
作者&投稿:缪严 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语造句 拜托啊
(look)1.看起来He looks like his mother(他看起来很像他的妈妈)2.看Please look at the blackboard(请看黑板)(apper)1.出现Night, the moon appeared(晚上到了,月亮出现了)(feel)1.摸起来Ice feels cold. (冰摸上去是冷的)2.触摸I can't feel where the light switch is. (我摸不...

用feel terrible造句
很高兴能为您解答,关于这个问题,我为您做了以下的 feel terrible(感觉很糟糕)造句:1.They make her feel terrible and are harmful to her health.烟让她感觉很糟糕,并且对健康也有害.2.I continue to feel terrible.我还感到很难受.3.Tell her you feel terrible.告诉她,你感觉很糟.4.You ...

用feel blue造句!…
I feel blue today!这是最简单的一个句子。颜色词在英语中有不同的感情色彩和意义,这个我在毕业论文中专门做了讨论,如果你需要的话,可以私下给你传一份相关资料。就本问题而言,blue表示沮丧的,心情糟糕的,如果你看过英文动画片《Lion King》狮子王,里面那只狗跟豪猪第一次见到小狮子辛巴的...

...I usually …I am doing… I feel ….造句?
It is Sunday today. I usually help my mother with the housework. I'm sweeping the floor now. I feel tired but happy.

解释feel like的意思,并造句。
意思: 想要;感到好似 On a beautiful day like today, I feel like I want for nothing.就像在今天一样的好天气里,我感觉自己一无所求。Well, yes, but I feel like I've been roasted.嗯,还好,但是我觉得自己好像被烤过一样。I don't feel like climbing mountains for an entire week...

用be\/feel\/get tired of (doing) sth造句 加翻译 高一英语 谢谢_百度...
After years of unproductive trying, scientists eventually got tired of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.经过多年没有结果的努力,科学家最终放弃了寻找外星智能生物 (我上高二这句话是原创的)


feel like doing和feel like to do有什么区别
你好,feel like doing是想要做某事,相当于would like to do something,后者比较委婉一些。而题主所说的feel like to do,并没有这样的用法。如果是单单的like动词的用法则分为 like to do something,表示在特定条件下喜欢做某事 如:I like to listen to the sound of the rain when it is ...

feel like 怎么造句。要两个简单一点的。
I feel like swimming

feel proud of造句
We feel proud of our great country.我们为伟大的祖国而感到骄傲。My mother is great indeed. And I always feel proud of her.我母亲的确很伟大,我总是为有这样的母亲感到自豪。

侨念18427915854问: 用feel造句 -
白朗县双黄回答: feel 感觉 感到(动词) 疑问句:Do you feel hot? How do you feel now? 陈述copy句:I feel hot now. I feel ill.(我感觉病了.) I feel tired.(我感到劳累.) I feel cold .(我感到寒冷.zd) I feel very happy. (我感到很快乐.) I feel very angry .(我感到很生气.)

侨念18427915854问: 用i feel造句 -
白朗县双黄回答:[答案] I feel ur touch on my booty.

侨念18427915854问: 用feel造句 顺便写汉语 -
白朗县双黄回答: I didn't feel well.感觉有一点不舒服 It feel soft.摸起来很柔软 I feel very happy~~我感觉非常快乐~ I feel a little hot.我觉得有点热. I don't feel well . 我感觉身体不舒服 i feel in love with you. 【我爱上你了】. I feel ill.(我感觉病了) I feel tired.(我感到劳累) I feel cold .(我感到很寒冷) I feel very happy. (我感到很快乐) I feel very angry .(我气)

侨念18427915854问: 英语造句I think ~ To my understanding~ In my opinion~ I feel that~ -
白朗县双黄回答: I think he is a great guy. To my understanding, this sentence is not the right answer. In my opinion, you should take the subway. I feel that she is not ideal person for the job

侨念18427915854问: 用when I - _______.I feel happy.造句,现在就要.急__急__急__快啊! -
白朗县双黄回答:[答案] when I can help other people,I feel happy When I visit new place ,I feel happy. When I meet a good friend ,I feel happy 希望对你有所帮助,

侨念18427915854问: 用when I - -------.I feel happy.造句,现在就要.急--急--急--快啊! -
白朗县双黄回答: when I can help other people,I feel happy When I visit new place ,I feel happy. When I meet a good friend ,I feel happy 希望对你有所帮助,望采纳

侨念18427915854问: feel 怎么用英语造句 -
白朗县双黄回答: 可以用来修饰物,也可以用来修饰人.I feel cold(我感觉到冷) It feels cold.(那个东西感觉起来很冷) 希望可以帮到你,有什么不会的尽管问

侨念18427915854问: 用feel造句 -
白朗县双黄回答:[答案] I feel like taking a break~ The water in the bottle tastes sweet~

侨念18427915854问: 以i go i see i eat i like i feel的形式写一段句 -
白朗县双黄回答: I go to school on weekdays.I see a lot of books at the school library.I eat bread for breakfast.I like reading in my spare time.I feel happy to be student

侨念18427915854问: I+Feel+for+You+是什么意思 -
白朗县双黄回答: I feel for you.我同情你.我对你的感觉我对你的感情例句:Tough situation you're in here, but I feel for you. 你现在这里日子不好过,但我很同情你.They don't know about the way I feel for you. 他们都不知道我对你的感觉.It says that what I feel for you...

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