
作者&投稿:在诗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

海日生残夜,江春入旧年。乡书何处达? 归雁洛阳边。这首诗是唐代诗人王湾的作品,是作者在冬末春初之时,由楚入吴,在沿江东行途中泊舟于江苏镇江北固山下时有感而作的。此诗以准确精练的语言描写了冬末春初时作者在北固山下停泊时所见到青山绿水、潮平岸阔等壮丽之景,抒发了作者深深的思乡...

56、3,and most of the leakage was happened at the anterior of the vertebrae and the vein nearby、Conclusions:PKPand PVP was a safe,convenient and effective method in treating the osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures、Key words:经皮椎体后凸成形术(percutaneous kyphoplasty PKP)是近年来用于治疗...

1.What does the woman think of cloning?A.It has no side effect at all.B.It sh ould be strictly forbidden.C.It may cause trouble for h umans.2.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?A.Friends. B.Husband and wife. C.Teacher and student.3.What do they ...

把图片上的英语打下来,按照图片顺序!不需要翻译!采纳最快的!谢谢!_百 ...
We all know that animals are better at some things than humans,and we can usually explain why animals can do certain things better than us. One of the skills which many creatures have which humans do not have is the homing instinct. The homing instinct is the ability creatures...

校雯15340756432问: human和human being有什么区别? -
金湖县依膦回答: 有以下区别: (一)强调不同 human强调“人群”,human being强调“个人”,基本上 human = human beings ,但不可以说 human = human being (二)惯用的表达不同 在一些惯用的表达,两者不能互换,例如疾病的“人传人”叫human to ...

校雯15340756432问: 求翻译并从语法角度讲解followed a few years later by The first humans to live there .谢谢! -
金湖县依膦回答: followed a few years later by The first humans to live there这句话不全吧?a few years later by The first human...

校雯15340756432问: piano 到底是不是可数名词,能不能在后面+s -
金湖县依膦回答: piano 是可数名词,可以在后面+s. pianosn. 钢琴(piano的复数形式) 例句: 1. These pianos are of different widths. 这些钢琴的宽度是不一样的. 2. It is played by humans on two pianos through six movements. 是由人们在两架钢琴上通过六个动作演奏出来的.

校雯15340756432问: 请教 If humans were to live longer, 是什么时态,为什么用were to ,if humans live longer不可以吗 -
金湖县依膦回答: 这是与将来情况 可能 相反的虚拟语气 与将来 情况可能相反的虚拟语气 虚拟条件句的谓语形式 有三种情况 should do/ were to do/ did 主句用过去将来时 would加动词原形 用if humans live longer也是可以的 但这是真实条件句 主句用一般将来时 意思与虚拟语气的意思 是不一样的

校雯15340756432问: 过分求英语作文,以人类的演主为题,(词数500+) 高分求英语作文,以人类的演进为题,(词数500+) -
金湖县依膦回答:[答案] What made human,human? What had been separating us from animals?Why could we humans dominate the world and all other animals can't?Of course,most people would answer that because we humans have better brains than animals.Well,yes but ...

校雯15340756432问: human是单数还是复数 -
金湖县依膦回答: human是单数,它的复数形式是humans. human是集体名词,当作为"人"来讲的时候,可以说复数是humans. 作为"人类"来讲的时候,没有复数形式,或者说复数形式就是human. human是可数名词,指包括男人、女人、孩子的“人,...

校雯15340756432问: 英语求助we humans 连用? -
金湖县依膦回答: 这叫同位语,即we和humans相互复指.我们人类.

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