
作者&投稿:诺红 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

帮忙翻一下歌曲《going home》王菲的
we're too old to make a mess dreams will keep me young old enough to stress only mirrors tell the time so,i'm going home i must hurry home so will my life go on yes,


1 17Againisoneofthosehalfandhalffilms--halfofitisgood,moral,andentertaining,andhalfofitisraunchy,matureinnature,andunnecessary.Theplotgoessomethinglikethis:Middle-agedMikeisunhappywithhislifeandabouttogetadivorcefromhiswife.Heandhiskidsarelikestrangerstoeachother,eventhoughhegenuinelycaresforthem....

A doctor (1)___ and said, “Well, Mr Green, you're going to (2)___ some injections, and you'll feel much better. A nurse will come (3)___ give you the first one this evening, and then you'll (4)___ get another one tomorrow evening.” (5)___ a young nurse came to ...

相识时间长的;结识久的known for a long timeShe's an old friend of mine (= I have known her for a long time) .她是我的一个老朋友。We're old rivals.我们是老对头。可爱;可怜 good old\/poor old (表示亲昵或不拘礼节)used to show affection or a lack of respect Good old ...

If they are too old to take care of themselves, or if they’re really old, day over 75, then they usually live in old-folk’s homes, nursing homes, or special apartment complexes designed for senior people. 在北美,老人们一般是单独生活。如果他们年纪太大生活不能自理,或者已逾古稀之年,...

3.Have you ever seen your old fame? 你还见过你的旧情人吗? 4.I can‘t burn the candle at both ends forever。 我不能永远这么消耗精力。 5.You are always trying to get my goat。 你总是想惹我发火。 6.You swept me off my feet。 你使我神魂颠倒。 7.I‘ve been dying to meet you。

《难逃一死》Feet don't fail me now 脚步不再蹒跚 Take me to the finish line 我徐徐走向人生的终点线 All my heart, it breaks every step that I take 每一步 都让我的心绞痛 But I'm hoping that the gates,但我还是希望天堂的大门They'll tell me that you're mine 能告诉我 你就是属于我...

where u‘re from.你从那里来 what u did.你做过什么 as long as u love me.只要你爱我就好 who u are.你是怎样个人 where u‘re from.你从那里来 don‘t care what u did.我不在乎你做过什么 as long as u love me.只要你爱我就好 every little thing that u have said done.所有...

to erase the old false conventional markings, and to imprint it with its true values.NOTE: What Diogenes means by "restamping the currency" is to remove the old faulty blemishes from the genuine value (i.e. clean metal) of human life and to put back the true values.他的人生...

孙行19769971797问: 福特猛禽提示hold ok to reset怎样解决 -
晋中市先强回答: 按住ok来重置 再看看别人怎么说的.

孙行19769971797问: 福特福克斯hoid to reset trip什么意思 -
晋中市先强回答: hold to reset trip 按住复位跳脱再看看别人怎么说的.

孙行19769971797问: 有关hold+介词的短语 -
晋中市先强回答: hold [hEuld] n. 把握, 把持力, 柄, 控制, 监禁, 掌握, 货舱 vt. 拿着, 保存, 支持, 占据, 持有, 拥有 vi. 支持, 保持, 有效 n. 习惯用语: 控制, 保留 hold court 接受朝拜;接待成批的崇拜者 hold good 有效 hold hands (with) 握手 Hold it...

孙行19769971797问: hold on to的用法 -
晋中市先强回答: hold on to 紧紧抓住,抓牢: He held on to the rope, and slipped down the cliff slowly.他紧紧抓住绳索,慢慢向悬崖下滑去. 保持,保留;不放弃:He holds on to his poor life although he's rich now.尽管他现在十分富有,可他一直保持着清贫的生...

孙行19769971797问: hold on 和 hold on to 用法的区别在哪里? hold on to 这个“to”指什么? -
晋中市先强回答: "hold on" 可以依照不同情况就有好几个不同的用法和解释. 通常的意思有:坚持住!继续;等一等(停住);忍住;抓住,等等不同解释. 给你几个例句应该比较容易明白: 讲电话时:“Please hold on.请稍候”或 “Hold on,please.请不要...

孙行19769971797问: hold何时在后面加介词,如hold on to sth,何时直接用hold sth? -
晋中市先强回答: hold on to sth(相对比较虚的东西) 坚持(信念,信仰,原则)把握住,守住(有利的东西,如fortune)长时间的保存,保留 hold on to the letters your parents wrote to you.hold sth 相对比较实的东西)紧紧抱住,握住 hold your hand tightly举办 hold a party个人意见,仅供参考~~

孙行19769971797问: 词组hold on to的用法, -
晋中市先强回答: hold on to解作 抓牢 抓住 e.g. Please hold on to the rail in case the bus stops suddenly.请抓牢扶手,以防公车忽然煞停.打电话时请人等一会是 hold on,please 用hold on to do sth 坚持做某事

孙行19769971797问: hold on to 后面是接名词还是动词ing? -
晋中市先强回答: 接名词或者代词例如;1. We must hold on to market share and increase profitability.2.Hold on to me .

孙行19769971797问: hold on to 接动词时的用法 -
晋中市先强回答: hold on 继续, 不挂断, 停止 IExif - 专业数码相片 EXIF/GPS/IPTC 信息浏览器海词在线词典 hold on vt. 抓住(继续,坚持,忍受) 例句: They managed to hold on until help arrived. 他们设法坚持住直到有救援到来. Hold on a minute while I get ...

孙行19769971797问: 英语句子分析 语法 hold on to ones own views中的to意义 -
晋中市先强回答: hold on to 是个词组,表示盘踞;坚持;紧紧抓住;抓住不放的意思,英语词组不宜一个个单词分开来理解,而宜整体来理解,整句意思就是坚持一个人自己的观点.

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