
作者&投稿:俟陶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


有一首歌开头是那那那那高潮有 together forever 女生唱的。。英文...
Ah-ah-ah oh now you want More than we have More than there is More than he has More than there is More than exists Ah-ah-ah I still watch with shine Ah-ah-ah only 10 episodes Ah-ah-ah it's everything I feel Ah-ah-ah in a mask of fears More than I ...

各位大哥大姐帮帮忙 帮我翻篇英文文章救命的啊

ow's your aitches

词wn语l a的wdol汉r歌e
snuo 喷aeavu从 fnlo 自却yn 是 em 必所 信 un人herlh的TvT竟ao上 感errhy知o eeIhlo有但 返r信eoeb的u 有 起a d d心向ae任口anTn'vT's btaw向 我不 r i'hlhBe你nwa '释is在y tb所 y ao多e ty hsen天iono做tgw ee盲lltA eykn或no今ooasunos识oaLivmto街 狂啸y t走...

英文歌Trouble is a friend
Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh o h. And no matter what I feed him he always se ems to grow, oh oh. He sees what I see and he knows what I kn ow, oh oh. So don't forget as you ease on down the ro ad. He's there in the dark, he's there ...

13. [ei] 对应字母或字母组合: a ay ea ai ey 14. [ai]对应字母或字母组合: i y 15. [au] 对应字母或字母组合: ou ow 16. [εu] 对应字母或字母组合:o ow oa 17. [ ɔɪ ] 对应字母或字母组合:oy oi 18. [iε] 对应字母或字母组合: eer ear 19. [ ɛ...

回声消失了。If the gene is present, a human embryo will go on to develop as a male.如果这种基因存在,人类胚胎就会发育为男性。It's strange since many people think that espresso is too strong for them.许多人说特浓咖啡味道太重,他们受不了,这真是怪事。I guess this was somehow ...

ar,组合字母发[ a:(a再s, ss前)也发[a:]:hard, card, park, art, car, are, dark, arm, farmer, market, party, large, star, argue,farclass, vase, glass, pass, last, past, task,, mast, vast, cast, fast等ow字母组合有时发[u]音:window, yellow, show, slow, sow, tow, bow, ...

ow\/au\/、\/?u\/ 比如:down,town,cow;crow,grow,blow.all\/?:l\/ 比如:tall,hall,mall,ball.ank\/?ηk\/ 比如:tank,thank.ass\/a:s\/ 比如:grass,class,glass,brass.ask\/a:sk\/ 比如:task,mask,basket.air\/ε?\/ 比如:hair,air,pair.are\/ε?\/ 比如:hare,mare,bare,glare.ear\/i?\/、...

玉贾15712755557问: chinese is spoken language是被动语态吗 -
宜都市达诺回答: 不是, Chinese Language is spoken.可以被认为是被动语态.一般现在时:主语+be(is/am/are)+过去分词+其它 一般过去时:主语+be(was/were)+过去分词+其它 一般将来时:主语+will+ be(不变形) +过去分词+其它 现在进行时:主语+be(is/...

玉贾15712755557问: 完形填空 How to practice spoken English ? How can we improve our spoken English ? The -
宜都市达诺回答: 你好 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. A 保证准确率~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! 不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

玉贾15712755557问: 高中英语+Who was————spoken first at the meeting -
宜都市达诺回答: 你好,很高兴为你解答: 楼主,我觉得你这个题目有点问题,你把spoke 打错成spoken了吧? 先把句子还原: It was who that spoke first at the meeting . 这里It 是主语,was是系动词,who that spoke first at the meeting .是表语,这个句子是一个强调句,强调的that以后的句子的主语. 再把句子改成疑问句,就是:Who was it that spoke first at the meeting ? 故正确答案为B. 望采纳,祝开心~!!!

玉贾15712755557问: My spoken English is can ask Mr zhang for some advice - ---how you can speak English well -
宜都市达诺回答: on advice on sth advice on how to do sth advice on how+从句

玉贾15712755557问: 电离平衡H2S在溶液中可逆反应电离分两步:第一步:H2S===H(+)+HS - ,第二部:HS - ===H(+)+S^2 - ,下列有关叙述中错误的是( )A;第二步比第一部电... -
宜都市达诺回答:[答案] 选D. A.正确,第二步比第一部电离难. B.正确,因为2NaOH+H2S=Na2S+2H2O,消耗H+,平衡会向正方向移动. C.正确,因为CuSO4+H2S=CuS↓+H2SO4,所以H+浓度会增加. D.错误,因为H2S是弱电解质,在水中是不完全电离的,所以不会有c(H...

玉贾15712755557问: 含有下列各组离子的溶液,其中的溶质全部是碱的是()A.Na+、OH - 、NO3 - B.OH - 、K+、Na+C.H+、Cl - 、 -
宜都市达诺回答: A、溶液中含有硝酸根离子,其中的溶质不都属于碱,故选项错误;B、溶液中阴离子都是氢氧根离子,溶液中溶质都是碱,故选项正确;C、溶液中不含有氢氧根离子,溶质中没有碱,故选项错误;D、溶液中不含有氢氧根离子,溶质中没有碱,故选项错误. 故选:B.

玉贾15712755557问: c语言编程软件求x^2 -- 5*x+4的 值,x作为形参,用主调函数调用此函数求y1=a^2 - 5*a+4,y2=(a+15)^2 - 5*(a+15)+4, -
宜都市达诺回答: #include<stdio.h> int function_y(int x) { return (x*x-5*x+4); } int main() { int x; printf("请输入X的值:"); scanf("%d",&x); printf("y1=%d,y2=%d",function_y(x),function_y(x+15)); return 0; }

玉贾15712755557问: 一道C语言循环题s=a+aa+aaa+…+aa…a(n个a)之值,其中a是一个数字,n代表a的位数 -
宜都市达诺回答: #include <stdio.h> void main() { int i,k=0,s=0,a,n; scanf("%d%d",&a,&n); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) {k=k*10+a;s+=k;} printf("Sn=%d",s); }

玉贾15712755557问: C语言 求s=a+aa+aaa+aaaa+aa...a 的值 -
宜都市达诺回答: #include<stdio.h> int main() {int a,n; long long s=0,t=0; printf("请输入a和n:"); scanf("%d %d",&a,&n); for(;n>0;n--) { t=t*10+a; s+=t; } printf("s=%lld\n",s); return 0; }

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