
作者&投稿:芒旭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

can-do-attitude “能做”的态度 双语对照 例句:1.We need a can do attitude rather than a can't do attitude.

can-do 这个英文是什么意思?
can-do ['kændu:]adj. [美国英语]勤奋的,能干的,有干劲的;热心肯干的,愿意并敢于接受挑战的,乐观的,进取向上的;积极的,自信的,有决心的 n.(1). 自信 (2). 勤奋的人,有干劲的人 网络释义 Can-do. 能人 can-do 能做到 can-do 强人 ...

can-do 音标:英-['kændu:]美-['kændu:]释义:adj. 乐观进取的;肯苦干的

英语作文:I can do it
Having a can-do attitude empowers us to face difficulties head-on. Instead of being discouraged by setbacks, we view them as opportunities for growth and learning. When faced with a daunting task, reminding ourselves that "I can do it" boosts our confidence and fuels our motivatio...

...小题1:Your best chance of success is by doing wha
小题3:由一句话Great ambition is necessary.我们就可以推断本段的标题为A。小题4:从文章中间的一段话You need a “can do”attitude and you must work step by step ,which will help you get what you really want.可知人必须脚踏实地一步一步的努力工作,故答案为E。 小题5:从learn from...

3、That can-do attitude is what people expect from a CEO, but not necessarily from a teenaged girl.人们认为这种什么都能做的态度正是首席执行官的品质,但十几岁的女孩不一定具备这种品质。4、Our attitude toward our teachers should be respectful, but not slavish or superstitious.我们对...

I like sun wukong very much, because he is very clever and bold. There is a can-do attitude about him. He can wreak havoc in heaven, and he can also go on a pilgrimage to the west to protect tang's monk. He can eat ginseng fruit, but also dare to do. He ...

If you have a positive, can-do attitude, as corny as it may sound, you will succeed. Trust me. It works. Tell yourself that you can do it, and you will. Tell yourself that you can’t do it, and you definitely won’t. When things get rough, think positive! You CAN make it ...

take an attitude to 是doing还是 do?
参考答案:应该是 take an attitude to do sth.采取某种态度做某事。祝您快乐,阿弥陀佛!

• A quick learner with can-do attitude.最低要求: 学士\/硕士学位,或同等外国学位,计算机科学专业或类似关联法律专业  具有三年以上整体系统\/数据库\/开发经验和金融业工作经历的优先录取  Unix公司(尤其是Solaris \/ Linux )经验,数据库管理员(特别是数据仓库\/...

弭汪15272984138问: 情态动词的用法 -
淮阴区丽珠回答:[答案] Grammar—Modal-verb Ⅰ.情态动词 一、can/could 1.表示能力时 was/were able to 具体做成某件事(=managed to do ) could 只表示能够 2.can+感官动词 can taste/ see/ hear/ smell/ feel/ believe/ decide/ understand 3.can表示惊讶、不敢相信 Eg: How...

弭汪15272984138问: 英语作文《i change a lot》 -
淮阴区丽珠回答: Everybody will change, so do I .I used to be long hair, but now I have short hair. In additional, I used to be quiet, to my classmates' surprise, I am outgoing and I always stand up to answer my teacher's questions.……People sure change!

弭汪15272984138问: 以I can do a lot of thing为题写的英语作文? -
淮阴区丽珠回答: I can do a lot of thing I am four years old now. I can do a lot of thing,do you know? Hm,I can draw well, and so can my dear mum. I have the dancing class twice a week in my kingdergarden. I have a good friend who called Zeng Yaqi. She is a little ...

弭汪15272984138问: I can do a lots of sorts of works.正确吗? -
淮阴区丽珠回答: 首先,没有a lots of,只有lots of和a lot of.其次,sorts of本身就表示各种各样的,没必要和lots of连用.你可以说all sorts of.再次,work作为工作来说时是不可数名词,不能加s

弭汪15272984138问: with a lot of work to do
淮阴区丽珠回答: 一楼的回答只是表面.欠妥. 其实这道题考的是短语搭配. 是关于with+宾语+宾补. 宾补有三种情况:1.with +宾语+to do(to do 表示要去做的事.如本题.不用to be done,只能是to do) 2.with +宾语+done(这里的done可以表示已经做的事) 3.with +宾语+doing(表示正在做的事) 这是常考句型,应熟记!

弭汪15272984138问: i can learn alot from my teachers .为什么用a lot -
淮阴区丽珠回答: a lot 可以单独使用,表示“很多”,其实也就是后面的of sth一起省略了,这里也可以换成much

弭汪15272984138问: 英语题,I can learn a lot ( ) it. A.from B.of C.of 我不确定. -
淮阴区丽珠回答: A :learn sth from sth“从……中学到”,是固定说法,这句话中a lot相当于代词

弭汪15272984138问: 以I have changed a lot写一篇英语短文 -
淮阴区丽珠回答: I have changed a lot. I used to be short and had a large build. But now I am much taller and thinner. I was lazy before and I didn't like doing housework. But now I am a hardworking person and I often help my parents do some housework, such as, ...

弭汪15272984138问: 关于a lot of 后加什么? -
淮阴区丽珠回答: a lot of后面一般只跟两种结构:a lot of接可数名词复数接动词复数与a lot of接不可数名词接动词单数. lot的用法: lot的基本意思是许多,大量,在肯定句中常用于a lot of或lots of结构,可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词.其含意与many或...

弭汪15272984138问: be used to do sth 的同义句转换怎么转 -
淮阴区丽珠回答: be used to do sth 的同义句转换如下: be used to do sth = be used for doing sth 意思是被用来做某事.例句: be used to do sth 1、It defines the looks of the boxes and arrows that can be used to do process modelling. 它定义了用于过程建模的方...

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