
作者&投稿:陆功 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


---o move 移动 who 谁 whose 谁的 - ---oo broom 扫除 food 食物 moon 月亮 room 房间 6、\/ ʌ\/ ---u nut 坚果 sun 太阳 duck 鸭 truck 卡车 ---o在m前c ome 来到s ome 一些 ---o在n前 front 前面 month 月份 son 儿子 monkey 猴子 ---ou touch 触摸 7、\/æ...

6.ome读[m]词义联想:由close关闭联想 一些some[sm]closed(关着的)。来come[km]5.字母o读作[u:]欢迎welcome[welkm]做do[du:] ▲家home[hum]到to[tu:] 合成联想:由home(家)联想鞋读shoe[u:] homework[humw:k]到…里into[intu:] (家庭作业)。(到…)上onto[ntu] ove读[v]词义联想:由do(做)...

1)http:\/\/www.script-o-rama.com\/ 剧本网站 2) http:\/\/us.imdb.com 电影数据库 3)http:\/\/...Seasamestreet http:\/\/www.sesameworkshop.com\/sesamestreet\/ Kids http:\/\/pbskids.org\/lions\/ ...http:\/\/www.rthk.org.hk\/special\/ome\/watch.htm 香港无线翡翠台《英语一分钟》 http:\/\/www.cts....

目前许多国家对开放式数控系统进行研究,如美国的NGC(The Next Generation Work-Station\/Machine Control)、欧共体的OSACA(Open System Architecture for Control...(信息技术广场,简称IT广场);德国西门子(Siemens)公司展出的Open Manufacturing Environment(开放制造环境,简称OME)等,反映了数控机床加工向网络化方向发展的趋势...

Thank you for your hard work! 您辛苦了! 25.あんまり无理をするな。 Anmari muri-o su-ru-na. Don’t strain yourself. 不要太勉强自己了。 26.ほら,电车が来たよ。 Hora, desha-ga ki-ta-yo. Look, the train has come! 看,电车来了。 27.ようこそ中国へ。 Yōkoso Chūgoku-e. Welcome...

while othe rs may dislike it. People who like the mobile phone are much more concerned about its advantages. It is convenie nt, for you can connect others easily and quickly. You don' t have to wait for an important call at h ome all day long. The youth of today send m...

3.For those of us who are studying at sc hool,the time of exams i...

2、在5点之前你必须把作业做完。(get)You must get your homework finished in 5'O clock .3、他宁愿骑自行车也不愿乘公共汽车去上班。(would rathe --- than)He would rather ride the bicycle than take bus to go to work .IQ。Example : peac( h )ome .pain( t )rip ...

There are four seasons in a year,and spring is the b()one_百度...
There are four seasons in a year,and spring is the b(est)one.When the weather g(ets) warm,birds begin to sing and flowers c(ome) out.It shows that spring is c(oming).The shining sun makes e(arth) grow better and the daytime becomes l(onger) than the night.A famous ...

濮制13490511470问: homework是可数还是不可数 -
来宾市罗西回答: 当homework表示为家庭作业与开会准备时是不可数名词. homework 英 [ˈhəʊmwɜ:k] 美 [ˈhoʊmwɜ:rk] n.功课;家庭作业 记忆技巧:home 家 + work 工作,作业 → 家庭作业 1、homework的基本意思是“家庭作业”,指课外应预习或复习...

濮制13490511470问: 如何发送心跳给她 Apple Watch使用大全 -
来宾市罗西回答: 楼主你好,很高兴为你解答,iWatch在健康方面,你可以通过Digital Touch,向其他Apple Watch用户发送Sketch、Tap,甚至是你的心跳.Apple Watch能够鼓励你少坐、多动、常锻炼.而且每个周一,Apple Watch都会根据你上一周的Activity数...

濮制13490511470问: 两个英文单词合并组成一个英语单词 例如:home+work=homgwork sun+day=sunday -
来宾市罗西回答: basket+ball=basketball foot+ball=football foot+print=footprint book+shop=bookshop airport(air+port)机场 birthday(birth+day)生日 boyhood(boy+hood)少年时代 classmate(class+mate)同班同学 countryside(country+side)农村 daylight(day十light)目光 ...

濮制13490511470问: 电脑键盘上的home,pgup,end分别是什么意思现在连shift都用不了 -
来宾市罗西回答: HOME:到行首 END:到行尾 PGUP:下一页 这几个键主要是用在文字处理软件中.

濮制13490511470问: 帮帮忙!英语作文 在家工作的坏处 -
来宾市罗西回答: Working at home is similar to a two sided coin. On one side are the advantages while on the flip side of the coin are the disadvantages. Let's look at a couple of the main factors that can affect work at home mothers.One advantage of being a work ...

濮制13490511470问: 英语中workout是什么意思 -
来宾市罗西回答: workout 英 [ˈwɜ:kaʊt] 美 [ˈwɜ:rkaʊt] n.锻炼;练习;试验 例句: This afternoon we went to the gym for a workout. 我们今天下午去体育馆做了健身运动.

濮制13490511470问: 请问这几个词,两个组成一个新词 -
来宾市罗西回答: homework grandmother outside bad work

濮制13490511470问: workout这个英语单词是什么意思? -
来宾市罗西回答: work out 英[wə:k aut] 美[wɚk aʊt] 解决;作出;锻炼;了解某人的本质 [例句]Britain , too , must work out what it wants from the eu.英国也必须解决一个问题,即本国想从欧盟得到什么.

濮制13490511470问: 常用英语100句.日常用语 口语的一些话.之类的 -
来宾市罗西回答:[答案] 200多句,够吗? 背完这些,你的口语应该有些提高了: 1. I see.我明白了. 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me ... 22. I'm full.我饱了. 23. I'm home.我回来了. 24. I'm lost.我迷路了. 25. My treat.我请客. 26. So do I.我也一样. 27. This way.这边请. ...

濮制13490511470问: 英语作文 在家工作的坏处只有这些分,双手奉上 -
来宾市罗西回答:[答案] Working at home is similar to a two sided coin.On one side are the advantages while on the flip side of the coin are the disadvantages.Let's look at a couple of the main factors that can affect work at home mothers. One advantage of being a work at ...

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