
作者&投稿:仲孙看 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、I grew up in a small hometown in the countryside.我在乡下的一个小故乡长大。2、Whenever I go back to my hometown, I feel a sense of nostalgia.每当我回到我的故乡,我都会感到一种怀旧的情绪。3、My hometown is famous for its delicious seafood.我的故乡以其美味的海鲜而闻名。4...

hometown造句 1、Don't limit yourself to your hometown or to the city you got your first job.不要把自己困在家乡或第一次工作的城市。2、Mine hometown is a small town around London我的家乡在伦敦附近的一个小镇上。3、I go back to my hometown twice every year.我每年回家乡两次。4...

hometown是什么意思 怎么造句
家乡的意思。造句:I miss my hometown我想念我的家乡

hometown是什么意思 怎么造句
My hometown had changed so much that I could hardly recognize it.故乡变化太大了,我几乎认不出来了。We asked Jason to write an essay about his hometown and about his place in it.我们让贾森写一篇有关他的家乡和他自己的家的短文。Her strong local accent betrayed her hometown.从她满...

1、I went to work as a painter in my hometown, Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania.我在家乡宾夕法尼亚州的纳特罗纳海茨当了个油漆匠。2、He now coaches his son 's soccer team, plays an active role at a couple of nonprofits, and serves as a volunteer firefighter in his hometown of...

1、家乡的山水很秀美啊!2,the hometown of the landscape is really beautiful ah!3、家乡的山水实在是秀美啊!3,the hometown of the landscape is really beautiful ah!4、家乡的山水非常的秀美啊!长塘林明0021 4,the hometown of the landscape is very beautiful ah!5、家乡的山水太秀美了!5...

Our hometown is famous for its outstanding people. It has always been a place for Tibetan dragons and crouching tigers. 西燕城人杰地灵,更是天风帝国一些富户所中意之地,这里冻暖夏凉,而且盛产优质的红木与沉香木,曾经就有人说过‘西山富户铅笔千百家,燕城独去分五亭。 Xiyancheng has outstanding people ...

that I had left my purse at home.(当 ...时)As is mentioned above, he never came back to his hometown. (正如...那样,引导非限制性定语从句)6. He failed the exam because he was too lazy and he never studied hard.We couldn't go out because it was too cold....

1、读音不同 my是开音节,mine是闭音节。2、释义不同 my释义:我的;哎呀;喔唷。mine释义:(1)n. 矿,矿藏;矿山,矿井。(2)vt. 开采,采掘。(3)vi. 开矿,采矿。(4)pron. 我的。3、词性不同 my是形容词性,mine是名词性。4、用法上不同 my在句中作定语修饰名词 ,一般不单独...

inside造句 4个 翻译
Beijing is my hometown, so I know the city inside out.北京是我的故乡,对这座城市我是太熟悉了。Companies began to make wagons big enough for people to sit inside.商家开始制造足够大的马车,使人们可以坐在里面。A common design is a tall box with food placed on several shelves ...

茆霞18798813641问: hometown是什么意思 怎么造句 -
巧家县鱼肝回答: hometown 英 [ˈhəʊmtaʊn] 美 [ˈhoʊmtaʊn] n.家乡,故乡;“home town”的变体 双语例句:I went to work as a painter in my hometown, Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania. 我在家乡宾夕法尼亚州的纳特罗纳海茨当了个油漆匠.My hometown ...

茆霞18798813641问: hometown的中文意思 -
巧家县鱼肝回答: hometown 英[ˈhəʊmtaʊn] 美[ˈhoʊmtaʊn] n. 家乡,故乡; “home town”的变体; [例句]I went to work as a painter in my hometown, Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania.我在家乡宾夕法尼亚州的纳特罗纳海茨当了个油漆匠.[其他] 复数:hometowns

茆霞18798813641问: hometown的意思 -
巧家县鱼肝回答: hometown的意思 意思是 家乡 hometown 英[ˈhəʊmtaʊn] 美[ˈhoʊmtaʊn] n. 家乡,故乡; “home town”的变体; [例句]I went to work as a painter in my hometown, Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania.我在家乡宾夕法尼亚州的纳特罗纳海茨当了个油漆匠.

茆霞18798813641问: 家乡用英语怎么说? -
巧家县鱼肝回答: hometown

茆霞18798813641问: 以myhometown为题的短文,不少于五句话 -
巧家县鱼肝回答: My Hometown Hello,everyone!My name is Yang Ao.Let me introduce my hometown.My hometown is Lingbao,Henan Province.I have lived here for twelve years.It is very beautiful and it has long history.There are many tourism buildings and delicious ...

茆霞18798813641问: mometown是什么意思 -
巧家县鱼肝回答: hometown [英][ˈhəʊmtaʊn][美][ˈhoʊmtaʊn] n.家乡,故乡; “home town”的变体; 网络 故乡; 故乡,家乡; 家乡; 双语例句 1 The grand canal runs through his hometown.大运河流经他的家乡.

茆霞18798813641问: 放写家乡建筑的英语句子 -
巧家县鱼肝回答: 仿写家乡建筑 = imitative hometown architecture

茆霞18798813641问: "hometwon"是什么意思? -
巧家县鱼肝回答: hometown: [ 'həʊmtaʊn ] n. 家乡 例句与用法: 1. July is the hottest month in a year in my hometown.在我的家乡,七月是一年里最热的一月. 2. There is a leafy forest in our hometown.在我们的家乡有一片树叶茂密的森林. 3. His hometown ...

茆霞18798813641问: 我的家乡美丽的开封,是一座古城,它有着丰富的传统文化英语怎么写 -
巧家县鱼肝回答: 我的家乡美丽的开封,是一座古城,它有着丰富的传统文化 英语是:My hometown Kaifeng is a beatiful and ancient city. She has abundant traditional culture.句子解释:hometown 英[ˈhəʊmtaʊn] 美[ˈhoʊmtaʊn] n. 家乡,故乡; “home ...

茆霞18798813641问: 我的家乡 的英语是什么? -
巧家县鱼肝回答: My hometwonMy native place 例句 总有一天我会回到家乡. I can come back to my hometown some day.

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