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英超由20支球队组成,各球队英文缩写如下:1、曼城 MCI 全称Manchester City F.C.,绰号“蓝月亮”,位于英国的曼彻斯特,前身为成立于1880年的“圣马可堂”,1887年改名为阿德维克,1894年更为现名。2、曼联 MUN 全称Manchester United Football Club,位于英国英格兰西北区曼彻斯特郡曼彻斯特市,其前身“...

lots of healthy food in summer. We eat rice, noodles, steamed bread, dumplings and so on. We also have different kinds of fruits, such as, melons, water melons, grapes, peaches etc. Pork and fish are better than mutton in summer. We should also drink milk and yorgurt ...

It's Sunday today. Tom, Susan and Lucy are supposed to be going to zoo. Tom wants to watch monkey3 for he thinks they are clever. However Susan likes to see elphants because he considers that elphants are nice. Pandas are Lucy's faviourt animals. But what a regret that ...

A:Oh,it's already twelve o'clock.I'm hungry .Where shall we have lunch?B:we will go to the Yuexiu restaurant.A:How can we get there?B:Please ask your father.Maybe we can go by car.A:Dad,can we go to the Yuexiu restaurant to have lunch?B:Oh,Guangzhou restaurant is...

Liu Xiang is my faviourt player. He is one of the most famous players in the world.In 2002 he won his first internation 110m hurdels event in Switaerland and in the same year, a gold medal at the Asia Games in Korea. In 2004, Liu Xiang won the first Olympic gold me...

用英语写出一篇不少于80字的作文。 Should the University Campus B...
Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? 如果是按照应该对公众开放的话观点如下。I think the campus should be open to the outside world. The environment of the university campus is good, and there are many facilities for the masses to play. University campus is not only ...

求助!本人马上期中考试还要考英语口语 内容是模仿电影对白。。 我想...

Learning to write and speak English was really hard for me at first.I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate everything into English. But after I had learned all the Enghish grammers ,I walk out to speak ,only to find unable to communicate with others,the worst ...

Today is Sunday. Tom and his friend Susan, Lucy to go to the zoo to see animals. Tom wants to see monkey, he thinks they are smart. Susan would see elephants, he thought elephants are very good. The panda is Lucy favorite animal. Unfortunately like some more not to go ...


赏廖14763951688问: hurt怎么读 -
井研县中诺回答: 发音:[hə:t] 如果不太会看音标的话建议下个有道词典或者什么的,可以发音,这样每个英语单词你都会读了哦! 望采纳

赏廖14763951688问: hurt英文什么意思 -
井研县中诺回答: 伤害

赏廖14763951688问: hurt的过去式 -
井研县中诺回答: hurt英 [[həːt]]adj.受伤的;受损的;痛苦的n.伤;痛苦;伤害过去分词:hurt现在分词:hurting过去式:hurt

赏廖14763951688问: 高中英语hurt用法---what is wrong with your left hand?-- - it—— yesterday when i played basketball.A hurt B got hurt -
井研县中诺回答:[答案] B,这个主要是说胳膊被伤到了,got hurt是受伤,如果只用hurt表示疼,或者hurt后面加个宾语表示碰到什么东西.具体用法可以网上查.

赏廖14763951688问: hurt是什么意思
井研县中诺回答: hurt [ hE:t ] v.刺痛, 伤害, (使)痛心, (使)伤感情, 危害, 损害, 受伤 n.伤痛, 伤害 hurt 中古英语 hurten< 古法语 hurten 推;击 [h\\:t] vt, vi hurt, hurting 使受伤;使伤痛 My leg hurts. 我的腿受伤了. I hurt it playing football. 我踢足球伤着它...

赏廖14763951688问: 英语injored与hurt的不同用法 -
井研县中诺回答:[答案] 是injured 不是 injored injured 是受伤意思 如 injured in a car accident hurt 是受伤害意思 如 hurt my feeling 伤害我的感受, hurt her feeling 伤害她的感情

赏廖14763951688问: It's hurt这句话对吗,小学五年级英语教材上的 -
井研县中诺回答: 小学五年级英语教材上的It's hurt这句话是对的.在这里,hurt是形容词,意思是“受伤的”,“痛苦的”和“(受)损坏的”.希望对你有用,工作顺利,天天进步!

赏廖14763951688问: 严重的受伤的英文 -
井研县中诺回答: The soldier was badly wounded on his arm in the battle. 这个士兵在战斗中手臂严重受伤.wounded,刀枪伤. Two persons was badly injured in the acident. 事故中,有两人严重受伤. injured , 创伤 hurt 指心理的伤害, badly hurt 严重的伤害 医:severe hurt 重度伤害

赏廖14763951688问: 英语bite、hurt、hit的区别,好的加分,速来! -
井研县中诺回答: bite 咬 A dog bit my leg yesterday.一只狗昨天咬了我的脚.hurt 伤害 Tom was hurt in a car accident yesterday.Tom昨天在车祸中受了伤.hit 打,打击,碰撞 A bullet hit him in the chest.一颗子弹打中了他的胸口.有疑问请追问

赏廖14763951688问: 一个英语,汉语是受伤的意思, 英语读起来是爱过的意思 -
井研县中诺回答: 应该是“hurt”这个词. 分析过程如下: 1:英语中常见的表示“受伤”的词汇有:injure,harm,impair,damage,ruin,hurt. 2:以上单词分别表示不同程度的“伤害”,常用于来表示“伤了某人的心”的单词是“hurt” 3:你伤了我的心翻译为英语是:you hurt my heart. 4:请注意:hurt 的读音是 /hɜːt/ ,heart的读音是 /hɑrt/,从【发音】上讲,这两个单词很相近. 5:heart最常见的意思是“心,心脏”,也表达“爱情,热情”的意思,与介词搭配也会有“爱上”的意思综上所述,我认为你所说的那个单词是“hurt”.

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