
作者&投稿:罗促 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

,I haven’t been to New York yet, but I am planning to go up there next spring.,我还没有去过纽约但是我打算明年春天去那里。,Your bag is upstairs; I will go up there and get it for you.,你的包在楼上,我上去给你拿。,down there,We use this collocation when we are ...

There _a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A.will be go
【答案】C 【翻译】明天下午有个会议。【解析】考查there be 句型的将来时,即:There is going to be 或 There will be 欢迎追问,\\(^o^)\/~

have been to someplace.去过某地 (表示一种经历)have gone to someplace.去了某地 (目前还没有回来,可能还在那个地方,表示一种状态)这里应该用been,表示一种经历,有去过法国。

有be go to的回答么?
be go to的表达是错误的。be是动词 go也是动词从句子成分上来分析就行不通。这一句你可以这么回答 she is going to the dentist.意思是她正在去牙医院的路上呢。进行时 she goes to the dentist可以改成she has gone to the dentist这样会更好。但是根据题目问的内容来看,最好回答she is in\/on...

意思:n. 来回,往来,交通;例句:① It's funny how love can come and go.爱情来了又走真让人困惑。②What's position and privilege ? Passing clouds that come and go.功名利禄,过眼云烟。③You are free to come and go at your pleasure.来去自由,悉听尊便。④ " Come and go ...

具体用法如下:Go词义解析:1、to travel or move to another place 去;走 I went to Paris last summer。 Have you everbeen there?去年夏天我去了巴黎,你去过吗?2、to be in the process of moving移动;行走 to go down the road在路上走 3、 to move or travel somewhere in order ...

用be go to 造句
现在进行时I am going to school now.一般将来时he will go to your home next week.

have got a long way to go 造句
We have got a long long way to go to get there!我们有一条长长的路要走,到那里去!Let bygones be bygones, I have got a long way to go.过去的就让它过去好了,我还有很长的路要走!We must start off early, for we have got a long way to go.我们必须早出发,因为我们还有...

go astray v. 走入歧途;迷路 go slow 怠工;慢慢走 go easy 安闲;从容不迫 go to未列入固定词组,...go 从通常情况来说, 就...而论 at one go 一口气 in one go 一口气 be full of go 精力充沛

be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些,如: He is going to write a letter tonight.\/He will write a book one day.一、be going to 的用法 be going to 是一种固定结构,它后面要接动词原形,用来表示按计划或安排要发生的动作,有时也可以表示推测...

车燕17730365753问: I go to bed at nine o'clock in the evening.这句话里,at -
松溪县里素回答: 不可以,因为介词at后接的是具体的时间点,而in后接的是大致的时间段,此题中九点是具体的时间点,所以只能用at,而晚上只是泛指一个时间段,只能用in.

车燕17730365753问: I go to bed at nine ten的同义句 -
松溪县里素回答:[答案] I go to bed at ten past nine.

车燕17730365753问: I am go to the bed at nine o'clock every day.这个句型对吗? -
松溪县里素回答: 句子中am去掉;定冠词the去掉:I go to bed at 9 o'clock every day.

车燕17730365753问: I go to bed at nine.(改为疑问句,并肯定、否定回答) -
松溪县里素回答: Do you go to bed at nine. Yes, I do No, I don't

车燕17730365753问: bed,I,to,at,at,nine,go,night怎么连词成句 -
松溪县里素回答: I go to bed at nine at night.

车燕17730365753问: I go to bed at nine o'clock. -
松溪县里素回答: 答案:【Mary goes to bed at nine o'clock. 】玛丽九点钟睡觉【Crazy】是一个新建团,望得到阁下的大力支持【为了你宝贵的学习时间,我们将以最简略的方式为你解答】【不懂追问,帮到你的话望及时选为满意答案,谢谢O(∩_∩)O~】

车燕17730365753问: bed,I,to,at,at,nine,go,night怎么连词成句
松溪县里素回答: At night,I go to bed at nine.

车燕17730365753问: Bed.l.to.at.at.nine.go.night.连词成句 -
松溪县里素回答: I go to bed at nine at night.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

车燕17730365753问: I usually go to bed at - -----.(晚上九点).怎么填?在晚上几点用英语怎么说? -
松溪县里素回答: 9:00 p.m. 读作nine o'clock p.m 晚上几点就这么说 不过要是到了凌晨,,就是a.m. 注意p m之间的点

车燕17730365753问: go to i in bed evening at nine o'clock the 排成一句话 -
松溪县里素回答: I go to bed at nine o'clock in the evening.

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