望回答对你有用

仲孙戴13276985138问: I have a feeling that we can solve these problems -
疏勒县盆炎回答: 同位语从句,进一步解释feeling的具体内容

仲孙戴13276985138问: I have a feeling that we can solve these -
疏勒县盆炎回答: 这是同位语从句 that引导的同位语一般紧跟在fact、news、truth、idea等抽象名词后面,这有点儿像定语从句.它们的本质区别是: that引导的同位语从句是对它前面的名词起解释说明作用的,或表示前面的名词的具体内容.that没有实在意思,...

仲孙戴13276985138问: I have a bad feeling 和 I have a bad mood 可以这样用吗 -
疏勒县盆炎回答: I'm in a bad mood.我心情不好.

仲孙戴13276985138问: i have the same feel还是feeling -
疏勒县盆炎回答: 选feeling. 你可以了解一下feel 和feeling的区别 1> Feel 作名词的时候,可以指某个情境或地点的氛围,对人产生某种影响 e.g.: The feel of the city excited him. 这座城市的氛围让他很兴奋. That knight's helm gives your room a dark age's feel. ...

仲孙戴13276985138问: i have a feeling for you.算表白吗 -

仲孙戴13276985138问: 英语翻译请翻译I have a feeling we are in for lots of surprisesare in for 这个地方这么翻译?你为什么把你的答案改了,你的语感很正确,这种感觉从何而来? -
疏勒县盆炎回答:[答案] 我有我要遇到很多吃惊事情的预感. be in for 要遭到,参加

仲孙戴13276985138问: I have a/an - -- - that he is still alive. (feeling,impression) 选哪一个? -
疏勒县盆炎回答: have an impression 有个印象 have a feeling 有什么的感觉.按照句子翻译为有一种他还没死的感觉比较好 所以应该选 feeling

仲孙戴13276985138问: 英文 i have a feeling, you can't put me, do not wo -
疏勒县盆炎回答: 你要说什么?put me还是push me? wory应该是worry~你的意思是我有种感觉,你永远也不会放开我,不会关心我,不会给我什么~应该是I feel that you've never cared about me, never worried about me and just given me nothing.望采纳谢谢~

仲孙戴13276985138问: Always+have+a+feeling+of+being+cheated中文是甚么意思
疏勒县盆炎回答: 答案是: 总有一种能够被欺骗的感觉 ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

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