
作者&投稿:仪爽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

侨齿15289489696问: catch one's breath 和 hold one's breath 区别? -
乌鲁木齐县小儿回答:[答案] catch one's breath喘口气,松一口气,歇口气(以使呼吸恢复正常);放松一下(因恐惧、兴奋等而)气喘,喘息(因激动、紧张等)屏息;停止,中止[亦作fetch或get one's breath,gather或take breath]hold one's breath(由于激动...

侨齿15289489696问: hold one's breath 英语造句 -
乌鲁木齐县小儿回答: It's possible to hold one's breath for three minutes, with practice. 经过练习,屏住呼吸三分钟是可能的.

侨齿15289489696问: 英语词组hold one's breath 是屏气的意思原本“hold”是“包含,拥有”之类的意思吗.这个词组不是应该翻译成拥有“自己的气息”的意思吗?而就不是屏气... -
乌鲁木齐县小儿回答:[答案] HOLD把持之意.意为把持住自己的呼吸,不要随意呼出来,所以就是屏住呼吸

侨齿15289489696问: hold one's breath是什么意思及用法 -
乌鲁木齐县小儿回答: hold one's breath 固定动词短语 中文释义:动词屏息例如: You need to hold your breath and call 119 ,and then try to get out of the it when there is a fire in your room. 当你的房间着火时,你需要屏住呼吸,拨打1191并设法逃出房间. Tom lay still ...

侨齿15289489696问: Hold one's breath是“屏住气息”的意思么?拜托各位了 3Q -
乌鲁木齐县小儿回答: 恩,对的

侨齿15289489696问: 帮忙造句.用hold one's breath造句!!! -
乌鲁木齐县小儿回答:[答案] I can hold my breath for about one minute. 我可憋差不多一分钟的气.

侨齿15289489696问: hold one's breath 如果是their要不要加复数 -
乌鲁木齐县小儿回答:[答案] 你只要记住这些搭配就好了 呼吸的时候,不可数,一口气的时候,可数 catch one's breath 喘气,松口气,屏气 in the same breath 同时;立刻,马上 out of breath 上气不接下气,气喘吁吁 shortness of breath 气急,呼吸短促 take a breath 深深地吸一...

侨齿15289489696问: 有keep one's breath 这种说法么 -
乌鲁木齐县小儿回答: 应该有,keep....这种应该翻译为保持呼吸

侨齿15289489696问: hold one's breath中的one是指什么
乌鲁木齐县小儿回答: 如果hold前的主语是“你”,那么one's就是指“你的”

侨齿15289489696问: 英语翻译两个男孩都兴奋地屏息不做声(hold one's breath)因为太晚了,彼得正向他女朋友道歉(apologize)大家都清楚是他做了这件事(obvious) -
乌鲁木齐县小儿回答:[答案] The two boys were so excited that they held their breath. Because it is too late,Peter is apologizing to his girlfriend. It was obvious that he did this.

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