
作者&投稿:冯苛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

【急急急!跪求论文 英文摘 求英语高手翻译!高分!多谢了!】
through the comb so far from the 1979 control the development of the death penalty in context, in combination with the death penalty for the death penalty and reduced in charges applicable limitation, analysis of the present situation of the old crime, the death penalty for populatio...

我发现你连续问了好多很简单的冠词的问题,你应该自己好好看一下语法书,在这里问只能问题目的答案,系统的知识你还是掌握不了。一、不定冠词惯用法 不定冠词a用于辅音音素前,而an则用于元音音素前。1、 表示"同一",相当于the same.The two girls are of an age.Cloth of a kind was stored ...

我很喜欢你写的,我会尽全力翻译完 你相信我,我在国外念书不需要翻译器,不过语法方面请你看一下!^^ 看完了我也学到了很多。。。今天是公元2009年,一直都想写一个关于自己的故事,但却不知从何说起。也许是要说的太多太多。Today is 2009 A.D, I have always wanted to write a story ...

1ooks excited 春节即将来临,大家都很兴奋 a gold medal 金牌 Mary looks so pale. She should be ill 玛丽看起来很苍白。她应该是生病了 “Who will be in charge of your team?”“Well elect Henry captain”“谁在负责你们团队?”“嗯。选出队长亨利”choose to vt. 愿意(选定)...

49.新体操房占地200平方米,是原先的三倍大(size)The new gym has a surface area of 200 squared meters, which is 3 times the original size.51.他十年如一日,不辞辛苦为孤老买菜做饭(trouble)Despite the trouble, he works hard to help the old shop for groceries and serve food....

vt. an official who takes charge of a governmental department; an employee in an office, who is in charge of correspondence, records, making appointments, etc. 部长,大臣;秘书 ragged a. (of a person ) dressed in old torn clothes; (of clothes) old an torn 衣衫褴褛的;破旧的 parade vt. ...

谁知道放射性检测单位Bq\/g和μ sv\/h的换算关系?
μSv\/h是微西弗每小时,Sv\/h是西弗每小时。1Sv\/h=1000000μSv\/h 微西弗又叫微希沃特,是放射性剂量的计算单位之一,放射性剂量的标准单位叫做西弗,定义是每千克人体组织吸收1焦耳能量(放射过程中释放的能量)为1西弗。西弗是个非常大的单位,因此通常使用毫西弗、微西弗。1西弗=1000毫西弗;1毫西弗...

Robin Hood not only sense of obligation, and very witty, brave, not only their partners repeatedly rescued, they would repeatedly be snatched from the jaws of death. Once, he disguised himself as an old woman, from the pursuit of the enemy. Back to the forest, the partners ...

关于英语的小笑话 短一点
"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered."You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?""She is the one who sells the candy."好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。“昨天给你的钱干什么了?”“...

We may be able to love two people at the same time, and loved by two people, unfortunately, we can only to fellow to the old one。 70、做人贵在心灵,不在外表,爱情犹如鞋和脚的关系,鞋是否合适,只有脚知道。To be a person in mind, not in appearance, love is like the relationship ...

尉蚀19194123699问: 英语常见的动词短语(小学一,二,三,四,五年级) -
碑林区羚羊回答: hold 1. catch hold of 抓住 2. get hold of 握,抓住 3. hold…back 阻止 4. hold one's head high 昂首,趾高气昂 5. hold up 举起 6. take hold of 握,抓住 7. hold one's breath 屏住呼吸,不出声 8. hold a meeting 举行会议 9. hold out 伸出keep 1. ...

尉蚀19194123699问: 街霸四必杀技如何搓 -
碑林区羚羊回答: 错,charge是蓄力的意思,拿春丽举例子吧,后蓄前后前,然后三个拳一起按,具体操作是按住后3秒钟然后在快速按下前,后,前,三个拳,大招就出来了,类似必杀技的还有布兰卡,拜森,等等

尉蚀19194123699问: hold - off time,"top - off",trickle charge是什么意思 -
碑林区羚羊回答: hold-off有截止、定位的意思,我估计hold-off time应该是截止时间或是定位、反应时间;trickle charge 是涓流充电,连续补充充电的意思 top-off charge应该是相对trickle charge而言的,应该是快速充电的意思,也就是说trickle charge和top-off charge是一对相对性的词,前面一个是慢充,后面一个快充(都指充电) 因为不知道你所说的是关于哪个领域的,是电力的还是电子还是哪个的,我也没有十足把握,仅供你参考,希望对你有用.

尉蚀19194123699问: Hold and hold to charge the slider release to shove it forward翻译成中文? -
碑林区羚羊回答: 这是说明书里的么?最好知道语境,才能比较好地解释.大概就是说:按下去,按住能给slider充电(也可能是控制住的意思)(slider可能是滑盖吧,我猜),抬起来放开,就可以让它继续(shove it forward推着往前...).还是那句话,要放具体语境里理解,才好解释得准确.采纳哦

尉蚀19194123699问: take charge of 可用被动吗 -
碑林区羚羊回答: 一般可以用be in the charge of

尉蚀19194123699问: charge的用法 -
碑林区羚羊回答: charge的用法: 1、charge用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语.作“控告”解时,可以接that引导的从句.作“收费”解时,可以接双宾语,可用于被动结构;表示“价格贵”或“收费贵”时,不能说charge expensively,而用too much或...

尉蚀19194123699问: sony d777的充电问题 -
碑林区羚羊回答: 我也用过几年的D777,不过三年前光头彻底报销了.不需要把HOLD开启,应该直接按charge键就可以开始充电了,而且指示灯会不停的闪动.照你的情况来看,可能是充电电路部分出了故障,而非电池舱接触不良,毕竟已经那么多年了.如果机器接电源还能正常使用的话,那么另外再买个口香糖快速充电器吧.

尉蚀19194123699问: cd机上的几个英文字母什么意思,帮我翻译一下,谢谢了.
碑林区羚羊回答: ESP电子稳定程序out 出局;出现 DCIN4.5V外接直流电愿输入4.5伏 CHARGE命令;掌管 AUDIO音频,声频 LINE路线 REMOTE远程 HOLD保存,控制,支持

尉蚀19194123699问: 荣誉勋章 psp上press and hold USE to set charge 是什么意思,如何操作?谢谢! -
碑林区羚羊回答: 看操作,若是用一开始的操作方法,就是按住上键来安置炸弹,其它的操作方法没用过,自己去看看吧.

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