
作者&投稿:鄹紫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系) been there before? A. How long B. H ow often C .How man...
答案是 : B How often How often have you been there before 你以前有多常去那儿呢?A. How long 多久以前 (少了 ago) 去过。C .How many 去过多少次 (少了 times )D . How soon 时态不对 (未来,句子是过去)

英语的44个音素是:一、5个短元音 (Short-Vowel Sounds)(1) \/ă\/ in appleshort(2)\/ĕ\/ in elephantshort (3)\/ĭ\/ in iglooshort (4)\/ŏ\/ in octopusshort (5) \/ǔ\/ in umbrella 二、6个长元音 (Long-Vowel Sounds)(1)\/ā\/ in cakelong (2)\/...

—I'll offer a good chance for you as long as you don't lose heart. 只要你不失去信心,我会给你提供机会的。 5. Subject(主语)+Verb (动词)+Object (宾语)+Complement(补语) 这种句型中的宾语+ 补语可统称为“复合宾语”。担任补语的常常是名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、分词、动词不定式等。如: ...

But thy eternal summer shall not fadeNor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st; So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.译文:我是否可以...

clock钟; dog狗; on在---上面; long长的; song歌曲;shop商店; stop停止; hot热的; not不; donkey驴 hop双脚跳orange橘子 ostrich鸵鸟 rock岩石3. [Λ] omother妈妈 brother哥哥,弟弟 come来 some一些 other其他的stomach胃,肚子 Monday星期一 monkey猴子4.[:] or组合:or 或者;for为了;short短的,矮的;...

女朋友送我个打火机 问我知道上面英语的意思

Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;Nor shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st.So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.注释:Compare ···to 把什么比做什么。Thou, thee...

Ow!(Melody) (Oh!) {repeated in background} They call me Melody Cool I was here long before U If U're good I will love ya but I'm nobody's fool I'm Melody Cool Prince When I was born there were tidal waves Whole town went under, nobody saved At every funeral it ...

1. before long 的意思是“不久,很快”.如:I’ll be back before long. 不久我就回来.Before long he got married. 不久他就结婚了.2. long before有两个用法:(1) 老早,早就(单独使用,表示比过去某时早得多的时间).如:She had left long before. 她老早就离开了.That had happened ...

英语音标子音母音还有th ch sh er ar ir or ur au ow这些发音,还有什么...
ng ---[ ] sing, song, long, wing [ ] English, hungryqu ---[ ] quick, quite(相当,十分), quiet (安静的,平静的), quarter, require, [ ] cheque(支票), unique(唯一,独有独特的), technique(技巧),wr 发卷趋 [r], wr ---[ ] wrong, write, wrap(包,裹), wrist(手腕), wrest(拧...

钊桂19815715068问: How long提问什么时候用for? -
永川区草木回答: how long 问多久时用for+时间段回答. how long问长度时,回答当然不用for.

钊桂19815715068问: 用how long 问是用for回答还是别的什么 -
永川区草木回答:[答案] How long是提问一段时间的.通常for加一段时间,但是how long 的回答可以很灵活. 比如:How long have you been in Shanghai? —— For three months.(你在上海多久了?-已经三个月了)

钊桂19815715068问: 为什么how long提问,答语前面要加for—How long have you lived in China?—For about three years.为什么答语前面用for啊? -
永川区草木回答:[答案] 不加for的 就要用what来提问了

钊桂19815715068问: 英语疑问词语及回答 比如: How long时间提问 用for回答 -
永川区草木回答: Why为什么 用because回答 how often问频率 用twice a week之类的回答 how far问距离 用ten minutes' walk【十分钟路程】或直接回答几米之类的 where 问地点 用借词【如in\at\on…】+地点名回答 what about…?问意见,什么东西怎么样【比如what about this T-shirt?这件T恤怎么样?】 用形容词回答 how much问价格 用 ten yuan 之类的回答/问不可数名词的数量 根据实际情况回答 how many 问数量 用数字来回答暂时就想到这么多0 0望采纳~~

钊桂19815715068问: How long提问时,什么时候回答前面要加for好像有的时候要用for+时间.有的时候不用.那是什么时候呢?好像分不清楚了. -
永川区草木回答:[答案] I repeatedly beat the eggs for thirty minutes He slept for two hours She queued up for a day to get that for + 时间 = 花了/用了多少时间在一件事上

钊桂19815715068问: 英语中,回答how long什么时候要for,什么时候不要,比如? -
永川区草木回答: how long 提问时间有多长,回答时用for表示时间的持续,偶尔可以省略. How long will you stay in Beijing? Three days. 也可以说For three days.

钊桂19815715068问: 是不是用how long问用for...回答? -
永川区草木回答: 对,howlong对时间段提问

钊桂19815715068问: 为什么how long提问,答语前面要加for -
永川区草木回答: 这个是答句的简略形式.因为完整的应该是 (I have lived in bejing) for 3 years. 至于没有for的要么是那个短语直接能当状语,要么是它把for也给省略了,在口语里很常见,不足深究. 如还有疑问,请举例.

钊桂19815715068问: how long引导的问句一定要用"for + 一段时间"、"since + 时间点"或since引导的时间状语从句来答吗? -
永川区草木回答:[答案] 那是完整的回答方式.因为HOW LONG 问的是时间长度.而在英语里面如果是一段时间,这个动作一般涉及到使用完成时,完成时的时间状语多由“一段时间”或者“自某个时间点、某个动作点开始”,因此使用FOR 或者SINCE.但不限...

钊桂19815715068问: How long提问时,什么时候回答前面要加for -
永川区草木回答: I repeatedly beat the eggs for thirty minutes He slept for two hours She queued up for a day to get thatfor + 时间 = 花了/用了多少时间在一件事上

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