
作者&投稿:於别 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

4. 以ow \/ aw结尾的词,把ow \/ aw变成ew。如:blow—blew, draw—drew, know—knew, grow—grew 5. 含有双写字母的词,将双写改为单写,在词尾加t。如:keep—kept, sleep—slept, feel—felt, smell—smelt

hadow造句 hadowの例文 "hadow"是什麼意思
What you are you do ot ee , what you ee i your hadow 你看不见你自己,你所看见的只是你的影子。They throw their hadow efore them who carry their lanter o their ack 那些把灯背在背上的人,把他们的影子投到了自己前面。The electronic temperature , intensities of all pn...

②造句:Bythistimeshewassocowedbythebeatingsthatshemeeklyobeyed.翻译:这时她已经被打怕了,只得言听计从。③造句:Dadwentouttomilkthecows.翻译:爸爸出去挤牛奶。相关俗语 sacredcow:神圣不可侵犯 cashcow:摇钱树 Playthelutetoacow:对牛弹琴 Thecoweatinggrass:老牛啃嫩草 Holycow:(口头语)...

...appears to be satisfactory to the owner,and if the ow_百度...

1.Lily is going to play basketball with her friends.2.I'm going to shool.3.They're going to travel with their boyfriends.否定句:1.She isn't going to buy skirt.2.He isn't going to run.3.They aren't going to have breakfasr at seven.一般疑问句:1.Is he ...

feet造句如下:1.I bought a4 feet by5 feet rug。2.Parrot: Wipe your feet! Wipe your feet!3.Ow, my feet hurt!4.Her feet, perfectly arched。拓展:陆地的英语是land,读法是英[lænd],美[lænd],单词造句如下:1、It was a great relief to be back on dry land ...

1. Be 动词的一般过去时态 在没有实义动词的句子中使用be动词, am is 的过去式为was; are的过去式为were. 构成:肯定句:主语+was (were) +宾语 如:I was late yesterday. (昨天我迟到了。) 否定句:主语+was (were) +not+宾语 如:We weren't late yesterday. (我们昨天没迟到) 疑问句:Was (Were)...

(1) [oh,oho]∶表示惊讶或赞叹哎呀!你长得这么高啦!(2) [ow]∶表示惊恐哎呀!爸爸,妈妈的心脏病又发作啦(3) [hey]∶表示着急哎呀,开车了,她还没有来(4) [oh]∶表示疑惑哎呀!这是什么事儿啊?(5) [hay]∶表示出乎意料哎呀!竟然在这里碰上了你 【造句】《水浒传》第四六回:“哎呀,过...

(shall\/will) be done 过去将来时 should\/would+动词原形 do\/does 的过去将来时态形式:(should\/would) do do\/does的过去将来时态的被动语态:(should\/would) be done 过去进行时 do\/does 的过去进行时态形式:(was\/were) doing do\/does 的过去进行时态的被动语态:(was\/were) being done ...


俞逸19520489485问: 英语造句用How was和How were 各造三组并回答急用 -
黔西县枳实回答:[答案] Where did you go last night?你昨晚去了哪里?Where did you go last summer holiday?上个暑假你去了那里?What did you do last weekend?上周末你做了什么事?What did you do last summer holiday?上个暑假你做了什...

俞逸19520489485问: 造句how were was的问句有回答 -
黔西县枳实回答: are you today? *fine,thank you 2.were you here yesterday? *no,i don't think so 3.It was raining this afternoon,right? *yea is your child lately? *thank you for asking,she's fine. did you find that? *oh,it was in the kitchen. is the ...

俞逸19520489485问: 英语造句How was.(造5个)How were.(造5个)Did.(造10个)What did.(造10个)Where did.(造10个)初一的水平.....谢谢(无聊者请自动离开....谢谢) -
黔西县枳实回答:[答案] how was the movie last night? how was john feeing yesterday? how was the lesson in singapore? how was mary able to climb over the fence? How were the boys able to escape from the teacher? How were the team faring during the match yesterday? ...

俞逸19520489485问: 用how和was,weve造句回答和翻译 -
黔西县枳实回答: How was you summer holiday?你我暑假过得怎麽样?\ It was very enjoyable thank you.非常愉快,谢谢你.When were the school children started their summer holidays?孩子们是从何时开始他们暑假的?They were on summer holiday from the fourth day of August.他们自从八月四日已经开始了.旅希望会对你有帮助.

俞逸19520489485问: 用what did…?did she…?how was…?how wer造句并且回答 -
黔西县枳实回答:[答案] What did she do?She did homework.Did she do homework?Yes,she did/No,she didn'tHow was your homework?FinishedHow were you doing homework?I was doing homework by myself.---------------------------------...

俞逸19520489485问: How was your first day of school? 回答: -
黔西县枳实回答: Very well.很好

俞逸19520489485问: how was your holiday?的答句是什么?? -
黔西县枳实回答: 假期过得怎么样 答语 例如 I'm very happy.

俞逸19520489485问: 英语造句分别用 where did.what did.did was...各造一个主从复合句. -
黔西县枳实回答:[答案] 1、where did :Where did this accident happen is not clearly known.2、what did :What did you say is very useful to finish this task.3、did she :(这个貌似没法造主从吧)4、how was :How was the weather is ...

俞逸19520489485问: how was the weather that day如何回答 -
黔西县枳实回答: 你好 可以的.It was great. 天气很好.保证准确率~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

俞逸19520489485问: how was your week的回答 -
黔西县枳实回答: it was unforgettable/amazing/perfect 如果不好的话,可以说 It was disappointed It wasn't very nice.= -!实在想不到了.

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