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允许,准许[O2][+v-ing]Swimming is not allowed at this beach.这片海滩禁止游泳。准...进;准...出[O]He doesn't allow cats in the room.他不允许猫进入房内。给予,提供;容许[O1][(+for)]Their teacher allowed them three days for the assignment.他们的老师给他们三天时间完成作业。使...

allow [英][əˈlaʊ][美][əˈlaʊ]vt.允许; 承认; 给予; 准许(做某事);vi.容许; 考虑;第三人称单数:allows过去分词:allowed现在进行时:allowing过去式:allowed 同反义词 百科释义 1.VERB允许;容许;准许If someone is allowed to do something, it is ...


英文单词a l l o w e d这个单词是什么意思
vt.允许; 承认; 给予; 准许; (做某事)vi.容许; 考虑;[网络]许可; 让; 动词;[例句]We mustn't allow it to bias our teaching.我们决不允许它影响我们的教学。[其他]第三人称单数:allows 现在分词:allowing 过去式:allowed 过去分词:allowed 形近词: ablow below aglow ...

mysql 命令行你知多少
-o, --one-database \/\/忽视除了为命令行中命名的默认数据库的语句。可以帮跳过日志中的其它数据库的更新。--pager[=name] \/\/使用分页器来显示查询输出,这个要在linux可以用more,less等。--no-pager \/\/不使用分页器来显示查询输出。-p, --password[=name] \/\/输入密码 -P, --port=...

allow 的用法 1)allow作“允许”或“许可”讲,常搭用动词不定式短语作宾语补足语即,allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 ①Please allow me to carry your bag.请让我替你拿包。②My boss doesn't allow me to use the telephone.我的老板不允许我用电话。③We were allowed to smoke in ...

be allwed to和allow怎么用
1.Mom allow me to watch TV.妈妈允许我去看电视。2.Teacher allow me to speak in the classroom.老师允许我在教室里说话。3.Tom allow me to wear the shirt to the party.Tom允许我穿T恤去聚会.1.I am allowed to get out on the school nights.我是被允许在上学的晚上出门的.2.I am...

Squallo – Speeder调整1\/10后的船,基本上差不多,驾校全银牌获得 Tropic – 一种娱乐用船 17.RC工具 RC Bandit – 遥控车 RC Baron – 遥控飞机 RC Goblin – 遥控直升机 RC Tiger – 遥控坦克 1 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 分享 复制链接https:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/...

mysqldump 备份数据库 数据库内容大小不对
不过,在导入的时候,受到服务器参数 max_allowed_packet 影响,它控制了服务器能接受的数据包的最大大小,默认值是 4194304,即 4M。所以导入数据库时需要调整参数 max_allowed_packet 的值。set global max_allowed_packet=16*1024*1024*1024;不调整的话,会出现以下报错:[root@192-168-199-198 ~...

主要开发语言是C#,数据库使用的是MySQL。最常见的操作便是 select 读取数据,然后在C#中对数据进行处理, 完毕后再插入数据库中。 简而言之就 select -> process -> insert三个步骤。 对于数据量小的情况下(百万级别 or 几百兆)可能最多1个小时就处理完了。但是对于千万级数据可能几天,甚至更多...

杜彼18787557955问: hollowed out是什么意思 -
工布江达县力可回答: hollow n.洞,山谷;窟窿 adj.空的;中空的,空腹的;凹的;虚伪的 adv.彻底地;无用地 vt/vi.(使)成为空洞hollow out 挖空,挖洞,开凿

杜彼18787557955问: hallowed - out 是什么意思 -
工布江达县力可回答: 可能是hollowed out,

杜彼18787557955问: 您好!请英语大神解答:hallowed - out 是什么意思 -
工布江达县力可回答: 应该是hollowed out 挖空的意思

杜彼18787557955问: 「感觉身体被掏空」用英文怎么说 -
工布江达县力可回答: 「感觉身体被掏空」"Feeling hollowed out"「感觉身体被掏空」"Feeling hollowed out"

杜彼18787557955问: hollowing - out是什么意思 -
工布江达县力可回答: hollowing-out掏空双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 挖空例句:1.New technology has caused a hollowing-out and polarisation of the workforce. 新技术引发了劳动力的空心化和分极化.

杜彼18787557955问: 心像被掏空一样难受的翻译是:什么意思 -
工布江达县力可回答: 心像被掏空一样难受 翻译结果: Heart like a hollowed-out afflictive

杜彼18787557955问: 万圣节的来历用英语介绍急用!!!! -
工布江达县力可回答: One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money. So he was sent to hell. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever...

杜彼18787557955问: 加勒比海盗3如何操作 -
工布江达县力可回答: 存档SAVE 读档LOAD《加勒比海盗 世界尽头》简略流程攻略第一关:ABANDONED VILLAGE直接跳跃前进,跳到一船头上后在下面的网子爬下去,用移动平台右边上岸消灭个敌人后在上边攀木架过来,可以看见个有“福”字的木箱,右...

杜彼18787557955问: 万圣节习俗 英文版 -
工布江达县力可回答: Children in costumes race from house to house asking for treats. A carved pumpkin, called a jack-o'-lantern, grins from a porch as the children pass. According to legend, jack-o'-lanterns protect people in their homes from ghostly spirits.It's all ...

杜彼18787557955问: how to make a kind of food如何制作一种食物,至少5段. -
工布江达县力可回答:[答案] How to make fruit salad I like fruit salad very much. First,cut up three bananas,three apples,one watermelon ,and some ... and then later put the finished salad into the hollowed-out melon.Use the other piece as a lid,if you like. Warnings Be careful when ...

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