
作者&投稿:不冠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


B a drink表泛指,one指代前面说的饮料 D 第一空过去将来时,第二空一般现在时表将来(主将从现)D 第二空后面的cover是属于book的,所以要用物主代词,表示book's,即whose B 可以用现在进行时,不过前提要用被动,烟是被排放的 ;后面一空动词不定式表目的 ...

词性相同:代词和名词 但是放到句子中,有时的翻译不同 somebody多用在陈述句中 somebody 某个人 只是一个人 一个你不确定的人 翻译成 某人用在陈述句里 主要区别在于:anybody 任何人 可能是一个 也可能是多个人 通常用在疑问和否定句里 somebody例句:1.Do something for somebody without expecting ...

All right.Then stop eating those.Said the doctor then he got up to say goodbye to White.

高一寒假生活20天 英语的答案
41.was wriying 42.smokng 43.will be cleaned 44.leaves 45.asks 46.are doing 47.will be 48.happened 49.will open 50.becoming 51.He went to town for the purpose of buying a new computer. 52.After he retired,he will devote himself to gardening. 53.The new medicine hasn’t been ...

smok C. smoke()4、 you your grandparents last weekend? A. Did , visited B. Did , visit C. Do, visited()5、Last Friday ,They a race. A. had, running B. haved , running C. had , runing()6、I a kite and it on the wall yesterday A. maked, puted B. made ,put C. made ...

41.was wriying 42.smokng 43.will be cleaned 44.leaves 45.asks 46.are doing 47.will be 48.happened 49.will open 50.becoming 51.He went to town for the purpose of buying a new computer. 52.After he retired,he will devote himself to gardening. 53.The new medicine hasn’t been ...

高一英语寒假生活20天(X版)5-8天的英语选择题以word的形式打出来 谢谢...
41.was wriying 42.smokng 43.will be cleaned 44.leaves 45.asks 46.are doing 47.will be 48.happened 49.will open 50.becoming 51.He went to town for the purpose of buying a new computer. 52.After he retired,he will devote himself to gardening. 53.The new medicine hasn’t been ...

41.was wriying 42.smokng 43.will be cleaned 44.leaves 45.asks 46.are doing 47.will be 48.happened 49.will open 50.becoming 51.He went to town for the purpose of buying a new computer. 52.After he retired,he will devote himself to gardening. 53.The new medicine hasn’t been ...

鲜通17895043348问: I don't smoke no grass today直接翻译成我今天不抽烟对吗? -
楚州区多潘回答: 首先解释一下grass,词的本义是青草、草地的意思,但是由于前面加了动词smoke之后,就要衍生为新的引申义——也就是指抽烟草,所以整体可以翻译成为:我今天没有抽烟

鲜通17895043348问: smoke和smoking的区别是什么, 还有,不定式后什么时候加动词原形什么时候不用,受不受时态限制? -
楚州区多潘回答: smoke 可以作名词和动词.作名词的时候泛指一切烟雾. smoking 是动名词或现在分词,动名词表示“吸烟的行为”,现在分词表示“正在冒烟的” 不定式的构成方式就是 to+动词原形 所以肯定不能加ed 不定式自身有时态的变化,包括to do, to have done, to be doing 等等.

鲜通17895043348问: 有部电影忘了叫什么,应该是战争片还是好莱坞系列的,战斗机即将攻击,然后无线电忽然召回,取消攻击 -
楚州区多潘回答: 勇闯夺命岛 The Rock (1996)又名: 石破天惊 / 绝地任务电影结尾处,1小时59分.1:59:48. I got green smoke. I got green smoke! 1:59:51. This is CQ-1, CQ-1. Green smoke! We have green smoke, over! 1:59:54. - Gimme that, gimme that, gimme that! Abort ...

鲜通17895043348问: I am not smoke对不对? -
楚州区多潘回答: 这个句子中 smoke 是名词.意思是“我不是烟.” 如果要是我不抽烟,smoke作为动词,否定句前面要加助动词do.也就是 I don't smoke. 如果是要说我不是在抽烟,应该是 I am not smoking.am 是系动词.

鲜通17895043348问: i no longer smoke错在哪 -
楚州区多潘回答: 你好,你的这句话完全正确,没有任何错误!!!“我不再吸烟了”一般有两种表达方式:1. I don't smoke any longer.2. I no longer smoke.

鲜通17895043348问: i smoke, i don't deserve love again.什么意思 -
楚州区多潘回答: 我抽烟, 不再渴望爱.

鲜通17895043348问: I used not to smoke. 翻译成中文是: 1 我以前不吸烟. 2 我以前不常吸烟. 哪一种翻译正确? -
楚州区多潘回答: used not to do sth 过去不做某事 答案选1 我以前不吸烟

鲜通17895043348问: It has been 4 years since I smoke是什么时态? -
楚州区多潘回答: 现在完成时.主句动词为has been,have/has+动词过去分词的形式即为现在完成时.现在完成时常与since+从句搭配,此时从句时态为一般过去时.因而这里的从句时态为一般过去时,动词为smoke.

鲜通17895043348问: I found him——smoke还是smoking in the room ?说发现他在屋子里抽烟了不可以吗 -
楚州区多潘回答: 都可以,但着重点不一样.find sb do sth 只是说发现他做什么,可能是个习惯动作,可能通过其他的细节发现他做,譬如看到他手指发黄,你发现他抽烟,find sb doing sth,强调当时发现他在做什么,你看到他时他正在抽烟,但他可能平时不抽,只是当时的动作.

鲜通17895043348问: I must ask him give up smoke ?的否定句 -
楚州区多潘回答: i never ask him give up smoke

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