
作者&投稿:商呼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the monkeys can climb译中文

请给你的外国朋友tom写一封英文电子邮件 邀请他到你的家乡来旅游_百度...
Dear Tom,how are you?l am live in AnHui China.There is a wonderful place.we can clim the Yellow Mounten and go to Laojie.We can eat many famous food.That't taste great.You'll love it.Would you like to come here?Please write back soon.Yours,YY ...

clim = [ ] ;末端 其他的 clim = [ ] ;末端 时时=图像( varargin {:},' CDataMapping ' , '扩大' ) ;末端 如果〜 isempty ( clim ) ,集(贲门癌, CLim ' , clim )elseif 〜 ishold ,集(贲门癌, CLimMode ' , '汽车' )末端 如果nargout “ 0 h =时...

6、Don't throw anything into the rivers. 不要向河里扔任何东西 7、Protect the wild animals. 保护野生动物 8、Callback the goods which can be callbacked. 回收利用物品使其可回收 9、Douse the clim conveniently to save power. 随手关灯,节约用电 10、Use water which can be used ...

你是我生命中美好的一切 You leave me breathless 你使我无法呼吸 I still can’t believe that you’re mine 我依然无法相信你是我的 You just walked out of one of my dreams 你就像是从我梦中走出来的 So beautiful you’re leaving me 一切都是那么美好 Breathless 当我感觉无法呼吸时 ...

can you show me the house shakespare once lived
but the hills that we clim!bed were just seasons out of timewe had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sunbut the wine and the songlike the seasons have all gonewe had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sunbut the wine and the songlike the seasons have all gonewe had joy...

Can the cat clim trees? 和Can cat climb the trees?哪个是对的?_百 ...
前者正确 猫能爬树吗?这里树没有特指哪些数,不加定冠词。

...climb trees.look! they are(climb,climbs,climsing)the apple tr...
climbing 先不看那个look,前面有are当然用现在进行时。

。 7.Protect the wild animals。(保护野生动物)。 8.Callback the goods which can be callbacked。(回收利用可回收物) 9.Douse the clim conveniently to save power。(随手关灯,节约用电)。 10.Use water which can be used more times for more。(一水多用)。

the wild animals。(保护野生动物)。 8.Callback the goods which can be callbacked。(回收利用可回收物) 9.Douse the clim conveniently to save power。(随手关灯,节约用电)。 10.Use water which can be used more times for more。(一水多用)。 谢谢,请采纳,自己想的。

靳怡17057897223问: 2.三相交流电路中,星形接法对称三相负载的中线电流为:( ) A.iA+iB+iC=0 B.iA+iB+iC≠0 C.iA+iB+iC=3iA -
钢城区天麻回答: 三相交流电路中,星形接法对称三相负载的中线电流为:( A.iA+iB+iC=0)

靳怡17057897223问: 如何证明a+b=b+a -
钢城区天麻回答: 用反证法比较好.假设不成立,则a+b不等于b+a. 可以先考虑一种特殊的情况:假设a=b,则a+b=a+a=2a;b+a=a+a=2a;而2a=2a=>a+b=b+a这与假设矛盾故原结论成立,既a+b=b+a.

靳怡17057897223问: 编写程序,求满足下列条件的所有四位数ABCD的个数,该四位数是8的倍数,且A+B=B+C,即第1 -
钢城区天麻回答: num=0 str="" for i = 1000 to 9999 if i mod 8= 0 then if Cint(left(Cstr(i),1))+Cint(right(left(Cstr(i),2),1))=Cint(right(left(Cstr(i),2),1))+Cint(left(right(Cstr(i),2),1)) then str=str&","&i end if end if next Response.Write(ubound(split(str,","))-1) 109

靳怡17057897223问: 已知a、b、c是三角形三边长,试化简: |b+c - a|+|b - c - a|+|c - a - b| - |a - b+c|. 要有过程 -
钢城区天麻回答: 由于三角形两边之和大于第三边,由此条件b+c-a>0 b-(c+a)<0 c-(a+b)<0 a+c-b>0 所以原式化简为b+c-a+a+c-b+a+b-c+a+c-b=2a+2c

靳怡17057897223问: 用c语言编写程序,求满足下式A、B、C的值的数 ABC+BCC=234 -
钢城区天麻回答: 简单分析一下,A,B只能去0,1,2,C的值只能是2或者7.代码如下:#include //ABC+BCC=234int main(){ int A,B,i,sum; int c[] = ...

靳怡17057897223问: Every+year+they+visit+a+small+town+called+Gum+Tree+in+January+and+July中为什么用called -
钢城区天麻回答: 在这个句子中,called 是动词 call 的被动语态,修饰 a small town,意思是:叫做 嘎姆的小镇全句:Every year they visit a small town called Gum Tree in January and July.每年他们都在一月和七月拜访一座叫橡胶树的小镇.

靳怡17057897223问: 逻辑函数F(A,B,C)=AB+BC+AC'的最小项之和表达式为 - -- -
钢城区天麻回答: 模拟电子复习题: 函数f(a,b,c)=ab+bc+ac的最小项表达式为( ) . a.f(a,b,c)=∑m(0,2,4) b. (a,b,c)=∑m(3,5,6,7) c.f(a,b,c)=∑m(0,2,3,4) d. f(a,b,c)=∑m(2,4,6,7) 答案选择b 方法很简单: _ _ _ ab(c+c)+(a+a)bc+a(b+b)c 整理得到: _ _ _ abc+abc+abc+abc 011+101 +110 +111 即(a,b,c)=∑m(3,5,6,7)

靳怡17057897223问: 若a,b∈R,i为虚数单位,且(a+i)i=b+i,则 A.a=1,b=1 B.a= - 1,b=1 C.a=1,b= - 1 D.a= - 1, b= - 1 -
钢城区天麻回答: 解:(a+i)i=b+i ai+i²=b+i -1+ai=b+i 所以b=-1 a=1 故选【C.a=1,b=-1】 希望可以帮到你

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