
作者&投稿:重俊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

王林 很高兴在这个时候收到你的来信,你的信中说你这次的考试通过了并且很顺利,看来我的祝贺你了,这与你平时的努力也是分不开的,加油。信中你问我最近如何,一切都没有太大变化,还是老样子,最近也是很忙碌,两周后就要考试了,我正抓紧时间复习准备考试呢。不能和你说太多了。寒假马上就要来临...

knows, kn ows C. know, know D. knows, know 20. ---May I take your order? ---What about the same order___? A. as they B. as ...4、She has supper at seven every evening. (改为一般疑问句) ___ she ___ supper at seven every evening?5、They want to buy some apples. ...

简称:HK 英文全称是:Hong Kong。解释:香港(粤拼:hoeng1 gong2;英文:Hong Kong;普通话拼音:xiāng gǎng;缩写:HK),简称“港”,全称为中华人民共和国香港特别行政区(HKSAR)。地处中国华南地区,珠江口以东,南海沿岸,北接广东省深圳市,西接珠江,与澳门特别行政区、珠海市以及中山市...

英语作文:my favorite animal
my favorite animal is pandas.They are from China.They are very beautiful and cute,but she is very shy,so please be very quiet.And I like koalas,too.They from Australia.They are very smart. my favorite animal are pandas and koalas ....

Good Old Days (Album Version) 歌词
歌曲名:Good Old Days (Album Version)歌手:Owsley 专辑:Owsley Good old days when you were here to wake me up in the moring You\\'re beautiful smile,still flashes in my mind When I see the sun rising up And it\\'s just like the day,you left this room Everything\\'s here,...

Aimé Barelli的《Stop !》 歌词
So I just resigned myself to wait everyday Now all I can do is to leave it up to you you better stop!Before you tear me all apart You better stop!Before you go and break my heart oooo you better stop If you love me Nows the time to be sorry I wont believe that you...

Jamelia的《Stop》 歌词
So I just resigned myself to wait everyday Now all I can do is to leave it up to you you better stop!Before you tear me all apart You better stop!Before you go and break my heart oooo you better stop If you love me Nows the time to be sorry I wont believe that you...

Jamelia的《Stop》 歌词
So I just resigned myself to wait everyday Now all I can do is to leave it up to you you better stop!Before you tear me all apart You better stop!Before you go and break my heart oooo you better stop If you love me Nows the time to be sorry I wont believe that you...

Jamelia的《Stop》 歌词
So I just resigned myself to wait everyday Now all I can do is to leave it up to you you better stop!Before you tear me all apart You better stop!Before you go and break my heart oooo you better stop If you love me Nows the time to be sorry I wont believe that you...

Jamelia的《Stop》 歌词
So I just resigned myself to wait everyday Now all I can do is to leave it up to you you better stop!Before you tear me all apart You better stop!Before you go and break my heart oooo you better stop If you love me Nows the time to be sorry I wont believe that you...

殷蔡15215606999问: 在经济学中,总需求Y=C+I+G+(X - M),出口应该会赚取外汇,为什么出口在总需求中呢? -
黄南藏族自治州西帕回答: 什么是总需求?总需求就是对某个经济体提供的商品和劳务的所有需求之和,它不管这个需求是谁提出的,只看这个需求是谁满足的.出口也就是意味着外国人对于该国的商品和劳务有需求,当然应该算在总需求里面.

殷蔡15215606999问: 拼音in中什么时候+g -
黄南藏族自治州西帕回答: 当你要打的字的读音带后鼻韵时,应该加上g,不带后鼻韵时,就不用加g. 就是看你想不想加g

殷蔡15215606999问: 简述G菌细胞壁的组成成分? -
黄南藏族自治州西帕回答: g+(革兰氏阳性菌)细胞壁是由肽聚糖和磷壁酸组成,肽聚糖又称为粘肽,是原核生物细胞所特有,但不同种类其含量有显著差异.肽聚糖的结构由聚糖骨架、四肽侧链和五肽交联桥三部分组成(革兰氏阴性菌缺乏五肽交联桥).肽聚糖层数多...

殷蔡15215606999问: 证明:O(f(N))+O(g(N))= O(max{ f(N),g(N)}). -
黄南藏族自治州西帕回答: g=n=o=f=零,则g(n)=o(f(n))则o(f)+o(g)=o(f). 打字不易,如满意,望采纳.

殷蔡15215606999问: A,B,C,D,E,F,GH,I,K为自然数,已知A+B=C,B+C=D,C+D=E,D+E=F,E+F=G,F+G=H,G+H=I,H+I=K,其中C=80
黄南藏族自治州西帕回答: 20 A=G+3H+3I+K,要使A最小,则取H=1、I=2,则E=3;若取G=4,则D=5,B=8;K=7,F=9,C=12,此时A=20. 若取K=4,则F=6,C=9,G=7,D=8,B=11,A=20.

殷蔡15215606999问: a、b、c、d、e、f、g为七种由短周期元素构成的微粒,它们都有10个电子,其结构特点如下: 微粒代码 a -
黄南藏族自治州西帕回答: a是单核且含有10电子的微粒,则a是Ne;b是单核且带1个单位正电荷的离子,电子数为10,则b是Na+;c是双核10电子微粒,且带一个单位负电荷,则c是OH-;d是多核10电子分子,d是由共价键构成的四原子分子,则d是NH3;e是单核带2个单位正...

殷蔡15215606999问: 已知函数f(x),g(x)都是定义在R上的奇函数,F(x)=f(x)+g(x),且F(x)在(0,+∞)上是减函数. -
黄南藏族自治州西帕回答: (1)由题意:F(-x)=f(-x)+g(-x) =-f(x)-g(x) =-[f(x)+g(x)] 所以F(x)也是奇函数,所以图像关于原点对称 即可知F(x)在(-∞,0)上为增函数(2)由F(x)是奇函数可知当x<=0时,F(x)=x(x+1) 所以:F(x)=-x(x+1) (x>0) =0 (x=0) =x(x+1) (x<0)

殷蔡15215606999问: 为什么IS曲线可以用三部门经济的Y=C+I+G求 -
黄南藏族自治州西帕回答: 对于三个部门的经济均衡,从支出角度讲,国民收入等于消费+投资+政府购买支付,即y=c+i+g 从收入角度讲,国民收入等于消费+储蓄+政府净收入,即y=c+s+t 在符合经济均衡的条件下,经济社会的收入恰好等于支付,即有:y=c+i+g=c+s+t,消去消费c,那么就得到 i+g=s+t 如仍有疑问,请附加问题,谢谢

殷蔡15215606999问: 已知单位负反馈系统的开环传递函数为G(s)=K(s+1)/s∧3+as∧2+2s+1,利用劳斯稳定求K和a? -
黄南藏族自治州西帕回答: 令1+G(s)=0,得到特征方程D(s)=S(τS+1)(2S+1)+k(s+1)=2τS^3+(2+τ)s^2+(k+1)s+k. routh判据: s^3 2τ k+1 s^2 2+τ 1 s (2k+kτ+2)/(2+τ) s^0 k 要求第一列全部大于0,联立不等式解得:k>0,τ>-2or<-2-2/k

殷蔡15215606999问: 已知f(x)是奇函数,g(x)是偶函数,且f(x)+g(x)=x -
黄南藏族自治州西帕回答: ∵f(x)是奇函数,g(x)是偶函数 ∴f(-x)=-f(x)且g(-x)=g(x) 又∵f(x)+g(x)=x ① ∴f(-x)+g(-x)=-f(x)+g(x)=-x ② 解①②得 f(x)=x g(x)=0

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