
作者&投稿:在终 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

my friend Tony .你好,这是我的好朋友Tony.2.Nice to meet you ,too.我也很高兴见到你 3.what is that?那是什么?4.what clour is your bag?你的书包是什么颜色的?5.How old are Tony's sister?Tony的妹妹多大了?6.My mother does not like cheese.我的妈妈不喜欢奶酪 7.Jenny,Gogo...

所以 your books are old应该是 你的书本很旧了 的意思


"Age"是更正式、更常用的表达;"Old"则更常用于口语。 在这个问题中,使用“How old are you?”问我的年龄,是非正式场合下的常见用语。如果是在正式场合或需要用更正式的用语表达时,可以使用"How old are you?"或"What is your age?"都是可以的。

Is this old man your grandfather?

how old are you是什么意思?

I don’t know. How old is your father?合并为一句
I don’t know. How old is your father?合并为一句 I don't know how old your father is .


How old you?和How old are you?是什么意思
How old you?【双语例句】1、It's how old you were when you started.最大的决定因素是开始学习语言时的年龄 2、Student: Are you going to talk about the Old Testament at all, either sort of how .学生:会不会涉及旧约呢,即使。。。3、How long did it take old Chopin to think...

5、The old road had disappeared under grass and heather 从前的那条路已经消失在杂草和欧石南丛中。6、I'll make up the bed in your old room 我会把你原来房间的床铺整理好。7、I called my old friend John Horner 我给老朋友约翰·霍纳打了电话。8、Are you all right, old chap?你...

慎诸18464896658问: hold your fire什么意思 -
稻城县西罗回答: 停火,冷静下来

慎诸18464896658问: 美军hold your fire什么意思 -
稻城县西罗回答: 等等,别开火,停火的意思

慎诸18464896658问: 谁能给我一些英文版的战术用语?比如:移动 隐蔽 开火 停火什么的 -
稻城县西罗回答: move——移动 Concealment——隐蔽 FireStarter——开火 Cease-fire——停火 Sniping——狙击 Outflank——包抄 Wai kill——围杀 Decapitation——斩首 Precision strike——精确打击 Discover enemy——发现敌人 Target kill——目标击毙 Wait—...

慎诸18464896658问: 英语翻译Hold your fire,Cease fire,在什么地方用第一个在什么地方用第二个?还有这两个有什么区别.在问一下你长春藤用英语怎么翻译,你们能不能给我用... -
稻城县西罗回答:[答案] Hold your fire--停火/冷静(多用于一些家庭纠纷什么的)Cease fire--停火(多用于战争反面的)如1)HOLD YOUR FIRE!DAD!I DIDNT MEAN TO DO IT爸爸!冷静.我不是故意这样做的2)HOLD YOUR FIRE!GUYS别打了!停火!你们...

慎诸18464896658问: 请教各路英语高手:hold your hand to the fire啥意思啊? -
稻城县西罗回答: 你这个是在哪里看到的?没有语境意思不好确定. 比如在下面这个句子中,hold your hand to the fire的意思就是亲身尝试: “To really learn, you need to hold your hand to the fire.” 但在hold (someone's) feet to the fire这个谚语中,意思是To pressure (someone) to consent to or undertake something,就是强迫某人同意做某事了,威胁人的那个动作很形象.

慎诸18464896658问: holds fire 什么意思?有观望的意思吗?
稻城县西罗回答: hold fire . 不采取行动,有观望和保持现状的意思 He held fire on specific foreign policy question. 他对具体的外交政策问题暂不表态.

慎诸18464896658问: 电影里美国大兵战斗时喊的 多点... -
稻城县西罗回答: Fire 开火Seize fire 停火Hold your position / Hold 在原位坚持住 / 留在原位Hold the line 保持防线 / 队形Take cover 找掩体Cover me / him 掩护我 &#...

慎诸18464896658问: 求以下美国俚语的汉语解释,请问俚语1,Blow off some stream 2 Blowing smoke 3.Botched up.4.Dressed to a tea 5.Get a leg up 6.Hold your feet to the fire 7.... -
稻城县西罗回答:[答案] 1,Blow off some stream 打字错误 因为:Blow off steam 发泄强烈的感情或发脾气;花掉多余的精力 2 Blowing smoke 烟雾弥漫3.Botched up.搞糟4.Dressed to a tea 打扮好去喝茶5.Get a leg up 帮我一把6.Hold your f...

慎诸18464896658问: HOld to your dreams(坚持梦想)英语作文. -
稻城县西罗回答: Everyone has his dreams, but not all these dreams can come true. People give up their dreams for this or that reason. Those whose dreams become true have at least one thing in common, that is, they always hold fast to their dreams.Marie Curie, ...

慎诸18464896658问: 暑期社会实践校级“优秀小分队”称号 翻译 -
稻城县西罗回答: award for the excellence in summer camp teamwork from *** university

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